Am I returning? Am I crazy? Who knows!


Aug 29, 2016
Greetings, folks. It's been quite a while, and stuff has changed a lot since I was 'round these parts, so I figure a re-introduction is in order.

I'm not currently working for Spot, but I did for a few years, a few years ago. I was primarily a caffeine dealer, but eventually cross-trained for several other areas as well. Ultimately, I worked at four different stores (although half of those were just me being sent to help out when they were short) in two different states. For the most part, I did enjoy it, and it's overall probably the best large company I've ever worked for. Unfortunately, the last ETL was a dishonorable targ-turd whose mother had a smooth forehead, and I could only put up with that for so long without daydreaming what types of felony charges I'd be willing to plea to.

Otherwise, I'm a nerdy Whovian, obsessed with motorbikes far more than the average person, know way too much about animation, and have lead a far weirder life than most would probably believe. I have frequently been asked, "Why the hell are you working here?" just about everywhere I have worked. Avid grammar dork and unashamed fanfic writer, when the bug bites me. Currently trying to climb out of some particularly difficult times.

A few metric tons of stuff has gone down since then, in more ways than one.

I've moved (again, ugh), and am now once again a mere couple of miles away from my nearest store. It's the first one I worked at, and I loved it the most. It's probably the only place I've worked with more than a few employees where I felt like I got along with everyone. It's also one of only two places I've worked that ever gave me any accommodations at all when I had health issues (I had a major surgery, and honestly, I think my coworkers were better about being reasonable when I returned than I was, myself). Aside from the BS every corporate customer service job entails, I generally enjoyed going to work there.

Since I was there (and here) last, my health has pushed me very much into the disabled category (specifically, the fun bit of limbo where I'm clearly disabled, but not enough to be Disabled). I'm actually in the middle of the process of getting a wheelchair. But among all the other crap I'm currently dealing with, lack of income, boredom, and cabin fever are pretty high up the list. I don't expect to have my chair and be reasonably adept with it until colder weather starts setting in, so I've got plenty of time to think about it. But all the positives of my first store make me feel like it would be worth a shot trying to re-enter the workforce by going there. I can't imagine trying to deal with a wheelchair behind the 'bux counter, but there are a lot more wide open spaces elsewhere in the store. I doubt it would take me too long to get back up to speed with the basics.

All that said--I up and quit when I left my last store. And I'm pretty sure there's only one or two employees left from the time I worked at my first store, none of them in management. So who knows, this could all be for naught. It appears re-hiring is dictated not only by each particular store, but also by whether the moon is sitting in the right sign or something.

Anyway, how's it been going in this neck of the woods lately? Nice to see a lot of threads with usernames I remember from back when.
Don't do it. So much has changed. Specifically the people have changed. It's the people and getting along with those people that you loved about the job correct? You might as well look at it as an altogether different employer. Things changed process wise, changed again, and probably changed two or three more times after that. Everything is completely different now.
Don't do it. So much has changed. Specifically the people have changed. It's the people and getting along with those people that you loved about the job correct? You might as well look at it as an altogether different employer. Things changed process wise, changed again, and probably changed two or three more times after that. Everything is completely different now.
I agree!
Anyway, how's it been going in this neck of the woods lately? Nice to see a lot of threads with usernames I remember from back when.

The company has changed a lot in the past three years. I don't know how long you've been away, you did not specify, but as Ringwraith917 said, the target you knew before 2018-19 is a distant memory. If you were to come back, think of the company as a completely new business because they've changed everything from titles, operations/processes, and more.

I warn you if you do decide to come back. If you can get something better than retail, consider it. The company is doing well financially, but that always comes with caveats, so I would just do your research before selling your soul back to target.
Target today is not the Fast, Fun, and Friendly place to work that it was in the past. Seems to fall somewhere between sweatshop and job-from-Hell on the horrible jobs continuum these days. Between the unrealistic expectations and unrelenting micromanagement, I wouldn’t advise coming back. If you want to get into back into retail, Costco is better. Good luck to you whatever you decide.😁
If you want a job apply. I dont know why people discourage anyone from trying to get back into a job. Is it the same as before no, are there better places to apply, probably, but you can still work with plenty of people that you may enjoy. You can always quit if it doesnt work out. You will probably stuck as a cashier with your disabilities though.
If you want a job apply. I dont know why people discourage anyone from trying to get back into a job. Is it the same as before no, are there better places to apply, probably, but you can still work with plenty of people that you may enjoy. You can always quit if it doesnt work out. You will probably stuck as a cashier with your disabilities though.
They might not want the person to suffer through the hell they went through before. The op mentioned having a turd for a manger. The job could be bliss for some and a hellhole for others. They just try to save op lot heartbreak and wasted time especially when there's better working conditions and pay. If I can save somebody from heartbreak I will.
I didn't expect things to be the same, but it is a bummer to hear people don't like the changes. Part of my thinking is that it's a job I've already done, so the basics should still be easy to adjust to, and I can focus on figuring out how to deal with the world from a chair. It's also been a couple years since I had a job at all, and I'm not sure I want to do something 100% unfamiliar to start out again.

Aside from a wheelchair, I've got other obstacles to contend with until I can earn a few bucks to mitigate some of them. My laptop just croaked (just a mobile right now), so any online/telecommute situation is out for the moment. Transportation is a biggie as well. There's no public transit here, and I don't currently have a vehicle. My roommate is willing to help drive me get to a job for a few weeks initially until I can figure out other arrangements. This is a small suburb without a whole lot to offer.

I do appreciate the warnings and updates! It's always nice to be more informed about a decision, regardless of the final choice. I don't have enough soul left to sell anymore, so that's not a concern.

The nearest Costco is a nearly two-hour drive in a different state. I've heard they're great, but there are very few jobs on this planet that I'd make that kind of a commute for.

As I said, it might not ultimately matter. Heck, I don't even own a single red shirt now!
Spot may have issues with it. You maybe a cashier.
I already accepted that a chair wouldn't be practical in Starbucks. I was trained for multiple areas before I left. Cashiering happened even before they let me near coffee.

I think the bigger issue would likely be the fact that I previously quit.

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