Archived 6o'clock CAFs?

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6PM CAFs started Monday for us. No warning from *any* TL (I bet they didn't even know about it, the closing LOD seemed surprised), our CAF pusher just happened to notice a new section in the CAFs times lookup a few hours before.

I'm not opposed to it necessarily, problem is the CAF pusher is scheduled til 6:30 (Monday, he agreed to stay extra, guessing he'll be doing that til they rework the scheduling for him) and the backroom closer is scheduled til 8:30, which now gives us an hour or less to finish backstock/price changes and take our last 15 before we set the line. So basically, they want a unicorn.

Unless they hire a BR mid or at least schedule the closer later (I'd take the former over the latter), and extend the CAF pusher's hours (they probably will), the BR closer will probably leave with backstock everynight.

Before this 6PM CAF thing, 9 times out of 10, I left the backroom clear before i left; without schedule/staffing changes, that'll drop quite a bit. Dayside BR turnover is awful, so they might just pluck someone from another department to help out for a few hours in mid-afternoon.

What makes it worse is at our store, they make dayside BR push from the line. Actually, it's just two ETLs that push this really hard (those two usually leave by around 3 or 4 and the stress level drops hard from there) and the other ones only ask occasionally. If there's just 1 or 2 tubs on the line, I just go backstock unless I'm told otherwise (I've never been coached for failing to push from the line when there's only 1 or 2 tubs). Of course, sometimes we have to...*make* the line have 1 or 2 tubs so we even get a chance to backstock after we finish that hour's CAFs, ahem...
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6PM CAFs started Monday for us. No warning from *any* TL (I bet they didn't even know about it, the closing LOD seemed surprised), our CAF pusher just happened to notice a new section in the CAFs times lookup a few hours before.

I'm not opposed to it necessarily, problem is the CAF pusher is scheduled til 6:30 (Monday, he agreed to stay extra, guessing he'll be doing that til they rework the scheduling for him) and the backroom closer is scheduled til 8:30, which now gives us an hour or less to finish backstock/price changes and take our last 15 before we set the line. So basically, they want a unicorn.

Unless they hire a BR mid or at least schedule the closer later (I'd take the former over the latter), and extend the CAF pusher's hours (they probably will), the BR closer will probably leave with backstock everynight.

Before this 6PM CAF thing, 9 times out of 10, I left the backroom clear before i left; without schedule/staffing changes, that'll drop quite a bit. Dayside BR turnover is awful, so they might just pluck someone from another department to help out for a few hours in mid-afternoon.

What makes it worse is at our store, they make dayside BR push from the line. Actually, it's just two ETLs that push this really hard (those two usually leave by around 3 or 4 and the stress level drops hard from there) and the other ones only ask occasionally. If there's just 1 or 2 tubs on the line, I just go backstock unless I'm told otherwise (I've never been coached for failing to push from the line when there's only 1 or 2 tubs). Of course, sometimes we have to...*make* the line have 1 or 2 tubs so we even get a chance to backstock after we finish that hour's CAFs, ahem...
We created a new shift that is 5-10. Except they expect the world out if those people during that shift. They wanted them to pull five and six cafs, pull price change, Backstock, push cafs, and push leftover flow... It's ridiculous. I thought this was a great idea and wanted to volunteer, but they make it so undesirable
We created a new shift that is 5-10. Except they expect the world out if those people during that shift. They wanted them to pull five and six cafs, pull price change, Backstock, push cafs, and push leftover flow... It's ridiculous. I thought this was a great idea and wanted to volunteer, but they make it so undesirable

They haven't done a 5-10 shift for us yet and I hope they don't. Sounds like an awful idea.

If they make a new late shift, it should be 2:30-10 or 3:30-11. They should also trim an hour off the other daysiders to be fair.

We currently have two daysiders who get 8 hours a day. They get 2 breaks and a lunch. A 5-10 shift would get *one* break/*no* lunch and what sounds like a much heavier workload than the other daysiders. Who would want to work that shift?

If they try that here and manage to get someone to work that shift, they'll be gone in less than a month.
My store will probably still have backroom scheduled til 7 and expect price change, 6pm pulls, and pushing out the CAFs all done. OH and setting the line if its a truck day the next day. I mean...those things take little time easy to do all that. OH cant forget that MYFA that just droped into the gun for an item in ready to wear thats unlocated! OH and when you cant find it have to find an LOD about not finding it and they can do whatever

OH and salesfloor just called back to pull a large item that you need to get on the wave for

My store USED to have Salesfloor work out CAFs but now we have a personscheduled from like 12-4 or 4:30 or so to work out CAFS and then the closer whose shift is usually 12-7

It sucks because basically when 4 hits....its
Pull the 4 CAFs
Pull the 5 CAFS which was 30 fillgroups last night. Push the CAFs I guess?
Pull price change at 6, which last night I had BPLS and 7 other fill groups...and there were multiple boxes underneath alot of boxes on a ton of pallets in receiving above the line which took FOREVER. I had 6 vehicles of price change last night

And supposed to have a break in there but i never take it
Creepy. This sounds like my store.
I haven't heard anything about CAF times changing at my store. Is this just a low volume thing?

