Archived about performance reviews

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yeah it blows so bad my first raise was 7 cents, granted i was hired seasonally, WHICH they told me they couldnt give me a good review because i was new.
Aka we need the decent- er raises for veteran tm so they don't quit. Idiots.
yeah when the increase the starting rate, they dont bump you up. they just leave you where ever.
I've been complimented for various reasons, being the first to respond on a daily basis (Multiple cards in the TSC thanking me), taking certain aspects of the job up without LOD's telling me, and hell I even helped out with alot of training during the seasonal period. So I hope I get a decent review/raise.
I got 44 cents last year, this year it has doubled 🙂. I am positively surprised.
Damn, reviewed already? I'm nervous and excited for mine honestly.
I'm dreading reviews this year. With the increase last year I ended up getting nearly $1.50, so there's no way I won't be disappointed this year. I just imagine myself laughing when I'm told how much my raise will be. I just feel bad that our TL gives the review- my TL is fantastic...I don't want to laugh in their face- I know they have next to nothing to do with the raise I get.

It'd be nice if corporate had to travel to stores and personally tell each TM what their raise will be. I mean, of course this wouldn't be cost effective and would therefor ensure even lower raises, but it'd be nice for them to have to personally experience their TMs disgust and frustration.
Kinda surprised this hasn't been mentioned but just FYI... Raises are PERCENTAGES based on your overall review score...

Overall you can get something like: Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, Excellent, Meets Expectations, ect (cant remember the names)
THEN each overall score has a percent linked to it.. most scores fall between 3.5-4.5%

Example: You get an Excellent and it's 4% this year (each yeah the % changes but its the same % for everybody). If you're making $10.00/hr you would multiply that by .04 and your raise would be 40 cents, meaning you'd now be getting $10.40. If you're making $11/hr with an Excellent score, you'd get a 44 cent raise.

It's that simple. They don't just throw darts and give you a random number... BUT your overall score might be random, based on everything and anything. Keep in mind there's only a certain amount of scores they can give out, only a COUPLE people get the TOP 'Outstanding' score, most fall in the middle around excellent
Kinda surprised this hasn't been mentioned but just FYI... Raises are PERCENTAGES based on your overall review score...

Overall you can get something like: Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, Excellent, Meets Expectations, ect (cant remember the names)
THEN each overall score has a percent linked to it.. most scores fall between 3.5-4.5%

Example: You get an Excellent and it's 4% this year (each yeah the % changes but its the same % for everybody). If you're making $10.00/hr you would multiply that by .04 and your raise would be 40 cents, meaning you'd now be getting $10.40. If you're making $11/hr with an Excellent score, you'd get a 44 cent raise.

It's that simple. They don't just throw darts and give you a random number... BUT your overall score might be random, based on everything and anything. Keep in mind there's only a certain amount of scores they can give out, only a COUPLE people get the TOP 'Outstanding' score, most fall in the middle around excellent
I thought they were doing away with the O EX E IE ect review ratings?
I was only hired this past Oct., will I still get reviewed/a raise soon along with everybody?
Yes. Now it's 3:
Delivered Exceptional Outcomes
Delivered Important Outcomes
Improved Outcomes Needed

uh-oh .... i can feel myself arguing with the poor TL who gives me my review already! and a possible hotline call as last year my TL didnt support me at all and set me up to fail more than a few times!
Around May I believe. Kind of excited this year!!! My TL gave me a decent one last time and didn't quite know me so this time that could be a good thing or bad thing 😛 I'm being optimistic though!
Reviews are in April and I think the raise kicks in on the first paycheck in May.
Haha, my job just got easy. Scores were subitted without my input and of my 37 TMs, zero were 'Improved Outcomes Needed.' What a breeze delivering reviews will be this year.

FYI for anyone interested, for TMs making near minimum and with 12 months accounted for, important outcomes gets about a .30 raise and exceptional gets about .50.
Haha, my job just got easy. Scores were subitted without my input and of my 37 TMs, zero were 'Improved Outcomes Needed.' What a breeze delivering reviews will be this year.

FYI for anyone interested, for TMs making near minimum and with 12 months accounted for, important outcomes gets about a .30 raise and exceptional gets about .50.
So would it be accurate to say that Important gets a 3% raise and Exceptional gets 5%?
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