Archived Ad setup/takedown.

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we have the closing zoners do take down saturday night, usually takes approx 1 hour times 3-5 people. depending on how many were scheduled that night. end caps are the worst. they are missed constantly. take down, is finally trying a little more to get them correct for what product is there sunday morning. however, the ad set team, just does not understand how to and what are the proper signing on endcaps. even if the have the best practice sheet infront of them, which i try to put in each week. we generally have 11 people at approx 2 hours each for set up, 6-8. but no one other than gsa/gstl, cashier and food ave, are the only ones that get to leave on time, the rest of the tm stay till its done. the end cap audits are ugly. no one realizes that the BTC you flip for a single price point. or do they realize if it is on promo that it needs a 7 x 11. only if no promo does it NOT need a 7 x 11 for a single pp. end caps drive me nutzzzzz. If our TL's cannot get it, how can I expect our TM's to get it. it is very frustrating. I usually get scheduled 6-10. i also do HL ad prep. takes me usually about 15 hours or so. have to cut a lot of corners, since we get pulled so much. But ad set I stick to best practice. ad prep i do my best.
We do ad takedown on Saturday evening and start ad set on Sunday morning at 4am. I am a PATL and I have myself(4-12:45) and one other person (4-8am) come in at 4am, to scan signs in. Then our GSTL comes in at 5am to support and the rest of my team comes in at 6am and is out at 10am. As far as takedown, each ETL does it differently in my building. Some key it, some do (n) not found, some scan every sign out. I personally don't care as long as I don't find signs still up. Finding whole aisles that were missed, irritate the pi$$ out of me. lol
We do ad takedown on Saturday evening and start ad set on Sunday morning at 4am. I am a PATL and I have myself(4-12:45) and one other person (4-8am) come in at 4am, to scan signs in. Then our GSTL comes in at 5am to support and the rest of my team comes in at 6am and is out at 10am. As far as takedown, each ETL does it differently in my building. Some key it, some do (n) not found, some scan every sign out. I personally don't care as long as I don't find signs still up. Finding whole aisles that were missed, irritate the pi$$ out of me. lol

Why on Earth do you scan every sign in? Do you know how damn irritating it is to close on a Saturday night and hit N constantly? If you don't put the sign up then don't scan it in.
We dont scan in signs that dont have a location in our store. thats the whole point of ad prep, to weed out the signs that aren't needed. And, yes, I know how annoying ad takedown is. Do it once a month!
At my first store, we were always told that ad takedown could not start before 10PM or it was a red on a DTK score (I have later found this to be true). Once 10 hits, there is a TM or two per department who start the scan down and take down. The other TMs continue the zone. if TMs are available after close, several stay behind and help scan in the ad signs for the morning. The 4AM ad team (1-2 TMs per dept.) comes in and scans in the remaining ad and starts putting up signs until they are assisted by the 6AM ad team. They continue putting up signs until it's finished, usually just before 8AM.
Our team comes at 10pm for overnight on Saturday to help with take down then we set up signs for the store. We usually get 75 percent done before a small team come in at 6 to finishing putting them up. We finish signing everything in by 2am usually depends in how many pages we have.
The more of this website I read, the more I realize just how amazingly jacked up my store is. Our Ad process in a nutshell:

1) We take 8 hours from the Signing TM each week (he never works more than 32 hours a week. Usually averages 20-25 hours a week to shave payroll) and have a TM scan all the ad signs on Friday afternoon to write down any missing locations. Problem is, she doesn't understand that there may be multiple locations for a DPCI and doesn't (D) Down to other POG numbers for their locations. She also tosses all the NoLocations which means we have to print all the Sales Plan a signs again as they set in the coming week AND any POG Transitions or Revisions don't get ad signs for that week as they don't see printing ad signs as part of their work. So how do we not get noticed by Starfleet Command? All of our ad related scores are always green because...

2) On Sunday morning, our opening ETL comes in at 4am and sits alone for an hour scanning every ad sign in at the TSC. They scan all of the A aisles to A1, all the B aisles to B1, etc. any problematic signs are tied to the best guess set of aisles. By 6am, all signs are scanned in and ready to be set. We have 5-6 people come in at 6am and start setting the ad signs. Any large areas that can justify a SPP get a 7x11 made so instead of setting 300 of the reader signs that never last a day in the hanging gum aisle, we just make a 7x11 for it, even if it isn't a whole 4 foot section or a mix of selective products. Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that we make custom signs at our store that don't require Store Applications and a signing PC.

