Archived 28 Twin Cities stores to get massive remodels

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My store is on that list, my Starbucks area is moving tripling in size. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing...BIGGER AREA BUT SAME AMOUNT OF HOURS A STAFF. I hope not but hey I'm getting Nitro Cold Brew 😀
I know we'll be rearranging and losing cafe, but I don't know if we're getting liquor or just an expanded sbux or...something else. Liquor would make sense, but I haven't seen anything about it on the city council agenda, and we really have a ton of liquor stores, so I don't know. It might make sense to do a deal with a liquor store kind of across the street from us, but I don't know if Spot will allow a non-Target owned liquor store in conjunction with a store.
I'm on the list! Lol. Our store needs it. Not desperately, but the updates are needed, especially up front where half our registers don't work or die mid transaction (That's super fun)
Oh just Twin Cities stuff?

Don't care about corporate's magical fairy world they have up there
Haha, I wish it was like that up here. We have a fair share of our issues as well 🙄 like the fact that we get visits from Corp all the time..

I hope we don't go to one entrance. That would totally eff up traffic flow in and outside of the store.
Enhanced Ship from Store. It's like regular SFS, except they have more packing stations, get more orders, and have an entire stockroom dedicated to online-only merchandise.
Well, well, well, we know why payroll hours are so horrible.
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