Archived Ad setup/takedown.

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In our store, zone is done by 9 and then ad takedown is done by the sales floor tm's that are scheduled. Setup crew comes in at 6. Usually we scan/put up as many valley signs as we can before 7::15 then stop and scan the balance in by 8. then we finish up signs and endcaps (hopefully) by 10:30.
The whole point in scanning the ad actually has a few different purposes. The main purpose however is so that "spot" knows that stores are meeting expectations with signing their stores for the ad appropriately and on time. By scanning in the ad, corporate can tells what signs have gone up and what signs have not gone up. It's a checks and balance type of thing, they want the ad set properly and by a certain time each week (8am). By scanning each sign it ultimately removes it from the "list" of signs that are expected to go up. We then can pull an audit report to see what signs were not scanned and then get those signs printed to adequately represent the ad and shout value to our guests.
The whole take down process is very similar, if done per best practice following the path of the PDA will ensure each sign is removed that needs to be removed. It allows you to ensure that every sign is removed. However, I am sure 90% of stores don't do ad takedown the correct way or Set-up for that matter. I have taken my store a full 180 degrees on the way we do our ad.

Also the thing that drives me most nuts is when an ad set team scans in all signs at the beginning and then puts them all up! Not only is it bad because of these reasons, but also the score shouldn't be 100%... There are signs we shouldn't be putting up (double prints as an example)... Then someone will complain that corporate is sending too many of a sign or whatever the issue may be, and I just can't help but say, "How would they know? According to our reports we are using all the signs they are sending us!"
Our 4am team takes down and puts it up. There are about 6 to 8 of them depending upon the size. When I used to work the fitting room I used to prep signs during the week. Now an operator would have no time to scan in signs. They have to help put away all the reshop and zone full areas at a time between catching the phones.
Also the thing that drives me most nuts is when an ad set team scans in all signs at the beginning and then puts them all up! Not only is it bad because of these reasons, but also the score shouldn't be 100%... There are signs we shouldn't be putting up (double prints as an example)... Then someone will complain that corporate is sending too many of a sign or whatever the issue may be, and I just can't help but say, "How would they know? According to our reports we are using all the signs they are sending us!"

We have been having nothing but problems... we have 2 ladies that do ad prep and try to pull out as many of the dupes as possible or try to find locations for ones that come in with no loc. What we've noticed is that we are still getting dinged for not using signs or for signs for products we don't carry. So we're pretty much yellow all the time.
Because we start at 6, if we follow best practice for ad set up, we would never get everything done by 8. What our team does is scan an aisle, then hang. Continue that way until about 7:15 - 7:30 and then scan in the balance of your section. What exactly is best practice for ad setup?
And another question... if you do ad setup in a specific area, do you also do the endcap audit for that area?
I just wanted to get your opinion on how we do our Ad Setup. (For me personally, I don't like it and don't think it's inefficient.)

At first we were having the our signing team come in, grab a certain section of the store, we all scanned in at the same time. Afterward, we'd all head out and put up our signing. We were finding that there were too many errors. Too many signs were either missing or scanned out before the end of the week, dropping our score.

Then we switched to to having the team come in, grab a certain section and put of the signs. Scanning in after the signs were placed in the aisle they were working on. Once again, we were finding that either signs were getting missed on the scan in or they were completely missing.

Now, on Sunday morning, one of our ETLs and a TL come in and start scanning in our signs at 5:30 a.m. At 6:00 a.m. the rest of the team comes in. Instead of the rest of us jumping in and finishing the scan they hand us whatever signs they have completed to to put out onto the floor. Usually just one section of the store.

I feel now we have wasted man power. There is usually a team of eight or so and we can complete a waco of signs fairly quickly. Then just to sit around and wait for them to finished scanning in another waco. I haven't read up on best practice on sign set-up to know which was is actually the right way to do things. I guess I better brush up on that.
It depends on how many folks you have for setup. We have 4 folks for hardlines, which is bad.
Bp says to scan the sign when put up. No good, when you have not enough folks.
Less staff is a normal thing for us.
We do have a decent sized team. It's about eight or nine people that come in to put up the signing. I just find this "new" way of scanning in the signs just wastes time. I think it would be faster for us all to scan in at the same time then put everything up.
Everything depends on how well the ad is "Prepped", I have three team members trained and each one of them is trained by me and the girl thats been doing ad prep for close to a year for me. If the prep is lousy, then your ad set is lousy. The ad preppers, really need to have a solid understanding of the sales floor, both hard lines and sofltines. Our ad process has been called out as a win, from district and group level visitors!
We have 2 people during the week do ad prep. Take down just depends on how many are scheduled for saturday night, usually 3 in hardlines, 1 in electronics and 2 in softlines. Though we've been known to have more or less. Set up crew for hardlines is anywhere between 5 and 8 people. We try to shoot for 7 people. 2 in A, 2 in G, 2 in E and F and 1 for B, C and D. Softlines usually has 2 people. We're not allowed to scan in all signs first, we have to scan and hang. When each area has 2, one usually breaks off to do endcaps while the other continues to hang. This past week, it was just me in G so one of the tl's did my endcaps. I had to fix them monday morning o.0
You know, this thread could be a valuable piece of information to the powers that be. It would be nice for us if there was an upper management person reading this who could make a difference in how stores work.

We clearly see that there is no "best practice" for ad.

I think that this thread really could make a difference if is was reviewed, ideas taken to heart, and time efficient ways of ad could be instituted....a real time saver....and could save a ton of money and wasted labor hours.
While chances are "slim to none" that this will ever be seen by the people who can make a difference I do hope that some of us have been able to benefit by this thread.