3) by 9-10am, all signs are up and the opening LOD has finished the End Cap Audit.

4) On Saturday night, the closing LOD sits in the TSC and scans out all the signs while the closing team takes down all the ad signs ending that night. When the ad team sets the next week's ad the next morning, they also look for any out dated signs to pull down.

I hear some of you saying, "But your Ad Sign Location Accuracy is entirely scored as 0% (or whatever that metric is under DTK when you click on Ad Sign and deep dive into the individual department numbers). If you scan in 100% and scan out 100%, even with 0% Location Accuracy, we make between an 88% - 90% each week achieving a green that isn't questioned by prying DTLs.

By the way, we are the lowest low volume GM store on the totem pole so maybe that is why we can get away with this.
Lucky you. My store in enforcing the updated signing guide for endcaps & following bp on ad setup. Only exception, the toss report is skipped. It is a waste time to throw away valid signs.
I do like the new slick signing.
Hi, long time lurker first time poster.

I believe my store is C-Volume Super Target (I think. My old TL told me this almost two years ago so I could be wrong.)

Anyways, this is how we do Ad takedown and setup in my store.

Takedown: We usually have two SF members in each department. Two in market, two in hardlines, one in electronics and two in softlines. The team member in meat is responsible for signs in meat, produce, bakery and deli. The GSTL will be in charge of signs for front lanes, Target cafe, photo and sometimes C block (greeting cards, stationary and small appliances). We begin takedown at exactly 9 p.m. (10 for holidays) and HAVE TO BE DONE by 10 p.m. which is what time our store closes. We usually scan a section and pull down all the signs. Except for market, every department is responsible for their endcaps. That means taking down any signs ( 3X5's, 7X11's) and changing headers. Market changes their endcaps the next morning during the audit.
Now I hope someone can answer a few questions I have since I've recently been put in charge of Takedown when there is no TL (I'm currently in development).
I was told that when we're done scanning out signs and have finished the aisle any sign that has to be scanned out (N- for not found) it hurts our score. I'm wondering if this is true because our store has been going through a few transitions and we've been missing a lot of signs because of it. I'm also wondering if any other stores have to complete scanning their signs before a certain time. For takedown we only have one hour to complete the entire store.

Ad Setup: We all come in at 4 am every Sunday morning along with the ETL-Logistics and Flow team. Two for Market, Two for Softlines and Four for Hardlines/Front lanes (Usually one person will do checklanes along with C block and the front half of HBA). The Bakery team is in charge for their own signs as well as Deli's. Produce and Meat come in at 6 a.m. and are responsible for scanning and hanging up their own signs. Now we have until 8 AM to finish scanning in and hanging up the whole store. Which ever department is finished first has to go help the other departments finish their signs. We always try to get it done by 7 AM so we have an hour left to do the Endcap audit (for Market we wait for our vendors to finish switching out their product before making Endcap signs) and do our AD Walk. This has to be done by 8 AM the latest or it falls onto the next person who comes in. Most of us have to leave at 8 AM except for Team Leads and sometimes Electronics and Market.

Anyways, this is all I can remember off the top of my head right now. I know I'm forgetting something but I've been up all night reading the forum so I'm pretty beat.
our store does take-down by having the sls floor TM pull signs while they zone....until about 8pm then they just pull the signs down. We start to hand key out all the signs starting at 9pm. Sometimes cashiers and GS also key out. By about 9:45 most sls TMs are in TSC keying out....and the 10:30 cashier often stays to help, too.

The ad take down is very time consuming and, as far as I can see, at my store, it is a very wasteful practice....we're short on work hours and having to waste so much time keying out ad just takes time away from zoning our store.

If you pull ads and then key out, you can still miss signs and have to honor an old price for the guest later on in the week.

