A Lead sent a spy to find ME!

Mar 28, 2024
I went to use the restroom. As I was washing my hands a trainer came into the bathroom walked pass me towards the stalls. She never went in, she just turned around and left.

She went back to report to the lead(not a manager) that I was in the bathroom.

I forgot on this shift in this dept we can't go to the bathroom unless we ask for permission and if we don't get permission we can't go. If we're caught off the line, the manager gave his leads permission to give a DA, which could lead to being fired.
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I went to use the restroom. As I was washing my hands a trainer came into the bathroom walked pass me towards the stalls. She never went in, she just turned around and left.

She went back to report to the lead(not a manager) that I was in the bathroom.

I forgot on this shift in this dept we can't go to the bathroom unless we ask for permission and if we don't get permission we can't go. If we're caught off the line, the manager gave his leads permission to give a DA, which could lead to being fired.

You have to ask for permission to go to the bathroom?
And if they say no, you can't go?
They do know that's against the law right?
This is fucking nonsense.
They can't give you a DA for having to pee.
Fuck that noise.
The manager told us this during stand up in May. This explains why nobody drinks water even during the heat wave we just had. Ithink I'm gonna give a call to OSHA after my 90 days. My 90 days is fast approaching too.
I went to use the restroom. As I was washing my hands a trainer came into the bathroom walked pass me towards the stalls. She never went in, she just turned around and left.

She went back to report to the lead(not a manager) that I was in the bathroom.

I forgot on this shift in this dept we can't go to the bathroom unless we ask for permission and if we don't get permission we can't go. If we're caught off the line, the manager gave his leads permission to give a DA, which could lead to being fired.
What is happening?

1) Warehouse Leads can't issue DAs. Not in DCs. They can have a conversation about your performance but that's it and they can't document.

2) One coaching for being out of work area does not equal a DA unless you were out of your area for an egregious amount of time and had a bad excuse when they asked where were you.

I feel like we're not getting a lot of information. You can't be coached on going to the bathroom but you can be coached on in-work reliability (example you're going to the bathroom 4 times an hour for 15 minute stretches and are therefore not in your work area, so you'd be coached for being out of your work area).

This smells fishy. Maybe penguin-y?
Tell the lead or whatever the fuck they call themselves that you have an enlarged prostate and that affliction necessitates frequent restroom breaks. She's likely too stupid to realize females don't have the infamous walnut.
The manager told us this during stand up in May. This explains why nobody drinks water even during the heat wave we just had. Ithink I'm gonna give a call to OSHA after my 90 days. My 90 days is fast approaching too.
I just wanted to add that I'm sorry that you're not allowed to drink water. At my old store, team members weren't allowed to drink water due to covid and it was very difficult to manage. I hope that everything goes well with OSHA and that you are allowed to drink water while working.
What is happening?

1) Warehouse Leads can't issue DAs. Not in DCs. They can have a conversation about your performance but that's it and they can't document.

My site lets OM's document conversations on the lead's behalf after confirming with the TM the conversation took place.
I didn’t want to chime in, but some people rather not take a huge dump when others are present… especially when only covered by 35% walls.
It’s not always about you .