Been with Spot 13 yrs... noticed I stopped accruing vacation time .. went and looked back on previous pay checks and it stopped end of January ... found out for a TM with 13 yrs max accrual is 180 hours... once you reach your max and don't use it, you cease to accrue anymore vacation.. bAsically...
My latest pay stub says I have 78 Vac Hours and 10.5 PH hours.
How do I use PH hours?
My hr rep said it's the same as vac hours but if it was then why would it be called something different?
Also, a seasoned TM told me I could use Vac hours to help with my hours being cut recently. Is that...
I have to take a day off in august 2018 because there is something that day its my friends birthday it is only for one day like I can come to work the next day but before she buys tickets to the concert do i let hr know from today that i need that day off so they have months ahead to know I...
Hi. This summer I am needing 3 periods of unpaid time off. The first would be 6 days long and the other 2 times would be 10 days off that would be 26 days off in total. I work part time about 15 hours a week, 3 days a week. I am just wondering if you guys know if it is going to be a...
So, I have a question maybe someone can answer? I was wondering if I would be able to Payout some of my vacation hours for a slightly bigger check. And how vacation Payout works? Would I be able to use the hours I accured last year for a payout this year?
This is a bit confusing Im going to try to explain it right.
Now I know after you accumulate a certain amount of hours you stop accruing (sp?) and you enter a use it or lose it situation. Its my understanding (please correct me if I am wrong) that some companies get penalized for not letting...
What's your store black out days? In the years I've been working for target, I've never seen them black out so many days. At this rate I won't get to see my family for Christmas until the second week in January at the earliest, and of course it's already too late to ask off before it starts. We...
I have orientation soon, but I have a few questions.
1. When I was called I was told it would be a Just In Time Fulfillment position, but my offer says it's a Ship from Store position. From my understanding, they have the same duties. Are they the same thing just worded differently? I know JIT...
I was hired just over two weeks ago, maybe 3 weeks ago by now. Not 100% sure. When I was doing my interview, a lady interviewed me and asked basic questions and my availability. I told her "I am in college and right now would like about 25 hours a week, just part time, but for the holidays I'll...
Sorry I'm not sure where to put this. I have an offer for a new job that would like me to start 10/30. I live in wisconsin and not sure if I should put in my notice right away or request time off for the week of the 30th so I can use up my vacation time?
This year, I have been invited to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family in California. I live on the East Coast. I am booking flights this week to go. I won't be putting in my vacation request until after this whole MyTime 2.0 update is completed (I should have my flights and dates locked in by...
Hey I would like to see that chart that explains the hours accrual according to the years you've been working in the company, and also the benefits you get according to you avarage monthly hours.
I was wondering how all of this works. I only have hours in the vacation payout section. Does that mean that I get paid for those hours on my last paycheck when I quit (like a nice huge check)? Or does it mean that I have to use them before I quit? Or do I have to take a "vacation" for those...
I'm going on vacation to Florida for a little over three weeks from Dec. 29th to January 22nd. So I'm going to meet with my HR ETL to put in for a LOA since I can only request off 10 days at a time. I'm thinking I won't have a problem since I'm a good employee and have never been written up...
now i'm not max out and been with target for 12 years. last pay i was at 83.99 i go check and it's still the same. it didn't go up like it normally does every paycheck.
My spouse is an SLTL and has been with Target for just over a year, never missed a single day of work for sick, etc. She took a few days of vacation a couple of months ago and now we have some friends coming into town so she put in to take another (weekend) day off in a couple of weeks.
Has anyone heard of TM's on EHR getting vacation approved and it not coming up when HR makes the schedules? My vacation got approved and says APPROVED when I sign in to EHR, however, it never transferred over to my schedule as unpaid vacation. I was only scheduled twice during my vacation...