I know that some stores actually have specific TMs to do the ad take down (this way the other closers can continue to zone & re-shop).. For stores that can do that I would bet that they have more hours for scheduling and are able to be more efficient.
It's very interesting to read about how ad takedown works. I do ad setup every week and none of us who do setup are ever around for takedown, so we have no idea what that involves. I do know we usually run into one or two aisles every week where the people doing takedown obviously weren't paying attention...

So when we scan in the ad on Sunday mornings, what does that actually do? Like, if someone misses a sign while they're scanning, does that mean the item won't ring up the sale price? What happens if someone scans a sign into the wrong aisle, anything?
What I don't understand is, if the computer system already knows what's on sale, what does scanning the signs accomplish? I've been spending an hour a week for the last 6 months scanning 3x5s for ad and nobody has ever explained why we do it. None of the other ad setup people seem to know why, either. I'm very curious as to how this all works.
What I don't understand is, if the computer system already knows what's on sale, what does scanning the signs accomplish? I've been spending an hour a week for the last 6 months scanning 3x5s for ad and nobody has ever explained why we do it. None of the other ad setup people seem to know why, either. I'm very curious as to how this all works.

The whole point in scanning the ad actually has a few different purposes. The main purpose however is so that "spot" knows that stores are meeting expectations with signing their stores for the ad appropriately and on time. By scanning in the ad, corporate can tells what signs have gone up and what signs have not gone up. It's a checks and balance type of thing, they want the ad set properly and by a certain time each week (8am). By scanning each sign it ultimately removes it from the "list" of signs that are expected to go up. We then can pull an audit report to see what signs were not scanned and then get those signs printed to adequately represent the ad and shout value to our guests.
The whole take down process is very similar, if done per best practice following the path of the PDA will ensure each sign is removed that needs to be removed. It allows you to ensure that every sign is removed. However, I am sure 90% of stores don't do ad takedown the correct way or Set-up for that matter. I have taken my store a full 180 degrees on the way we do our ad.
Why can't the system just remember what signs have been printed, and then when we come in on Sunday somebody presses a button or something and tells it that we are putting up all the signs we printed? Is it just so we can catch the handful of signs that scan as "barcode not applicable" or "this sign has been replaced"?

Thank you very much for your replies, by the way. I am kind of clueless on this, but I've been on ad setup longer than just about anybody at my store so people ask me random questions like this.
Why can't the system just remember what signs have been printed, and then when we come in on Sunday somebody presses a button or something and tells it that we are putting up all the signs we printed? Is it just so we can catch the handful of signs that scan as "barcode not applicable" or "this sign has been replaced"?

Thank you very much for your replies, by the way. I am kind of clueless on this, but I've been on ad setup longer than just about anybody at my store so people ask me random questions like this.

Wish it could be that easy! but how would you know that every sign really got put up with out scanning it? If everyone followed best practice. your suppose to "put up the sign, scan it in, put up a sign, scan it in"
Wish it could be that easy! but how would you know that every sign really got put up with out scanning it? If everyone followed best practice. your suppose to "put up the sign, scan it in, put up a sign, scan it in"

Really? Oh my God. :-O
What I don't get about signing is that I get 2 signs for each facing of product which on the tables means I have 8 signs per item!!! And I have scan EVERY sign in and out according to our price change TL. I do it I just view it as a huge waste of paper when I get a 4" stack of signs in my mail mailbox and when I go through it I'm down to like 15-20 signs that actually need to be put up.
I understand the ad set-up and all the scanning......although at opening the store cash registers start the sales price even if the sign is not up.
So on Saturday nights why can't we just pull the signs down while zoning? The cash registers automatically "zero" out the sales why use all that time?

In a week a ton of signs get lost making it difficult to try to scan them down so they easily get missed. Even with best practices we know that ad signs get left up...and we honor the price if a guest brings the sign up......I don't know, all the scanning down and keying out seems like a HUGE waste of time.
I don't have to close anymore, but I remember hearing about a month ago that our store finally gave up on scanning signs out for takedown. I'm not sure what changed exactly, because when I was a regular closer, it was like a major sin to hit the sign not found button. Ad set is still super tedious, though - especially this time of year.
My store used to have sales floor TMs do ad takedown and come in at 6AM for ad setup, but now we have an overnight team that takes care of all of it.
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