Hey all, so I am considering buying a small home and transferring stores in the process that would mean leaving my current HV store (overnight) for a LV (6am process).
For those of you at low volume stores what do you usually see from your HRTM? Are they expected to help on the floor or at the...
I started at Target 10/2015 as a backroom TM, promoted to BR Team Lead 3/16. Couldn't stand the BS from the HORRIBLE ETL's, so demoted 10/16 and had to transfer. Overheard HR on the phone setting up interviews, and that the staring pay was $11/hour...I make $11.16!!!! Was at $14.66 the lost...
So, I'm looking to move and the closest DC will be a 2 hour drive away. Not really do-able. My plan is to transfer to a store in the meantime just to keep a paycheck going (even though I know it will be a large pay cut). Has anyone done this in the past and have any advice? I'm curious about...
So my friend just got promoted to a senior and their significant other is being forced to transfer stores which is understandable. But there's a problem, the ideal store they want to go to seems to be absolutely refusing to take them. The person that just got their promotion has a family member...
Hey guys. I haven't found a recent thread on this so if there is, please just move or delete this!
I'm curious to know who here has transferred stores and why you chose to do it. Did you move? Was your leadership just crazy and unreasonable?
Aside from the fact I moved quite a distance, my...
guy at my store went out for a TL role. they gave him the feedback that he was "high maintenance emotional" and he is a gay guy. when he addresses issues, such as his TL raising his voice to him and being rude and out and out disrespectful to him, not for being gay mind you, he says they talk to...
Hi everyone! I have been a cashier for almost a year now and was wondering how the transferring process is like. As in, I want to do something beyond cashiering at my store. I go to an "elite" university (whatever that means) and don't want to be stuck in the same position throughout all of...
Hey everyone- I've been a long-time lurker, first post. Been with Spot since Q3 last year, but I've been on an LOA for the last ~3 months.... Please be gentle. ;)
1. I'm in the middle of getting a transfer to a store far, far away from my home store. I know my HR at the old store asked my TL if...
Okay so. Im moving out of state sometime next year due to family situation. I want to transfer to a store by where Im moving instead of having to job hunt again. But next year, my overseas fiancee is visiting for a month in the summer maybe sometime after if nit around my move, schedules are...
I hope this is the correct place to post this. I made an account just for this question. I have worked at Target, at the same store, for four years. Perfect attendance, no coachings, all around a good asset to my team. I recently asked to transfer for personal reasons. I moved (within the same...
Hey team!
First time poster long time lurker here.
I'm still searching through the forums so please forgive me if I'm asking a question that's been asked 1,000 times and resolved 999 times.
So here's the situation.....
I was hired as a GSTL a year ago. My family and I are moving and...
Do they honor your pay when you move to different target lets say in a different state? Have you ever switched targets? If you did how long did the process take?
I have worked for target for 16 months, i am in the middle of transferring because i have to move out or my grandparents, and i had to call out of work this morning due to a sprained ankle. My leader asked me to bring in a doctors note for something i know i just need a day off of and wasn't...
Hello everyone. I will be moving in the south beginning of November. I have not talked to my managers about a transfer yet BUT I will let them know by next week or by the first of October.
How does a transfer work and what do I have to do?
I'm going to make sure I get my good references at the...
I'm planning on transferring stores. My original HR got into contact with the destination store and the HR at the destination store has set up a phone call appointment between the ETL and myself. I just want to know if this is going to be another legitimate interview; hypothetical situations and...
Hi, I'm new to this site, I figured it would be better to post this question here than somewhere such as yahoo answers.
I've been working at target for about 5 months, i was originally hired on as seasonal then offered to stay permanently. I started off as flow and I think some of the TLs...
Hi. I am planning on transferring to another store for next year starting in like August. How soon should I start the transfer process and I guess the most important question is, what is the transfer process. I know I already have my store's blessing!