2020 reviews

So I got a shitty review last year that was never given to me. I feel it wasn't given to me because of that very reason and it was probably hard for my TL to give. I also never signed on this review because I wanted it to get redone. I never said anything because I was giving my team lead and LOD a chance to step up and give me this shitty review. The review is still sitting in workday not signed. Sure I shouldn't have waited a whole year, and sure maybe it's too late for this review to be changed and for me to get a tiny bit more money from a better one if it was, but what do you guys think I should at this point? Talk to HR about it? To give a little more context my attendance was shit, I admit it, but if I'm not mistaken (I was a TL before) we get graded on multiple things like Guest Service, Task completion, Teamwork, with attendance being just one of those things I failed at. They gave me ION's for everything which isn't fair if it was just my attendance that deserved the ION. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they changed it. I feel they were really upset with my me and my attendance they said "fuck this guy" and gave me ION's for everything. Any thoughts?
Dude it’s been a year. Move on like you technically already did.
DEO is 5%, the highest for a TM. If your merit statement said it was less than a 5% raise, it would be an DIO.
I haven’t been at Spot for a full year until June. Meaning my review was from June 2019 to February 2020, only 8 months. I got 1.6%. My TL never said explicitly I got a DEO, DIO, etc. All they said is "you got the highest score possible."
Even newly-hired people who haven't yet mastered all the main duties of their job are rarely given that kind of rating unless their continued service on the team is not valued by their superiors.

This might be an ASANTS thing, as my store gives it to newbies their first year, regardless of actual performance. They claim it's because people can't really be outstanding until they've been there awhile and learned the ropes, but I suspect it's so they can protect the limited DEOs for people who have been there awhile.

I was ION my first review, 5 months in, but my TL said she thought I was great. DEO at last year and this year's reviews.
This might be an ASANTS thing, as my store gives it to newbies their first year, regardless of actual performance. They claim it's because people can't really be outstanding until they've been there awhile and learned the ropes, but I suspect it's so they can protect the limited DEOs for people who have been there awhile.

I was ION my first review, 5 months in, but my TL said she thought I was great. DEO at last year and this year's reviews.
In most businesses, "Improved Outcomes Needed" is not considered an acceptable review. In just about any business setting I can imagine, receiving an "Improved Outcomes Needed" is not a sign you are still learning the job as a newbie, it would indicate you are not a valued employee, you will end up on a so-called Performance Improvement Plan with the intent to discharge you.

I am not aware of Target requiring a certain percentage of TMs to be rated ION. This isn't a company was uses curve grading, like General Electric or some tech companies where they are required to "flunk out" a certain percentage of the workforce (part of a business strategy). Your indication that you weren't performanced out and the following year received a coveted DEO at your store is a very, very rare situation.

Most TMs receive DIO (Delivered Important Outcomes).
It's about 10% DEO, 10% ION, and 80% DIO. Stores aren't given an unlimited pot for raises. You can't have all DEOs for the same reason you need to have IONs -- to balance the budget you're given.

The new system is explicitly setup for that. There's really no other outcome when you condense 1-5 into 1-3. You're inevitably forced to give people ION that don't actually deserve it.
It's about 10% DEO, 10% ION, and 80% DIO. Stores aren't given an unlimited pot for raises. You can't have all DEOs for the same reason you need to have IONs -- to balance the budget you're given..... The new system is explicitly setup for that. There's really no other outcome when you condense 1-5 into 1-3. You're inevitably forced to give people ION that don't actually deserve it.....
If that is the system, it's very unfortunate. Verbal compliments by the ETL or TL meeting with you for a review are nice but truly meaningless. There's no written record for the TM's personnel file of those oral compliments, but Target does retain the written performance review in the TM's permanent personnel record.

Perhaps teenagers who are just working at Target part-time while enrolled in school, university, or trade college would not be bothered. Adults who don't live with Mom and Dad would definitely regard an "Improved Outcomes Needed" performance review it as motivation to find another job ASAP.
This really doesn’t matter. Unless the entire upper leadership team is crappy. Just because your team lead sucks or doesn’t like you doesn’t mean they can give you a bad review and score. The score they choose to give you has to be approved by the ETL and HR as well. Also since there are only 3 levels, this is how it goes at my store. ASANTS. Lowest score is only if you have corrective action/coaching. Highest score is only if you’ve really gone above and beyond. Therefore everyone else gets the middle score.
That's a cool thought, but when they all three dislike you it's entirely possible to get a bad review based entirely on proveable lies. HQ won't bother to investigate any complainys either. Trust me....
You thought it was DEO, but it was me! DIO!...... Anyway, I got DEO and a 5% raise. Of course it will mean dick when the raise in base pay happens.
DIO - delivered important outcomes - is by far the most common rating.
If this were a school environment:
DEO - delivered exceptional outcomes - grade of 3.7 or higher
DIO - delivered important outcomes - grade of 2.0 to 3.6
ION - improved outcomes needed - grade of 1.9 or lower
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