Archived Adam Lippes for Target (New Designer Release Date August / September 2015)

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I would think so. The street date is sept 27th. I would go to domestics and with a my device shoot it. If it is part of the collection it will, in small print, say street date. In my store they get very pissy if stuff gets pushed early.
Did anyone not get it yet? I have only seen like one or two pieces for the hanging part of the collection come in and that's not good news for sure =p.
will this be gone in a day ??

I sure hope so. I don't think I could stand to look at it for too much longer. A little plaid goes a long way. Have any of you seen it yet? I accidentally had some of it on a pull which I quickly took back to where everything's being kept. I guess they'll set it up tonight because it'll be there in the morning. I was getting a lot of inquiries from guests. They have no idea who the designer is but figure if we carried Lily P, then all of our designers must be hot.
No mention of this stuff at my store, not even when the GSTL/GSA were handing out the plaid stickers for the front end to pass out to the kiddos.

It's like the product doesn't exist just like when we had the Lilly P stuff. In my store the only front end people who knew the product was available were the few TM who worked that morning.
No mention of this stuff at my store, not even when the GSTL/GSA were handing out the plaid stickers for the front end to pass out to the kiddos.

It's like the product doesn't exist just like when we had the Lilly P stuff. In my store the only front end people who knew the product was available were the few TM who worked that morning.

It's online, but it hasn't been mentioned at ALL in my store. We have some plaid stuff in store, but not from this guy. It's just been plates and cups and stuff. The sweater dress looks pretty cute. I'll buy that online before it sells out. The vest I wanted turned out to be a kids item though. Darn. I have to admit, I'm impressed with this collection. The prices are good, and they even offer Men's and Plus Size clothing. Great selection.
Our store is not carrying it. We actually had a bunch of guests who were angry about it.
So there has been no push from stores about this? I wouldn't have even known this was going on if I didn't still log on here. Love me some plaid. 🙂 NO Buzzfeed articles about the stuff, no mass hysteria? This stuff looks better than the hideous Missoni and frou frou Lily Pulitzer crap. What gives?
Actual conversation I had this morning with our srtl for the salesfloor:

Me (looking at all of the plaid signing, stickers, etc): what's up with Target's obsession with plaid lately?

Him: I have no idea. It's weird.

Me: Yeah, really. So it's just here?

Him: yep, there was nothing in the playbook about it.

Me: oh, I was thinking it was one of their new design collections again.

Him: hahaha. No.

Great marketing campaign they've got there!
There was a small paragraph in the sept week 5 playbook. But overall not a lot of info for this plaid nonsense.
Actual conversation I had this morning with our srtl for the salesfloor:

Me (looking at all of the plaid signing, stickers, etc): what's up with Target's obsession with plaid lately?

Him: I have no idea. It's weird.

Me: Yeah, really. So it's just here?

Him: yep, there was nothing in the playbook about it.

Me: oh, I was thinking it was one of their new design collections again.

Him: hahaha. No.

Great marketing campaign they've got there!
The green plaid jacket for men looks good on the website but in person it was just meh...
All this plaid is making my lesbian heart so happy. Most of the stuff in the place isn't selling well. But, hey, at least this isn't that stupid Lily Pulitzer crap. Less chance of me getting mauled by a bunch of middle aged white ladies.
Im not wearing a plaid pin unless they put a magnet on it. Not ruining shirts by getting holes in them. Dont get paid enough to buy new shirts constantly
Why do would Target need 12 pk Diet Coke with plaid graphics. I got a 104 cases it will take forever to sell Diet Coke. 😕

We have 3 Pallets coming Friday

First they came this monday and Me, My Receiver, AND my Coke Rep were like? Wtf is this? 3 pallets of diet coke? and he declined it...

Needless to say we are still saying the samething.
We have 3 Pallets coming Friday

First they came this monday and Me, My Receiver, AND my Coke Rep were like? Wtf is this? 3 pallets of diet coke? and he declined it...

Needless to say we are still saying the samething.
Ours has put it off to try and figure out the least he needs to fill the space. Not that the endcap will be set forever. Just hired a new pa and now another is quitting. Flames in my wake...muahaha.
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