
  1. lamalcria

    Archived Store Transfer

    So I work at a Target thats nearly 30 mins away from my house, let's call it Store A, but there's also a Target that's only 5 mins away from my house (Store B) that is looking for a beauty expert, which is what Im very very interested in not only because of the decent hours, but because Im a...
  2. T

    Archived Applying and Transferring to a new store

    Hello everyone, I am moving in a couple months and wanted to transfer to a Target store near my new house. I applied for one position through EHR and was going to apply for a few more, but it seems that it only lets you apply once every 180 days. Should I apply for the remaining stores and...
  3. F

    Archived When to request transfer to new store?

    There's a new store opening in my area some time next year - closer to where I live and closer to my other job. When would y'all suggest talking to HR about transferring? I don't want to jump the gun, but I don't want to miss out either.
  4. reverselogistics

    Archived Transfer

    How do I go about checking if stores in my area have open receiving positions? I’m a 32 hour receiver but would like to transfer to a 40 hour receiving position close to me if it’s open.
  5. Planosss

    Archived TL looking to transfer

    As you guys know I am a big advocate of getting information from the store one works at. However, this inquiry is of the nature where I can’t ask anyone at the store without revealing my intentions. does anyone know the process for a leader to transfer. Would I have to find a store with the...
  6. Marcellow

    Archived Advice on changing workcenters

    I work in an AAA+ prfresh store and I’m currently on a small overnight specialty team who only deals with an E2E department. We usually work on our own, the overnight leaders do not supervise us much unless we are behind on freight and they can lend a hand. Which brings me to realize that being...
  7. E

    Archived I've got a complicated moving + family member dying thing??

    I've worked at Target for a little over 6 months. I like my job, but it's pretty stressful in that it's a high volume store, and I've been considering leaving for a little while now. I've had two family members pass away suddenly since I started working here, and a third is in the hospital with...
  8. aj76257

    Archived Target Express Team Member?

    I'm looking into transferring to a store near where I go to school that hasn't opened yet. My first choice would be to work in consumables, but they're not hiring for that. I noticed that one of positions they're hiring for is an Express Team Member. Does anybody know what this means? My guess...
  9. M

    Archived might Transfer to Food DC need help

    i work at a RDC Anyone here work At the FDC?? what type of work do you do? whats inbound and outbound like?
  10. V

    Archived From Super to Pfresh

    I will soon be transferring. My current store is a Super Target, where I mostly work in produce. Soon I'll be transferring to a Pfresh store. Does anyone have any insight as to what the difference will be? Any tips as I start this new position at a new store?
  11. Sabanna

    Archived Question about application

    So I work at target, but not long enough to transfer. I applied to a store in one city, then went to apply to one in another city because I found out where I am definitely moving to. Will the second store get my application? because I keep getting: "You've completed an application and all...
  12. lamalcria

    Archived What should I do??

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here so I have NO idea if this is in the correct area, so sorry if this isn't relevant! So I'm really interested in working in a different department at my store. Ive been a cashier since I was hired a year and a half ago. I have been asking and expressing...
  13. B

    Archived Transferring Targets

    Hey everyone, I've been checking out The Break Room for awhile but I never actually created an account. I decided to create on for this specific situation I'm in. I've been working the front end ever since I was hired (Aug 2015). I began working Guest Service months after. But then I've wanted...
  14. Murph

    Archived Applying for APTL at an old store...

    After discovering there was an opening for APTL at my old store, I began speaking with my current ETL-HR about the steps to take to make that possible (regardless of whether I get it or not, I move back home by my old store in May). I spoke with my old HR and they said to apply, but I haven't...
  15. HLN13

    Archived Merchandise Transfer

    Has anyone here ever gone through the process of receiving merchandise from a store that’s shutting down? Because holy hell, I have no idea what I walked into this morning.. it was chaos. Pallets full of repacks literally everywhere, many discounted and not sold here item, salvage items...
  16. S

    Archived Rehire

    Anyone help with a re-hire question? Please?
  17. Shitfromstore

    Archived Sick time

    I just transferred from CA to CO two weeks and today I found out that CO employees do not accrue sick time. Does anyone know what will happen to my sick time, can I still use it, and since I earned it in CA does it fall under the same rules that I was held to in CA as far as not being able to...
  18. Quiett

    Archived New Transfer from TX to Cali, BR to Market Transition

    I've just moved from TX to Cali and will be working in Market at my new store (what is Market? Is it Groceries?), I have been working Backroom ever since I started working for Target so this is new for me and we didn't have a Market team at my TX store. So, what is Market? And what does the...
  19. C

    Archived Can a store keep an employee from transferring

    Hi everyone, So my store had to be remodeled in September and it was closed until the beginning of December. Everyone who was employed at my store had to switch to another location that was close to them for the time being. Once my store reopened, many people either didn't come back or they...
  20. Raquel

    Archived Transfer

    Can I reverse a transfer? I was going to transfer to another store but I no longer need to go.