A Visit

Mar 9, 2019
We are getting a visit in Market. It is the District leader‘s boss’s boss. It is only in Market. What can I expect? Are they going to go through dates? Weekly logs? Do they check every aisle? Are they going to ask TM’s questions? If so what questions? Is it a fast visit? Is there anyway to prep?
Thank you for any help.
I think he will just look at steritech results for dates. They will look at backroom organization and cleanliness, zone, fifo compliance, stock issues.
So, regional visit? Group Food director’s boss? If it’s only market, that’s what it sounds like.

Think everything modernization. How much are you on process and how well are you delivering results.

The Shorter the visit, the better—less stuff wrong to pick out and talk with you about. In general: The less obvious stuff that sticks out as wrong, the less likely they are to dig further into other stuff.
It would be a good idea to check for and remove any expired product from the backroom coolers and freezer and make sure the backroom areas are cleaned. If they happen to look into the coolers, a dirty floor is the first thing they will see. Can’t hurt to prepare as if Ecolab were coming, that will eliminate the major red flags. Good luck, hope your visit goes well.
He came and brought a whole crew with him. They went through EVERYTHING!!. 4 of them as a group did each section. They looked at every package on the self front to back for dates. That was the most intense inspection I ever saw. They went through all 4 coolers, cleaning logs, FDC temperature logs. Ask questions to us TM. It Took about 4 hours.
He came and brought a whole crew with him. They went through EVERYTHING!!. 4 of them as a group did each section. They looked at every package on the self front to back for dates. That was the most intense inspection I ever saw. They went through all 4 coolers, cleaning logs, FDC temperature logs. Ask questions to us TM. It Took about 4 hours.
What were the biggest call outs?
I’m still waiting to find out. It’s the weirdest thing. Whenever we get visits, even sterotech, they never share with the team members. I even ask them how are we suppose to know what to fix. Nothing. Are other stores this way?
No, at my store as TLs we told our team what happened during the Steritech visits, they busted their butts getting us ready, so they deserved to know the results. Hiding problems doesn’t solve them. As for DTL/ Corporate visits, sometimes the TLs were told what happened, sometimes not, depending on the openness of their ETL. Often word got out anyway through the store grapevine, since one department, who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent (snd the guilty), usually seemed to get the scoop and pass it on. 😂
Things I have seen called out in recent visits *are
1. Zone
2. AD
2. Floor fill
3. Data integrity
4. Backroom/cooler organization
5. OfO completion.

Data integrity. Well, fix your nincompoop system. No reason any shelf or peghook should say it has a capacity of 1876. Period. If your team was trained and had systems that were rational, the only "data integrity" problems would be defects. Even mispicks are system issues.
Data integrity. Well, fix your nincompoop system. No reason any shelf or peghook should say it has a capacity of 1876. Period. If your team was trained and had systems that were rational, the only "data integrity" problems would be defects. Even mispicks are system issues.

As long as it's not in Dollar spot...no one cares at my store if it says we can handle 2000 widgets because it'll get changed soon anyway, right??? (literally I was told to ignore this issue) Meanwhile we have 20 boxes of 30 widgets each on one flat and that much more to cram into backstock.
Data integrity. Well, fix your nincompoop system. No reason any shelf or peghook should say it has a capacity of 1876. Period. If your team was trained and had systems that were rational, the only "data integrity" problems would be defects. Even mispicks are system issues.
Anyone else doing this - on EVERY DPCI ? I heard about it but haven’t started yet. How long does the typical aisle take ?
I fix capacities on all endcaps as they are set. I fix capacities on POGs as needed per item.

aka as I am pushing freight, I check Capacities
as I have backstock, I make sure Capacities are correct.

Ideally, there is no backstock on a 1-4-1 pull. Backstock means the zone is off, capacities are off, or some other issue might be present.
I worked in another area, and I can tell no one's fixing things while pushing that fill group. I found mis-stock, over stock, missing fixtures, incorrect capacities, etc. I fixed as I pushed.

I've worked in two different areas that had "Large OUTs" with qty in the BR. I rolled my eyes, and did not fix those areas. Those DBOs need to step up their game. These are the type of OUTs that are noticed immediately.... if you are paying attention at all.

Yet another fillgroup had similar items that were mixed up. Think reduced fat pb mixed with creamy and with chunky. Something like that.

: shrug :

: walks off mumbling something about circus monkeys :
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Anyone else doing this - on EVERY DPCI ? I heard about it but haven’t started yet. How long does the typical aisle take ?

It's not accounted for in the set hours. I'll fix what I can within the time limits, but sometimes there isn't time. For example, Maybelline. It would take a good 10 hours to fix capacities/sfq on that aisle.

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