Well here is what ended up happening...
I went in two days after the keys went missing and nobody said anything to me at the beginning of the shift. i assumed they were either found and there would be no further issue or they were gone for good and the team lead didnt want to bring it up anymore (Seeing as to how it was only a BALER AND CROWN KEY).
So I went about the shift like normal with nothing being said to me, then when it came time to punch out the LOD said she would like to have a word with me.. I was like "Oh okay, no problem."
It turns out the next day the keys were turned back in by some mystery person.. SO the TEAM LEAD HAS HER KEYS back
I had to sign a FINAL WARNING SLIP... Thats BullshIt in my opinion...
1.) The keys were found
2.) The keys arent official, I didnt have to sign them out.. theyre the team lead OWN PERSONAL SET
3.) They are JUST BALER & Crown keys
She gave me some speech on how it would cost the store $5,000 if they didnt get found... Im thinking "yeah ooooooookay...
Whatever though fuck them..