15 dolla make u holla (in despair)

What do mean by when it returns? We never stopped and hours have dropped way low for most still around 25 for the hardest workers though

Some stores unofficially dropped it or at least scaled back to a basic “fuck you” version of E2E after it caused a Q4 shitstorm combined with the derpiest batch of seasonals in human history. My store is kinda in the middle. I’m assuming it had the approval of our old DTL because he could’ve made it happen if he wanted to. Our new one is an irritating bimbo twit who drank a whole bathtub of the Jim Jones Koolaid so the changeover is now looming as she cackles at our misery.

Basically, getting up in the morning to go to work is about to become substantially more difficult.
That stupid bint literally told our STL to his face that if they do everything identically to her store, it will work flawlessly. Never mind the fact that her store is a SuperTarget with a receiving the size of an aircraft hangar and has 1 googol hours to spend every month. My eyes rolled so hard that I tied a knot in both my optic nerves
So I’m wondering...lately our leadership has been making these lofty claims that once E2E returns and we start owning our own areas, we’ll be getting 40 or close to it with 8 hours per day minimum. 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔. Just curious if anybody else’s leaders are saying this?

I guess my question is, WHY would they be telling us this, are they getting disinfo from our DTL? Not in a huddle by the way, but it keeps coming up in random conversations about hours and they’re pretty up front about it. It goes without saying that getting “close to” 40 hours a week at 15 an hour at fucking Target of all places is less believable than Kent Hovind. I’ll believe it when I see it (which is never).
We were spoon fed that same bullshit. Meanwhile people that own areas only work long enough to attempt to push truck for their area, so about 16 hours a week. We still have like a two person POG team and whoever they feel like throwing on it that day, but that’s about to go bye bye. So I’m sure those dedicated owners might get like 4 more hours for pogs and revisions. Once they dismantle the two pricing team members, I guess they’ll get an hour or two for that as well.

At this point sometimes I feel like I stick around to see what happens next, get the few pennies they throw in my pension each year, get my little bit of money to pay for my car so my partner doesn’t have to, and that’s about it.
That stupid bint literally told our STL to his face that if they do everything identically to her store, it will work flawlessly. Never mind the fact that her store is a SuperTarget with a receiving the size of an aircraft hangar and has 1 googol hours to spend every month. My eyes rolled so hard that I tied a knot in both my optic nerves
God I love the way you talk 😂😂
@can't touch this get a stopwatch. Keep track of how long you spent on guest service. Keep a log of times and dates. That way you have proof if it's ever a real issue.
@Not My Name I've seen this with RFID scanning. Fewer people doing the job of daily softlines research. I'm still getting my hours though cause I adapted and was the best at it.

Be amazing. You'll get your hours. Be ineffective, you'll get cut.
Yeah, I had a professor tell me about RFID preventing theft back in 2012 and well, AP is still a much needed resource, so, I'm not all that worried just yet.
Yeah, I dunno. The only real thing they can try and automate is the logistics side of things. Guests absolutely hate SCO at my store and avoid it like the plague. "What? You want me to ring my own items up?!?! And bag them myself?!?!?!?!"

Given the state of our DCs, I don't think that automation is coming anytime soon. The state of the freight we receive is an absolute joke. Why are we getting transition so early? And why isn't it palletized? You know we're just going to palletize it and put it in the steel anyway, so why not save us the hassle? Stores should come before DCs, because we're the guest-facing side and we have much less space to work with. You make a dozen DCs do some extra work OR make almost 2,000 stores do some extra work -- which is going to cost less, eh?

Don't need to go to college to figure that much out, or high school for that matter.
Part of the idea behind having RFID tags on everything is that one day, an RFID scanner would just scan everything in your cart and tell you how much you owe. Which would also eliminate the possibility of hiding items inside of other items (like purses or suitcases) to steal.
The frustrating thing about that is there are a lot of people especially people with disabilities who want full time jobs but who can only get jobs in places like Target.
They need to make a living but are under employed and not being paid jack.
They need that $15.00 an hour.
We have people who are high functioning autism, who have gone to college but can't get past the interview stage and wind up with jobs well below what they have the skills for.
The unemployment rate for people with autism and a college education is 80%, so the idea of 'bettering yourself to move up is just mouth music.
And of those who are employed at least half are underemployed.