Wouldn't this be a dream come true????? A revamping of ad..............
See it would make sense to learn from other stores... unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot of that going around.
Though, I am going to bring some ideas back and see what we can do to streamline our set up a bit.
So how did signing go for everyone today? We had 5 people... 2 in A, 1 for B, C, D, 1 in E & F and 1 in G. and we squeaked it out by 10:45 (so no one went into compliance). Only hiccup is that the people who do ad takedown are supposed to leave any signing stuff in a cart by the signing closet in TSC... we had to hunt it down this morning... so much fun to do at 6 am
We probably would have been done by 10 but everyone had to help push miniseasonal then have huddle so we lost about a half hour. meh.
Hello all, I am a new user who randomly searched for ad takedown on Google and found this forum. Very interesting! Figured I would sign up and share a bit....

I'm a regular SF team member at my store; fairly new I might add. Generally for ad takedown, we have one person doing As and Cs (sometimes Bs), one doing Es and Fs, and one doing Ds. Electronics does their own, as does softlines. I love my job so far, but personally I hate ad takedown. I am a quick zoner, but ad takedowns always takes me so long, and I feel like such a terrible team member while doing it. Worse yet, last night my PDA was being very strange, and I'm thinking a lot of the ads didn't get entered into the system! I'm actually very afraid it will come back to me somehow....

Unfortunately at my store, we end up losing a lot of ads before takedown. I suspect a lot of the team members who don't like working end up throwing them away or such instead of finding where they go and making sure they are up. it's actually a common problem at my store; I myself only care as much because I was trained the right way, and I know it's important to the higher ups (I try to be as good of an employee as I can be).

Of course I do feel that our overall way of doing it is unproductive, since as mentioned we end of losing a fair bit of signs, so even if we do account for the others, we have such a low percentage of actual signs scanned. Likewise Saturday at my store always gets a lot of late business, making maintaining our zones while doing ad takedown is extremely difficult. It's a shame too, since other than this I believe my store functions very very well....
Hello all, I am a new user who randomly searched for ad takedown on Google and found this forum. Very interesting! Figured I would sign up and share a bit....

I'm a regular SF team member at my store; fairly new I might add. Generally for ad takedown, we have one person doing As and Cs (sometimes Bs), one doing Es and Fs, and one doing Ds. Electronics does their own, as does softlines. I love my job so far, but personally I hate ad takedown. I am a quick zoner, but ad takedowns always takes me so long, and I feel like such a terrible team member while doing it. Worse yet, last night my PDA was being very strange, and I'm thinking a lot of the ads didn't get entered into the system! I'm actually very afraid it will come back to me somehow....

Unfortunately at my store, we end up losing a lot of ads before takedown. I suspect a lot of the team members who don't like working end up throwing them away or such instead of finding where they go and making sure they are up. it's actually a common problem at my store; I myself only care as much because I was trained the right way, and I know it's important to the higher ups (I try to be as good of an employee as I can be).

Of course I do feel that our overall way of doing it is unproductive, since as mentioned we end of losing a fair bit of signs, so even if we do account for the others, we have such a low percentage of actual signs scanned. Likewise Saturday at my store always gets a lot of late business, making maintaining our zones while doing ad takedown is extremely difficult. It's a shame too, since other than this I believe my store functions very very well....

Don't worry about it. The only thing takedown gets scored on is if you take them down before 9pm.
Likewise Saturday at my store always gets a lot of late business, making maintaining our zones while doing ad takedown is extremely difficult.

My store used to do it that way, then in Q4 we started having an overnight signing team do the ad takedown. We kept the overnight team after Q4 and it seems to work rather nicely because they can do the takedown and setup (with the help of softlines brand TMs and the occasional hardlines TL) without guests in the store.
The more of this website I read, the more I realize just how amazingly jacked up my store is. Our Ad process in a nutshell:

1) We take 8 hours from the Signing TM each week (he never works more than 32 hours a week. Usually averages 20-25 hours a week to shave payroll) and have a TM scan all the ad signs on Friday afternoon to write down any missing locations. Problem is, she doesn't understand that there may be multiple locations for a DPCI and doesn't (D) Down to other POG numbers for their locations. She also tosses all the NoLocations which means we have to print all the Sales Plan a signs again as they set in the coming week AND any POG Transitions or Revisions don't get ad signs for that week as they don't see printing ad signs as part of their work. So how do we not get noticed by Starfleet Command? All of our ad related scores are always green because...

2) On Sunday morning, our opening ETL comes in at 4am and sits alone for an hour scanning every ad sign in at the TSC. They scan all of the A aisles to A1, all the B aisles to B1, etc. any problematic signs are tied to the best guess set of aisles. By 6am, all signs are scanned in and ready to be set. We have 5-6 people come in at 6am and start setting the ad signs. Any large areas that can justify a SPP get a 7x11 made so instead of setting 300 of the reader signs that never last a day in the hanging gum aisle, we just make a 7x11 for it, even if it isn't a whole 4 foot section or a mix of selective products. Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that we make custom signs at our store that don't require Store Applications and a signing PC.

3) by 9-10am, all signs are up and the opening LOD has finished the End Cap Audit.

4) On Saturday night, the closing LOD sits in the TSC and scans out all the signs while the closing team takes down all the ad signs ending that night. When the ad team sets the next week's ad the next morning, they also look for any out dated signs to pull down.

I hear some of you saying, "But your Ad Sign Location Accuracy is entirely scored as 0% (or whatever that metric is under DTK when you click on Ad Sign and deep dive into the individual department numbers). If you scan in 100% and scan out 100%, even with 0% Location Accuracy, we make between an 88% - 90% each week achieving a green that isn't questioned by prying DTLs.

By the way, we are the lowest low volume GM store on the totem pole so maybe that is why we can get away with this.

This is the only way to do it that isn't a huge, colossal waste of time.
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