Archived 18.4 Summer MyDevice/PDA Update

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Does anyone know how to access the OUTs function on the MyDevices? Standalone outs was removed from our 9200's this week, and I can't find the relevant function in the MyDevices

None mode, scan item - fill from stock room, tell it how many are here or slide to "get more" and tell it how many you want. The is no "Outs" as a stand alone function. But remember to close your batches as you go like you would on a PDA. you will see a blue number in upper left of the screen. Click that and it will show your batches waiting to close.
Do you guys have cheat scan sheets on the pallet stacker? I know we do for every steel location...
No because that would be used for laziness in my store. Plus, with quick math, that would be 7+ sheets of labels (30 per sheet?) and no one has that kind of time to print that many locations.
Do you guys have cheat scan sheets on the pallet stacker? I know we do for every steel location...

We have a binder with barcodes for all most of the high locations in the steel. For some reason, the "01" locations were left out, even in the sections that are above the line and require a WAVe.
Don't reboot. Stores should just have the 9200s now which lets you use CTRL+X to close all the applications and log you out..
It still takes a minute to log back in but anything is better than that interminable loading screen.

I was sad to see PDAs get sent back at first but now I can't wait until they're just all gone, especially after this update.
I've seen someone else mention this, tried it and nothing happens. All I get is ^x. Using ctrl+green or red does change cross scanning, but ctrl+x doesn't seem to do anything.

I think the biggest problem we have with our mydevices is that the batteries never last through the day, and you can't just swap out the batteries like you could with the pda/pdt's.
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