Paying a living wage is the least a company can do.
Giving decent hours is another.
Being aware of people who are neurodiverse and making the appropriate changes to your hiring practices would be the best thing.
And the worst part of that is that Target used to be a great place to work if you had a disability, but now they don't seem to realize that some TMs need to be able to focus on one or two tasks in order to be effective, instead of trying to have them do 8 or 9 things at once. I can guarantee you that having me do one thing at a time will result in me getting a lot more done in a shift than trying to do 8 or 9.
Electrical, I called my FIL who is an electrical engineer and is a firm believer in doing it yourself rather than paying someone. He talked me through wiring a brand new light, replacing an entire outlet that had gone bad, showed me how to run new outlets and new light and how they would hook into the breaker box. He also picked up plumbing from somewhere and talked me through some of that. My dad had to rewire the box that ran from the electric company's lines to the house lines to be up to code before the electric company would replace a broken wire.

I was good with numbers and budgeting a check book and had an office procedures course in high school so my new husband who worked in construction supply talked to his boss who talked to one of the subcontractors and I got a bookkeeping job. He wanted to get a class A contractor's license than he had, dragged me along to the course, and then about 20 minutes into the course he got a phone call and had to leave and told me to stay and take really good notes so I could brief him before the test. I regurgitated the information well enough that he got that license, so definitely picked up a lot of stuff about carpentry there. Add in that a couple of my husband's friends were framers, and they walked us all through the practical side when we were building stuff for sci fi/fantasy conventions. One also showed the ropes in repairing a leak in the roof of the house that we were at. Also part of that bookkeeping, I learned a lot of codes and where to find out how to meet them. My husband working in construction supply, he made sure I learned how to use power tools because he thought they were cool as shit. Oh, and everything we install in the house has to have heavy duty fasteners, so I had to learn how to properly use them.

Same FIL, he rode our asses hard to repair our own dryer and our own washer when they both broke. He also showed how he ripped out a fireplace and ran piping lines in its place for a water heater, and then capped that off and walked me through doing it, because we were seriously considering ripping out a cabinet and putting in a dishwasher and we would need to lay the lines in. Alas, the space sizing didn't work, but I got enough of the basics down and again, that framer bookkeeping job taught me where to go for information and who to talk to for help when that information falls short.

At this point in life, when family or friends need something fixed, fingers get pointed at me. It's been a few years since I was taking a saw to wood, but the memory is there, the math is most certainly still there, and how to find what I don't know and follow those directions is still there, and I love using hand tools.

Sure, I'm not a master electrician or master plumber. But the qualifications that I saw for PMT didn't call for either. I'm sure a lot of it is OJT, not a host of degrees and certifications before Target hires. I'm also sure that the pay rate for trained electricians and plumbers is far higher than what Target offers a PMT. Back in the day I felt that if I wanted to deal with miserable outdoor working conditions and some degree of harassment from construction workers of the male persuasion I could have done well in pursuing an electrician apprenticeship and the local shipyard was always hiring, but outdoor, yuck.

Knowledge and practice is not limited to formal schooling. A lot of knowledge comes from being creative with what education you do have and seeking opportunities to practice what you learn. I hate the teeny backwater village that I'm currently in as there are just no jobs in my field ever posted on job hiring sites within the radius I can commute, I hate that my husband was transferred to this teeny backwater village, and I hate that I had to leave a very nice job that paid incredibly well and had me on the track to working in the escrow department, which would have opened the doors to some really, really well paying bank jobs, that I got simply by taking an office procedures class in high school and applying it creatively later in life.
You should ask about being a PMT. Like Fix It said, there's more to it than repair, but you're obviously fairly qualified. My PMT literally told me recently that he guesses half the time and he's great at his job. If nothing else, maybe ask your PMT more about what they do? It's 40 hrs a week and good pay, so why not?
You should ask about being a PMT. Like Fix It said, there's more to it than repair, but you're obviously fairly qualified. My PMT literally told me recently that he guesses half the time and he's great at his job. If nothing else, maybe ask your PMT more about what they do? It's 40 hrs a week and good pay, so why not?
We've got an electrical outlet being held together by a zip tie. I could do a lot better than that, but I'm not the PMT so I couldn't even tape it close so kiddies didn't touch the visible bare wires when the outlet opened up.
We've got an electrical outlet being held together by a zip tie. I could do a lot better than that, but I'm not the PMT so I couldn't even tape it close so kiddies didn't touch the visible bare wires when the outlet opened up.
Well, every once in a while, our PMT says or does something that makes me go "hmm..." so I mean, we're all human, lol.
Also on the subject of “deserving” 15 an hour, can we talk about ETLs and STLs who pull down between 70 and 100 thousand slices of bread ~per annum~ and don’t know/have to be shown how to tie and set a POG and operate the baler???????

