Archived Adam Lippes for Target (New Designer Release Date August / September 2015)

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I actually may be joining you on the signing side of things quite soon.

Is it better?
Better than what? My eye twitch from stress went from the one (normal) to two (rare). Just around thirty hours for signing a week and the rest are pricing or Plano. Which pretty much makes me the whipping boy for the pptl. And at everyone else's beck and call when they think they need something.

My saving grace is that they know better than to really fuck with me. I get my work done, better than most. But I regularly job search and remind then that mcds will always take me back-right where I left off (manager, full time with benefits).
Better than what? My eye twitch from stress went from the one (normal) to two (rare). Just around thirty hours for signing a week and the rest are pricing or Plano. Which pretty much makes me the whipping boy for the pptl. And at everyone else's beck and call when they think they need something.

My saving grace is that they know better than to really fuck with me. I get my work done, better than most. But I regularly job search and remind then that mcds will always take me back-right where I left off (manager, full time with benefits).

So your still a PA anyway? (Plano-Assistant).
The shoes that are with the collection are my favorite and I like the coats/sweaters. Isn't super popular at our store.
I bought the flat pointy-toe shoes. Love, love, LOVE them! I'm eyeing one of the ponchos too.
Anybody else get the wrist sweatbands for team members? Nobody at my store knows what to do with them. A few people have worn them just to show support for the plaid campaign, but mostly they're still sitting in the box where we found them. Also, STL has been encouraging everybody to wear plaid shirt as long as they have some red. So far, he's shown up 3 days in a row with different plaid shirts every day.
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