
  1. C

    Anyone else an offsite TL?

    I’m pretty new to the offsite TL position, hell im new to offsite in general. I’m just curious of how much is expected of you? Morning shifts we are expected to do a full truck, (sometimes more)of pulls in 2 hours or less. Night shift we normally make 2 trips of full trucks of backstock. Plus...
  2. eggy

    I hate my new TL, and everyone's in the same boat.

    Hi there, I don't post here often so I apologize if this is in the wrong section. I just want some advice. My store got a new TL for my section (+ a few others included) a few months ago. They seemed really high strung and too uppity, like they were trying too hard to be nice to everyone...
  3. I

    Closing Lead

    Hey all I am going to be interviewing for closing lead and i have interview preparation packets for other TL positions but not this one unfortunately. Does anyone have any advice regarding the interview for this position or the closing lead questions by chance?
  4. mizl

    Service & Engagement Loyalty games and prizes

    Just got these boxes in yesterday and went through them. Any ideas for the extra bingo spots? Or where to put all those red cups? Or extra prizers for the spinner? Or how to make some of these less dumb?? No one's gonna play the "What am I?" game. No one's gonna want pizza cutters. No one's...
  5. F

    Where can I...?

    I know I’ve asked before but where can I find or get questions for the TL interviewing questions? I wanna start practicing and having my answers down! Once again so n help would be most appreciated! 😊
  6. S

    Potential TL advice - metrics

  7. D

    Answered Internal job interview question

    So when you apply for an internal position, you apply on workday. Do you always get an interview? Are some people told no before that step? If you do have an interview, do you typically get a response at the interview or are you told that they will tell you in a week or two?
  8. S

    Team lead calibration?

    I overheard etls saying that they had to input our team lead "calibration" soon, anyone know what that refers to? Is it like a mid year assessment?
  9. F

    Finally getting Prepped!

    Finally getting prepped to be interviewed to be on the bench in so excited and nervous at the same time!! Any input skills be nice hopefully positive!
  10. P

    Managing People

    I’m curious if anyone (TL and up) has received any specific training for general management. Learning different management styles or how to understand different team members and what it takes to motivate them. I know we all have been informally trained, be it from direction from a superior or...
  11. S

    Answered Is my lead in the wrong?

    Long story long, i've been a DBO of consumables since 2018 up until right now, corona hits i take 2 weeks off bc doctor quarantined me, later on get a negative covid antibody test so take 30 days for vulnerable leave, upon returning i'm not in consumables anymore and theyve removed me from...
  12. OGP Girl

    Is it possible to become a TL if you start as a regular TM?

    Ok, so basically I would like the possibility of becoming a TL if Target does decide to hire me. How possible is that? I asked about opportunities for growth in both my interviews and they said there were lots of opportunities for growth. How true is this?
  13. F

    Food and Beverage TL

    Just wondering if there are any Food and Beverage TL’s what are the pros and cons?
  14. U

    New Food & Beverage Team Leader

    Hello, I recently got hired as a Food & Beverage Team Leader. Any information or tips I should know to do the best job possible, thank you!
  15. T


    Hello again! Questions, questions, I’m always full of questions. 😂 I have searched and searched on tbr, but can’t quite seem to find what I’m after... Is there an area here on tbr or elsewhere that talks about the basic rules and responsibilities of a team member who is of the pay grade 45...
  16. S

    Getting the TL Job

    I've been interested in becoming a TL for a while. I'm looking to relocate now, but I pretty much wouldn't be able to afford moving if I couldn't get the pay raise that a TL position would give. I've applied to a few different openings I've found and I haven't heard anything back, yet, but...