Our current STL knows how to do everything and does it all, which is so weird precisely because his predecessors (and apparently many other leads at other stores, from what I’ve read on here) knew literally nothing except how to write a shitty schedule. With all due respect Mr. or Mrs. Moneybags, if I ask you if you’re busy, and you say no, and I ask you for assistance with something and you respond “uhhh idk ask Bob or Lisa” it really makes me THINK 🤔 🤔
There once was a time that ETL training took the new hire through every department and team to learn how all aspects of Target operated.

In addition, before becoming a STL you would have to do a rotation as ETL-Logistics since that department handles all freight and other departments would flourish or fail depending on how well Flow operated.

I knew the days of well trained ETLs was over when one day I heard a newly installed ETL being called over the walkie to come to Light-Duty. A minute later I heard this ETL ask a TM: "What's Light-Duty, and where is it?"🙄
There once was a time that ETL training took the new hire through every department and team to learn how all aspects of Target operated.

In addition, before becoming a STL you would have to do a rotation as ETL-Logistics since that department handles all freight and other departments would flourish or fail depending on how well Flow operated.

I knew the days of well trained ETLs was over when one day I heard a newly installed ETL being called over the walkie to come to Light-Duty. A minute later I heard this ETL ask a TM: "What's Light-Duty, and where is it?"🙄

Ah yes, I remember this. I trained many Etls how to set and do street dates in entertainment, along with mirs and return scans. My last two Etls had no fucking clue what I did and one even accused me of doing nothing. 😂
Well well well well well well well well just imagine my shock, my stupefaction, my absolute bewilderment and consternation when corp read my thread and decided to roll out the paradigm shift ahead of schedule. Why wait for $15 when you can begin waking to a living nightmare today?

Several TMs who have been here for a long time in Target years (like 1-2 years) who have never been coached are getting coached about dumb shit out of the fuckin' blue...lol whatcha doin', corporate?! It's happening to almost everybody, so suddenly that we all smell a rat and it's obvious that leadership finally got the "execute Order 66" email.

I see everything now. THIS is what my ETL-LOG saw coming, I can just picture him twisting his face in his trademark turbo-sneer of infinite disgust once he realized what he would eventually have to do...falsify paperwork and lie about hard-working TMs so that they can't apply for unemployment. Here we see how evil corporations have an ethics filter in place that ensures the honest humans are selected against and only sycophantic xenoreptiloids from Zeta Reticuli are suited for the roles.

I have yet to be Targeted™ myself, but it seems inevitable, like how a parachutist who is plummeting to the Earth with a ripped parachute knows that their death is inevitable. I have a bit of PTO I need to cash out or I'd yeet out of here next Monday...fuckin yikes
Several TMs who have been here for a long time in Target years (like 1-2 years) who have never been coached are getting coached about dumb shit out of the fuckin' blue...lol whatcha doin', corporate?! It's happening to almost everybody, so suddenly that we all smell a rat and it's obvious that leadership finally got the "execute Order 66" email.
Like coached on general speed/guest engagement type stuff?

This is already too real, unfortunately.
"O Minneapolis, thou that firest the best workers, and writeth them up them who are hired unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy bread together, as Brian doth gathereth his Benjis unto his belt clip, and ye would not!"
Hey guess what? Automation, machines and robots are coming to replace you either way but the $15 narrative push is just going to expedite the process. Your understanding of economics is petulant and highly ignorant at best.

You don’t deserve $15 an hour to sell toilet paper and toothpaste. I’m sorry that your parents and schools and the media have failed you but that’s the truth.

If you ever for one second believed that companies were just going to raise their base pay to $15 an hour and just take it on the chin, your naivety is out of control. It seems like you just now figured out what the result of this wage increase was going to be. Gee, it only took you what? 2 years? lol.

I can sum up your entire problem in just one sentence: You don’t understand that life isn’t fair and that life doesn’t care the least about your feelings.
And I can sum up your entire problem is that you have to have people doing certain jobs and if you don’t give them enough time YOU will be taking up the slack and . you. won’t. like. it.

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