Archived 2015 US Holiday season could be weakest since recession

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You can thank the 1% who hoard all the wealth leaving the rest of the population with less money to spend on luxuries like Xmas gifts. Then they wonder why no one's buying anything and retailers like Target proceed to slash employee hours to make up for it -- thus, paying those employees less and perpetuating the cycle.
Hell, my store still hasn't started hiring seasonal workers yet. I overheard my ETL-HR saying that they were told to start much later this year. So, most of the new hires are permanent still.
My store is the opposite. We already opened up more than 100 seasonal positions...
I don't care. I have been an unapologetic defender and supporter of unpopular non trendy opinions so haters do nothing but make me laugh. This world is controlled by the elite and the elite is the NWO.
My store hires year round, period. Makes it hard to know who was hired as seasonal and who just didn't work out.
I have been an unapologetic defender and supporter of unpopular non trendy opinions so haters do nothing but make me laugh.


i love when i get to use this image
Laugh all you want but you know it's true. Obama, Bush, and the rest of the puppets in Washington D.C. share the blame.
Jobs creation my ass! A retail job isn't a job. It's sweat shop work.
Oh Jack, you so sassy! Nothing makes me realize how great someone is, better than listening to them talk about how great they must be. I feel I read articles like this every single year.
I'll be laughing and saying I told you so when this turd of a country crumbles. It's going to happen.
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