
  1. A

    What do you wish your TL would do? And what do you wish they would stop doing?

    I just got a TL position and I do not want to make the mistakes others have made.
  2. F

    Any tips for a new Closing TL?

    My start date for my new job as closing TL is coming up, and I was wondering if you guys have any advice for someone in my position? I haven't worked at target before, and I'm going to approach my first few weeks with an open and leaning mindset
  3. D

    Closing lead question

    This might be a stupid question, but if I definitely locked the doors but forgot to turn off the power is that the same as failing to secure them?
  4. SuperTarget


    Team, In my store and probably many others the VMs have a desk, are a key carrier, can override the time clock, etc but don't show as a TL on the grid. Are VMs technically TLs? In what ways do they differ? I'm assuming VMs are paid higher than TMs
  5. Snapeeee

    How is it being a HR Expert?

    How is it? What’s the pay?
  6. SuperTarget

    New Opportunities 🎉

    Today is a day of celebration for me 🥹 I’m moving up from Presentation Expert to Specialty Sales Team Leader. We have inventory first then being sent away for training. Taking on a new challenge and learning new things. Excited and nervous at the same time
  7. SuperTarget

    Team Lead Interview

  8. S

    Stepping down ?

    Curious question , ETl here. I’ve been having a lot of family issues where someone is getting sicker and I myself have been having some issues . I enjoy target and what I do , but I’m worried it’s gonna start effecting my performance . Anyone ever see it get done before ? And or what I...
  9. httpsjiung

    Sales Floor I cannot stand my TL

    Today, I got in trouble like 3 times by my TL and the first time definitely wasn't even justified. I called for a GM member who I knew was close to the isle I was in if they could help me really quick to see if they knew where a certain grocery item would be in the back room because it was...
  10. J

    What to do when a TL seems out to get you?

    I’m a 37 year old business professional that’s been in retail for 19 years. I’ve been at Target for almost 2 months. There’s this TL that just seems like she doesn’t like me or wants to get me fired. I don’t get it… I put 10x more effort than the teenagers that work in my area and even spend a...
  11. B

    Hiring and terminations

    Can any ETL hire or term a team lead?
  12. F

    Development networking

    Hey, if anyone is open to this I’d love to start a dialogue and just chat with other people who are also pursuing development. Anyone interested?
  13. J

    Team leader

    Why is the fulfillment team leader being held responsible for OPU/DU by SD?
  14. N

    New Role, New Boss...not looking good!

    Recently moved jobs to FFTL because I was flat out told they aren't promoting an SETL who has no other Target experience (not totally true, but I gather there is some truth to this), and this is the other area that interests me. My new boss has a bad reputation and everybody warned me it...
  15. J

    Team leader

    Why do team leaders work 6 days in a row?
  16. TheClopen

    Service & Engagement TL Questions

    So what does one need to know as a first time Service & Engagement TL. I've held a Specialy Sales TL position, then for a while I was a General Merchandise TL and now I'm a Service & Engagement TL. What are some differences I can expect or things I should look out for? Any Service &...
  17. 2

    Target’s Sage Advice
  18. Snapeeee

    Best TL position to apply for and be in?

    Which role and why?
  19. C

    Can I get in trouble for not reporting a conflict of interest?

    Our store has a front end TL who regularly parties and hangs out with his front end TM's, along with sleeping with some of his female TM's. I haven't attended any of their recent outings, but the big rumor that I'm hearing right now is that there was an incident where he got drunk at a party and...
  20. T

    What would you do?

    Our SD called our fulfillment TL over the radio, channel 1, and ask if she could bring him a glass of ice water. She is always working on the floor and she was obviously in a batch because she ask for backup only 10 minutes before this. She went and got it for him. Not very happy about being...