
  1. holywankenobi

    Will this get me fired?

    Helloooo! I’m a new employee. Started 2 weeks ago. I called out today because of cold-like symptoms. Will I be fired or disliked?
  2. T

    COVID-19 Unable to get COVID19 LOA?

    Hello! I am working at store in addition to my full time job. So far, about a month, it has been manageable. But the section of my store has been closed down due to the pandemic and they have shifted my hours to the regular store. I have asthma and am at higher risk of complications if I...
  3. Targetedbullseye

    COVID-19 Is Target doing enough to protect employees from getting coronavirus ?

    No ! We may be essential or front line workers now, but Target is not providing proper protective gear and have not changed hours in my store to unload trucks and stock shelves during non business hours. Instead they are still having us interact with guests despite making announcements to keep...
  4. T

    Is Target real about 30 days Paid sick leave for people with pre-existing conditions

    I have a real condition, Kidney Failure, and was advised by my doctor to stay home due to the virus, and I am a guest service advocate ( cashier) and in direct contact with the guest, some from all over the world, due to my location. But when I went on leave on 3/22/20 I got the run-around...
  5. Tangled

    COVID-19 Who asked if we would be willing to take the risks vital in keeping the community supplied

    Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar’s husband is in the hospital with COVID-19. She said that John started to feel sick … and like so many others who had the disease, he thought it was just a cold. Yet he immediately quarantined himself in case and stopped going to his job teaching in Baltimore. She...
  6. A

    COVID-19 Manager coming back from vacation

    A manager comes back from vacation tomorrow after partying in Miami and savanna. The team members agree she should be quarantined but the SD doesn’t care about it and says I’m overreacting.
  7. D

    COVID-19 The Virus

    We had a cashier call off. I heard the ETL say to the other two leads good. I don't like her. I hope she has the virus. The other two leads laughed. Sorry I do not find this funny. Makes me wonder how these people became management. Seriously makes me question why I work here.
  8. H

    COVID-19 Target & COVID-19 Here is a petition regarding the pandemic of COVID-19 and all Tm's / guests who's health, family & individuals, are more important.
  9. O

    COVID-19 Could they close us?

    If there were to be a state or nationwide lockdown, is it possible that our doors would close? With the amount of people coming into our store at one time, I feel like we’re working in a cesspool of germs, and potentially covid-19. I feel like since so much shit is closed down at this point...

    COVID-19 Coronavirus

    As more and more places close I'm surprised that non super target's remain open. If your in a target with some groceries and a CVS pharmacy I'm not sure if they're going to give you hazard pay double time for going to work but if you've got parents who are 65+ and can't avoid them then what...
  11. D

    LOA to quitting?

    So, I'm currently on a medical LOA (I have one week left). With all this stuff going on, I'm considering not going back. My coworker keeps texting me horror stories about guests coughing in his face and everything. I'm not quite sure how to go about this? Does anyone have experience with this...
  12. J

    COVID-19 Hazard pay due to Corona Virus

    How true we get $2 increase hazard pay due to Corona Virus?
  13. V

    COVID-19 Being high risk with stores staying open

    So I recently found out that I'm almost 4 months pregnant, and I'm starting to get really stressed about Target stores vowing to stay open. While I agree it's important to make sure people have access to food and supplies I think it is unfair to expect me to be there everyday putting myself at...
  14. jackandcat

    COVID-19 Team Member health: how are you and others in your workcenter managing?

    At the same time COVID-19 came to America from the unnamed country which makes two-thirds of Target's merchandise (the rest in India, Vietnam, Bangladesh, a few other places and a little bit in USA), we've had a lot of colds and flus with longer-than-average intensity. So how are the rest of you...
  15. A

    COVID-19 New Start Time Due To Coronavirus

    Currently we have a 6 AM start time (inbounds team) and were told today that it will be changing to 4 AM for the foreseeable future. Anybody else's start time changing? At least we will be able to get essentials filled (somewhat) before the masses arrive. Good luck trying to get anyone from...
  16. A

    COVID-19 Other than TP and sanitizer, what is your store out of?

    I now work at a national grocery store chain where we order much of our stock 4 days a week. That being said my boss upped our produce order for Sunday from our normal 300-400 pieces to 700. Despite this, our warehouse in Denver was only able to send us 300 pieces. On top of that our entire...
  17. 6

    Stop asking, start telling.

    I debated not putting this up, as it requires some level of situational awareness, but here goes. In light of all of the upcoming and previous "should I call out" / "I asked to go home and my manager said..." You're all adults. Your manager has no say in whether or not you will or will not...
  18. T

    I'm Lost! Sick & at work?

    So I'm at work and woke up today with a sore throat, my body is sore and feels very run down and on top of it I'm pregnant. My boyfriend and mom wanted me to stay home but I'm terrified to call off to my managers so I can in anyway but I feel worse and my throat is hurting more and more and...
  19. S

    COVID-19 Sick leave during coronavirus?

    So I have a bit of a sore throat and my parents are going absolutely insane over it. They literally believe I have the coronavirus or that I’m going to die or something, ridiculous. Their logic is that their workplaces let them work from home so Target should be fine with me taking time off...
  20. Havok

    COVID-19 Is Your SFS Affected By The Coronavirus?

    I work pretty close with the flex team since I got crosstrained, and, man, are our INF hurting lol. We don't know if stuff is being stolen or what but, we have had to hit item not found for medicine, alcohol, sanitizer, and toilet paper like there is no tomorrow. Our etl doesn't know what to do...