Hello all, I am a new user who randomly searched for ad takedown on Google and found this forum. Very interesting! Figured I would sign up and share a bit....
I'm a regular SF team member at my store; fairly new I might add. Generally for ad takedown, we have one person doing As and Cs (sometimes Bs), one doing Es and Fs, and one doing Ds. Electronics does their own, as does softlines. I love my job so far, but personally I hate ad takedown. I am a quick zoner, but ad takedowns always takes me so long, and I feel like such a terrible team member while doing it. Worse yet, last night my PDA was being very strange, and I'm thinking a lot of the ads didn't get entered into the system! I'm actually very afraid it will come back to me somehow....
Unfortunately at my store, we end up losing a lot of ads before takedown. I suspect a lot of the team members who don't like working end up throwing them away or such instead of finding where they go and making sure they are up. it's actually a common problem at my store; I myself only care as much because I was trained the right way, and I know it's important to the higher ups (I try to be as good of an employee as I can be).
Of course I do feel that our overall way of doing it is unproductive, since as mentioned we end of losing a fair bit of signs, so even if we do account for the others, we have such a low percentage of actual signs scanned. Likewise Saturday at my store always gets a lot of late business, making maintaining our zones while doing ad takedown is extremely difficult. It's a shame too, since other than this I believe my store functions very very well....