Our closers don't pull price change or set the line. The TM that comes in at 530 in the morning sets the line. The opening BR team pulls the price change. What's the point of pulling the price change when I don't ticket it until the sales floor is done. It just sits around clogging tubs and flats that we need.

We use pallets for the price changes since they sit under the line until the next morning when pricing tickets them (either the closer or overnight pulls them).
Monday started the 6PM last CAF pull (1 extra hour for pulls)for my high volume store, we are open till 11PM (Mon-Sat), 10PM on Sunday.
This is suppose to make the morning CAFs lighter, but they haven't been any lighter yet.
Monday started the 6PM last CAF pull (1 extra hour for pulls)for my high volume store, we are open till 11PM (Mon-Sat), 10PM on Sunday.
This is suppose to make the morning CAFs lighter, but they haven't been any lighter yet.

We have 7:00 CAFs and an extra open hour on weekends (12AM Sat and 11PM Sun), so this could be interesting.
I haven't heard anything about CAF times changing at my store. Is this just a low volume thing?
They added 11am and 6pm CAFs at my B volume store.

Did they keep your 7pm CAF? I heard they were taking it out from some stores that previously had it.

And all stores should be doing the new thing where not every fillgroup drops for every CAF.
Did they keep your 7pm CAF? I heard they were taking it out from some stores that previously had it.

Well, I went on MyProgress to see if CAFs had dropped at 6:00, and sure enough, they had. It was before 7:00 though, and I forgot to go back and check again.
This epic fail started on Monday. My first day of it was on Tuesday. Nothing really has changed. Sure, you might have one or two hours in which you may not pull a lot of CAF batches but it balances it out on the other hours to make up for it. For example, I've noticed that the 12pm aren't that big with the new system. However, it balances out by making the 3pm CAF batches big. The 6pm CAF batches have been big in the two days that I've pulled them. It's a huge waste of time in my opinion. I waste 30 to 45 minutes pulling "busy work" CAF batches at 6pm when I should be pulling the price change batches. STO backstocking hasn't been fixed. For example, if you backstock something in SNCK at 12pm, you will eventually pull it again probably at 2pm. You just have to wait longer for it puke back up in the CAF batches.

6 o'clock CAF batches are as bad as jump to conclusions mats.
View attachment 1288

And of course this invention. Bluetooth that is implanted inside your ear canal.
STO backstocking hasn't been fixed. For example, if you backstock something in SNCK at 12pm, you will eventually pull it again probably at 2pm. You just have to wait longer for it puke back up in the CAF batches.

It's not perfect, but it is alot better than how it was before. Chances are, if you backstocked something and 2 hours later it gets put into the CAFs, that means it can probably fit on the floor. The whole point of backstocking is it to store it for future use. You can't expect once you backstock an item, that you'll never see it again.
this can now be fixed with salesfloor qty and capacity on the mydevice. To prevent an item from being pulled right after being backstocked the qty on the floor needs to match the capacity of the location. Your plano team should be checking as they are pushing there product, especially any item that is coming off endcaps and resets. Once they push the items to their home locations they should verify that the capacity and the qty in that location are correct, this will stop the item from pulling. The process shifted from backroom having to use subt9999 to now plano and whoever is pushing to make sure its correct.
Good job working that 15 minutes for free. I hate hearing people not taking their breaks.

My predecessor never took breaks and I've heard (cannot validate) that he would clock out for meal break, work it, and then clock in and continue to work. It is sad indeed!
hes lucky he didnt get caught. at my store, working while of the clock can get you fired.

Oh yeah, I know. And it has been noted by concurrent employees. One supposes that is was 'overlooked' or left 'unnoticed'. got more payroll? They cut ours after the 6s were added and then started complaining about us not getting everything done.

Haha. I have closed one day since this has been in effect. The 6PM batches had more fillgroups than any other hour in the day. Thankfully price change was small and I was only a little late getting out at 7. OH and also had my STL who has LOD make salesfloor push out the last CAF so thank god didnt have to do that

I feel bad for our closer that works Thursday Night. He has to maneuver around the C&S pallets in the pfresh backroom along with usually making a bale, setting the line, doing price change, doing all the pulls, and usually having 4-5 vehicles to push out...and they expect him to be out at 7..its guys?
Our CAF pulls were actually manageable yesterday (or today if you're out west). And the backroom is usually in a state of chaos on Saturdays. We even finished all the backstock (including the P-Fresh stockrooms). It was wonderful.

I'm not sure if our price changes are dropping at a different time, but now they're going to be pulled in the early morning instead of at night (hopefully by overnight BR because dayside doesn't have time for that).
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