
  1. A

    Archived Probably a dumb question.

    I know this is probably a silly question but there are certain times posted on the board in TSC for when you can ask for days off. But if I need to ask for a week off for vacation in June will I have to wait until those days are posted on the board (which would mean I would have to wait months...
  2. C

    Archived Question about vacations

    How many vacations can you take a year for 12 days? Like say you took 12 days off in February but you wanna take another 12 days off in like September or something how strict are they on that ik my store approves days off if you tell them ahead of time. Also is it ever possible to get 15 days...
  3. D

    Archived Mass vacation changes

    Any other dc’s changing the max vacation allowed mid October- December? As it is now 10% per department are allowed vacation that time, they are changing it to 5% for that timeframe. Any other dc’s doing the same?
  4. M

    Archived Vacation time question

    Fairly new to the site so this may not be in the right place (sorry if it’s not!) Anyways I joined on as a seasonal around the beginning of November and have began liking the job a lot. I haven’t been asked to stay on yet, However I should be finding out next shift or so which will be Saturday...
  5. H

    Archived Vacation Accruing

    Hello, I have been with spot for almost 14 months and have noticed on my E HR that I still haven't accured any vacation time. It says I average 39 hours. Is this a glitch and I should of been accruing at 6 or 12 months? Do I need to talk to my HR? Thank you
  6. L

    Archived Vacation Pay-out in Minnesota

    My spouse is a TL at a store in MN. Anyone know if Target pays out earned vacation in Minnesota if someone voluntarily leaves (and gives proper notice)? Thanks.
  7. C

    Archived Question about vacation for 2 weeks

    Hello, So the guy in hr decided that I should book my ticket even though I can not request off till the month of December last week of November. I booked my ticket for 14 days exactly on December 26 for 14 days starting that day because the prices will go up if I wait for the hours to be made or...
  8. G

    Archived Submitting Time Off requests

    Can you only submit time requests through mytime in the store? It doesn’t give me access to anything through my own devices so I was wondering if that was the case or if I’m doing something wrong?
  9. K

    Archived Vacation payout after quit?

    I know there’s a few threads on this but I’m still a little confused. I’m currently living in Indiana and I plan on putting in my notice soon. I currently have over 100 unused vacation time. Will I get that as a payout after my notice? Or will I have to (if possible) ask my HR if I can extend...
  10. transgirlinSEA

    Archived Unpaid vacation

    Hey all I started back in late July and I requested a total of 4 days off in October. 2 in one week and 2 in the week after (Friday-Monday). However, I was just expecting the 2 days I usually have off to be those same days. The request for those days off was approved as unpaid vacation days but...
  11. L

    Archived paid time off question

    sorry if posting in the wrong spot (and also sorry cause this is probably a really noob question) but, about a week ago i ended up leaving work early due being sick so i used vacation hours to put me back up to average hours. it got accepted but it was on a saturday and that paycheck already...
  12. TrustTheProcess

    Archived Question on Accrued vacation

    Hi to anyone that sees this, I'm in PA (Philadelphia area) and am wondering if I quit/fired or put in my 2 weeks will I get paid for vacation hours? I know theres a difference between vacation hours and vacation payout, but when I search online I'm getting mixed answers. Hopefully someone here...
  13. J

    Archived How many Vacation hours can I accrue? When will I stop accumulating?

    My fiend at work says that only 40 hours. Is it true? If so that sucks!!! Because I'll be taking close 2 weeks around like 15 days vacation off in January for a trip to Europe, so I'm not really sure about the accrual thing. I've been in Target for 4 years, currently have 37 vacation hours, and...
  14. P

    Archived Came back from vacation and am still out of the system--getting nervous

    Hello, I've worked for target for about a year and a half now. In my time, I've been consistently told I am one of the most valued team members at my store, all the managers like me, they have always done what they can to give me as many hours as possible and to accommodate my schedule whenever...
  15. 3

    Archived Quick vacation hours question

    I work a2 at a dc so I’ll be working Labor Day. Now I know I get 12 hours of vacation because I work the holiday (day before and after) with that being said, I have vacation the next weekend. Now will I still get that 12 hours since I’ll have vacation in for the coming up Saturday? Or do I...
  16. retailfairy

    Archived PTO Payout

    Just need a little clarity. Our HR rep is relatively new, almost never there, and many don’t go to them to ask for help or anything. I was told by HR that when you take PTO that you have to complete every day that has been taken as PTO before the company pays out and then it processes late. So...
  17. Planosss

    Archived Vacation payout?

    under accruals in kronos whats the vacation payout option for?
  18. V

    Archived Vacation and Sick Leave Payout

    Does anyone know what happens with our accrued sick leave and vacation days if we put in our 2 weeks and resign? Are they paid out to us afterwards?
  19. Z

    Archived What's the most time I can realistically request for a vacation?

    Unpaid time off. I want to go spend a week or so visiting family out of state. I've been working for about 9 months now. My attendance hasn't been great due to some health problems so I worry I'll get denied. Is a week or maybe 10 days off reasonable if I request it way in advance, and not...
  20. TargetT

    Archived NEW GE SUCKS

    So at our store we got a new Ge and it seems like hes letting everyone's requests for time off expire and auto deny on purpose and then he schedules us... I am an active military member and when I requested off it got auto denied and he said it's my job to make sure it goes through. WHERE IN MY...