Archived AE14 Reviews

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Wow that guy is a piece of crap. I hope he gets fired and is never able to be a boss in anything ever again. I cannot stand ETLs and the STLs when they have power trips. The thing that makes me laugh is how they keep information from team members. At my store, I get basically 90 percent of the information about what's going on in the store from team members. Not team leads, ETLs, or the STL.
"You earned an O, but the store isn't giving out any of those this year."

Also I basically had to sit there while they fudged this on the review by giving me low marks on attendance and not writing enough vibe cards. My TL tried to put a positive spin on it by saying these are just on there to justify not getting an O. Its all a numbers game as everyone has pretty much said.

My absence record was 1% for the year so they pretty much made up that I am late consistently. Not true. I also am really never in a position to interact with a guest, very rarely. Which my TL said during my review. but I had to take a hit somewhere for the sake of the numbers.. It was pretty insulting and infuriating.
I really want to get out of Target so badly. But part of me wants to stick around to see what my review score is like. I won one of (I think) 200 Best in the Community Awards for the entire company back in September. I wouldn't really be surprised if I still received an "E" or even an "EX" for the Be Your Best Self category.

During my last review, since I had received "E" all across the board, I asked how they justified that when I had received recognition on numerous occasions from ETLs and other TMs and TLs for my volunteering efforts. I asked what else I could possibly do - not that I do that kind of thing just to be recognized - to get a higher rating, at least in that category. All I got was, literally, a shrug and, "I spoke with all the other TLs and ETLs and this is what they decided was fair.

I only pointed to that as an example of how management's decisions on our review scores don't even come close to accurately reflecting our actual performance and my TL essentially refused to give an explanation.
The funny thing is that the TL that gave me my interview asked me then why I was fighting for my score so hard. "Is it for the pay or just so you can get an EX?". I just laughed and said maybe the most obvious and simple thing there was to say, "Because it's fair and you know it." He just didn't understand why a person could be so upset by being told they did a sub-par job (in my eyes) when there was empirical evidence to the contrary.

I'd rather they just give me a low raise and a honest review, instead of mucking around with the numbers and stretching the truth to fit the score. The comments are more important to me, and when it's copy-and-paste with another's name in it and generic, vague feedback is insulting. It says a lot on how the company values its team and their wins/opportunities to improve.
Anyone know the avg. % per review score?
i.e. EX gets 85% more pay? E gets 80% etc?
How were reviews during the good old days? I know there was a raise after 90 days but what else? Was IE, E, EX, etc always the ranks? I'm guessing the percentages were more too.
I heard our ETL-HR tell a TL that writing a review should never take more than 5 min.
Also, why do they do GTS right after reviews? It's the worse time for them to expect good surveys.
I was told last year that its mandatory to take the survey. Another reason to not take it. Many of this dis-satisfiers are never fully addressed. Hours, pay, benefits, workload, recognition... Will never change.
Looks like i'll be writing myself a 'read this before taking best team survey' note.
from what I understood at a huddle at my store this week, undercover vibe visits determine how much money a store gets for raises. The LOD leading the huddle said the DTL takes a look at the store's results from undercover vibe visits and then the DTL allocates money for a store that way. I think it's true, I remember last year all the undercover vibe visits happened around this time. I think it's kind of a fair way to see the store's morale, but some of the standards Target has for their employees are obnoxious.. don't expect team members to go above & beyond and pick up the slack for all the cuts they make in resources. I'll never understand how they justify team members of all people in the corporation to be the ones that create the shift that causes Target to out do other companies.
False. Your ETL is getting creative. Your store's budget for raises is decided more by sales, metrics, best team survey results, and the like.
Tl. Around less than a year. Got an eff. Quarter raise after having my workload increase four fold over the year. Lick my balls.
My friend got an E but only a 2percent raise. She's a little peeved. You're excellent, here's 15 cents. So contradictory!!
I think I speak for all team leads when I say we hate delivering those reviews. Even's a penny less than a quarter. Worst is IE for someone who's been improving. $0.12 is just an insult.
Even an Effective is less than the cost of living. COLA would be on average 5%, yet your raise is 2%.
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