Archived Amplified Gifiting: Take two

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i suggest not avoiding to build them or kill old ones for new ones. reason being the items all go hard markdown in 2 weeks followed by a full endcap reset, you benefit from having the shippers holding the merch vs. endcaps. also on a side note, has anyone noticed the messy shipper process lately? getting shippers really late, not atall, missing instructions, and duplicate amp shippers?
I've been assigned to this for the next two weeks, for 8 hours everyday, and I'm just a normal hardlines tm. We have our shippers already built.

Basically, my day goes like this

-I get my push from either the fitting room, the backroom, from god knows where. Honestly I don't know where my push will be the day I come in because it's such a low priority it seems like. That takes like an hour at most.
-I zone all the shippers we have built in the store, which doesn't take long because they're kind of supposed to be a mess in some respect.
-The rest of my day I spend by electronics because I don't know what else to do.

So I mean I'll take it.
I've been assigned to this for the next two weeks, for 8 hours everyday, and I'm just a normal hardlines tm. We have our shippers already built.

Basically, my day goes like this

-I get my push from either the fitting room, the backroom, from god knows where. Honestly I don't know where my push will be the day I come in because it's such a low priority it seems like. That takes like an hour at most.
-I zone all the shippers we have built in the store, which doesn't take long because they're kind of supposed to be a mess in some respect.
-The rest of my day I spend by electronics because I don't know what else to do.

So I mean I'll take it.
I believe that it said on Workbench that the TM responsible for maintaining the AG shippers was also supposed to maintain the battery and gift card out posts throughout the store. Although, it doesn't happen at my store.
Came back from a day off and they have shoved freight onto all of the shippers. Doesn’t even go to that location. They said they wanted to purge the back room They made a wall of soap gift sets over in grocery. That makes a lot of sense. Why do I even have a job?
Spent all day yesterday filling and flexing. Me and another TM and backroom pulling our fills. Basically just because we were having a visit. We have not had anyone specifically scheduled to maintain there shippers. It's a shame because they really do get shopped a lot.
Our SFS has been prioritized, but not to the point that we cut VM gifting hours. Our HRBP and DTL have me double the hours given for SFS, so we have to cut from somewhere else, usually hardlines hours. But the better your store does with SFS > the more orders get sent to your store > the more revenue > more payroll. So I get it
Yeah. I get that for SFS. Makes sense when that's guaranteed sales. My store isn't SFS but we had a few tms go to a neighboring store last week to help them pack. Seems it's been insane for you guys.

I just get kinda bummed out when I see the execution guides for these new programs, like amplified, and they just don't get rolled out the way they're supposed to.

It's a shame cause everyone suffers. A mess for guests. Miserable to push truck into. More markdowns for pricing cause they aren't getting filled from the backroom... And it's like, where are those hours going?
Yeah. I get that for SFS. Makes sense when that's guaranteed sales. My store isn't SFS but we had a few tms go to a neighboring store last week to help them pack. Seems it's been insane for you guys.

I just get kinda bummed out when I see the execution guides for these new programs, like amplified, and they just don't get rolled out the way they're supposed to.

It's a shame cause everyone suffers. A mess for guests. Miserable to push truck into. More markdowns for pricing cause they aren't getting filled from the backroom... And it's like, where are those hours going?

Don't mention the lone Signing TM, that had to build all this bullshit, tho 😀
Came back from a day off and they have shoved freight onto all of the shippers. Doesn’t even go to that location. They said they wanted to purge the back room They made a wall of soap gift sets over in grocery. That makes a lot of sense. Why do I even have a job?

WTF ?????? Who is running that store????
Yeh, these ARE ridiculous... they're so HUGE too. >< Had to bring it in through one of the double side doors (too big to get through receiving). We put up the men's one called "the shed" today. Was extremely aggravating not having product that had OH counts. And yeh, it pulls ALL over the backroom.

I had pulls in toys, Home, electronics, softlines, etc...

Took my entire shift to pull all the batches.

Never want to do that again.
I love that anything that weighs more than a gram merchandised on the fixtures causes them to fall apart after only 2 seconds. I also love that they only take 2 minutes to set, fill, and maintain.
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LOD was probably a new ETL who just graduated with a bachelors in geology a few months ago and jumped right into Target.
Nope! Seasoned ETLs came up with this mess. I spent a week getting these stupid things merchandised perfectly and they completely destroyed it. They don’t seem to understand that if it looks like Big Lots, no one will want to buy it. They think if it’s ALL out of the floor, it will sell SO much better. I just don’t understand why we’re starting to transition out of Christmas on Dec. 7, but what do I know? I just have a degree in merchandising and marketing
I’ve been one of the main TM’s doing amplified gifting. This is usually how my shift goes:

-zone all shippers and write down what needs to be filled (sometimes I either request a batch after scanning the pog barcode, or if it’s only one thing write the DPCI. I’m not pulling a batch just to cram in more gift bags when they’re already full). This takes me about an hour.
-pull the items in the back room and push to the floor (usually gets done before my first break)
-fill batteries. Thank god that doesn’t take long.
-ask the LOD if I should make another round or what to do next. A lot of the time it’s either helping with pulls or Softlines reshop

I’ve only filled gift cards once. I’m okay with that
Yeh, these ARE ridiculous... they're so HUGE too. >< Had to bring it in through one of the double side doors (too big to get through receiving). We put up the men's one called "the shed" today. Was extremely aggravating not having product that had OH counts. And yeh, it pulls ALL over the backroom.
Same thing at my store, as I have lots of product that is MIA. Today I just started flexing all of the make-up bags that they continue to send every truck in large volumes. I think I have these on at least 4 of these fixtures (only planogramed one). I am just concerned that this product will turn up about the time they send clearance and/or PLU markdowns for them.
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