Archived Am I getting pushed out while in training?

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Nov 28, 2014
I have been with Target for a month, and even though I am not an ETL (I am an exempt experienced hire), this post really hit home with me:

A couple weeks into my training I was asked if I wanted to switch departments since my bosses thought I might be a better fit in a different department, but I was told it was my choice and I really felt more excited about the department I was in, so I asked to stay.

I was granted the right to stay, but then given lots of really harsh feedback, like I was not adaptable enough, and my boss basically predicted my failure. I thought that he had misjudged me and that I could prove to him that I was really right for that department...

A couple more weeks went by, and today I was called in to talk with my boss, and it felt like I was getting a coaching in every area I am supposed to be evaluated in. A lot of it seemed completely off base to me and like my boss was trying extra hard to interpret everything I said in the worst way possible.

I will admit that I am not perfect, and there are things I could be doing better in my training, but those are not the things I was being called out on. I was being called out on things like "job knowledge" when I am pretty sure that I am on top of that.

Is this whole thing padding for my max notes, leading to me getting "separated" from Target?

Why is this training experience so miserable and does it ever get better? I was so excited about my job when I started, it is pretty incredible to me that this process has already turned me into a paranoid, resentful, apathetic employee, but that is how I feel after today.
Hate to say it but if you ask to transfer over to other department that they said "you'd do better in" (read they probably need somebody and you'll fit), your performance scores will jump right up.

If you absolutely can't stand that idea than be prepared for the constant pillorying that you have been receiving.
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Oh man. I would turn into a zombie in the other department. I have zero interest in it. But I cannot take many more days like the one I just had.
Oh man. I would turn into a zombie in the other department. I have zero interest in it. But I cannot take many more days like the one I just had.

Do whatever they say and don't ask why... At ETL or above that is how you succeed... I am not being negative, but they want a leader who they can plug into any role and be successful.
I hope you're not in my District. I had the same experience like you did and I requested a new training store and trainer.

My boss told me several times later on that he did not want me in that role. It turns out he has a history of trying to get rid of anyone who is not a "yes man", and even though I had not made any waves yet, he could tell (truthfully) that I would not just sit back and not say anything if I did not agree with something.

I tried to see if I could get back into the other role, but my boss had tarnished my reputation to the other seniors in the meantime. There was no way I was going to be able to recover, and my boss was making my life miserable, so I quit.

So long Spot.

Too bad Target used to be one of my favorite places to be when I was feeling down.... now I just feel hurt every time I walk into a store. 🙁
Sorry to hear that you had such an awful boss.
Decent managers don't mind a little push back now and then.

It might be for the best, there may be a great opportunity out there much better than Target.
Good luck to you @holysmokes! I hope that you find something out of retail. I'm still in training "until further notice". I hope my situation doesn't end in me quitting. Target is just a stepping stone to get better jobs for me.
On the one hand firing someone right before Christmas is certainly worse.
On the other the mercenary spirit that goes into the using someone to get through season and promptly firing them is cold as hell.

As someone who as had to fire people there really isn't any 'good' time to do it.
However, unless the person is being fired for extreme behavior (stealing, etc.) it is possible to treat them as human beings and be compassionate in the process.
For that matter, I have seen a boss sit down with an employee who was stealing to find out why they were doing it.
When he found it was because the employee was homeless, living out of their car and had been stealing the product to eat, he let her take home food every night until she could get back on her feet.
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Their excuse for firing me was that despite my training being extended, they didn't see me running a department, let alone a store as LOD. I worked my ass off and they thought that I didn't get it. Negative statuses and nitpicking kind of set the tone for the let go.

There was some underhanded stuff going on and I suspect that they didn't have an opening for me, so to cut costs, they let me go. I brought in the new year unemployed.

Politics and subtle bullying forced me out
Their excuse for firing me was that despite my training being extended, they didn't see me running a department, let alone a store as LOD. I worked my ass off and they thought that I didn't get it. Negative statuses and nitpicking kind of set the tone for the let go.

There was some underhanded stuff going on and I suspect that they didn't have an opening for me, so to cut costs, they let me go. I brought in the new year unemployed.

Politics and subtle bullying forced me out

Imagine if you had gotten a position and had to deal with that crap even more. Now you have a chance to start fresh. Best of luck to you.
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