Archived Any other backroom TMs being pushed into another departments due to the new CAF system?

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The hours at my store shot up on the newest schedule and my team leader told me our backroom payroll was almost doubled. I guess this didn't happen for all stores?

Our dayside backroom hours have increased as well. Can't say by how much, but I'd guess we've gotten at least an additional 40-60 hours.
I was told today that I could out of a job due to the lovely new CAF batch schedule. I don't care. This place can burn to the ground. I don't give a fuck.

I will give my TL props for at least telling me to my face and not being sneaky about it.

I just don't see how 2 backroom day team members can pull the CAF batches, ff, and price change batches from Sunday to Saturday. Are we not going to get days off?
It WAS and STILL IS A FAIL! FAIL! We pilot'd this crap, and fail! We repeated that each conference call. I finally was kicked out of the conference calls as I would not tow the party line. Further up the chain just refuses to see that their PROJECTED (always WRONG bean counter number) savings is not going to happen! This is not going to recoup $0.5B towards the CA disaster... get over it move on!

Not sure if you were "kicked out of the conference call" because you wouldn't agree. If you came off how you do in some of these posts, that may be more of the reason. Just some constructive criticism.

The STL can give as many hours as they want as long as they are prepared to go up against the DTL with an explanation if they overspend.

Finally someone gets it. It's pretty easy to support your decisions as long as you have numbers.

I was told today that I could out of a job due to the lovely new CAF batch schedule. I don't care. This place can burn to the ground. I don't give a fuck.

I will give my TL props for at least telling me to my face and not being sneaky about it.

I just don't see how 2 backroom day team members can pull the CAF batches, ff, and price change batches from Sunday to Saturday. Are we not going to get days off?

I thought they weren't allowed to tell you that. Then you can say they were trying to get rid of you and claim unemployment.
I have no idea. If that's true then I have a witness to it, my team lead said it to both me and the guy that helps me with CAF batches on the weekends.

I just laugh at how the word "might" is dangled in front of our faces. Fucking tell me if you're gonna can me. I need to know if I'm gonna be gone. I've already started looking for a 2nd job. With the way corporate is shitting on backroom day, I'm gonna start looking for ANOTHER job.

I love how early morning backroom goes unharmed as usual. They always get preference over backroom day minions.
I have no idea. If that's true then I have a witness to it, my team lead said it to both me and the guy that helps me with CAF batches on the weekends.

I just laugh at how the word "might" is dangled in front of our faces. Fucking tell me if you're gonna can me. I need to know if I'm gonna be gone. I've already started looking for a 2nd job. With the way corporate is shitting on backroom day, I'm gonna start looking for ANOTHER job.

I love how early morning backroom goes unharmed as usual. They always get preference over backroom day minions.

Then I wouldn't doubt that management is trying to get rid of you by making it sound like you should get a second job. If you do, watch how fast they'll deny your availability change.
I don't care. I'm going to be look for another job tomorrow. When I say another job, I mean that as soon as I get said job, I will be putting in my two weeks notice and saying fuck you to Target.
I don't care. I'm going to be look for another job tomorrow. When I say another job, I mean that as soon as I get said job, I will be putting in my two weeks notice and saying fuck you to Target.

Sucks to hear they're pushing you out as well. I'm right there with you. I've been applying to jobs all day today. Shitty thing is, my city is dry job as far as the job market goes. I much rather target "let me go" so at least I would qualify for unemployment until I find something else. We all know that won't happen though.
Not sure if you were "kicked out of the conference call" because you wouldn't agree. If you came off how you do in some of these posts, that may be more of the reason. Just some constructive criticism.

I don't do "PC" or coy, or sugar coat, or any of that other BS. I shoot , talk, and post, PLAINLY and BLUNTLY.

If you ask for my opinion, don't expect me to tow the unicorns and rainbows flavorade BS if this is not my opinion.

Most today can't handle the truth, I live in the truth, of the cold hard real mean world, and it sometimes is not what others like.
I'm just curious. Any A volume backroom around? What do your hours look like with the new process. Truck and backroom day
I'm fairly certain that our dayside hours were raised for the new process at my store, however I don't know if we will be losing hours later. We'll have to see what happens. On the bright side, I only need around 24 hours and I can split that between Backroom and SFS.
Our store is an A volume, and so far we seem pretty similar. The new schedule reduced my own hours a little bit, but I had 2 request off days. Everyone else is reporting normal hours.

We do have a strong STL who will gladly go up against anyone above that questions why he is distributing X number of hours though, so that helps a hell of a lot.
Our store is an A volume, and so far we seem pretty similar. The new schedule reduced my own hours a little bit, but I had 2 request off days. Everyone else is reporting normal hours.

We do have a strong STL who will gladly go up against anyone above that questions why he is distributing X number of hours though, so that helps a hell of a lot.

The guide is allowing it to be a store discretion on how to actually keep the floor filled. Some may go more "Project Viper" style and put all the hours into the floor and have TMs pull and work batches for their own departments, others may do some hybrid system of all the other processes combined. The secret to being successful with this is going to be taking the path of least resistance. Setup what works for your store and drive sales and fill outs where appropriate. There is no reason to overfill your floor and we want the truck to start doing the work for us as stuff gets unloaded. We want the most amount of freight to trigger as push as possible and the least amount of truck backstock as possible.
The guide is allowing it to be a store discretion on how to actually keep the floor filled. Some may go more "Project Viper" style and put all the hours into the floor and have TMs pull and work batches for their own departments, others may do some hybrid system of all the other processes combined. The secret to being successful with this is going to be taking the path of least resistance. Setup what works for your store and drive sales and fill outs where appropriate. There is no reason to overfill your floor and we want the truck to start doing the work for us as stuff gets unloaded. We want the most amount of freight to trigger as push as possible and the least amount of truck backstock as possible.

This makes a lot of sense and was explained similar to this. We regularly get trucks around 2500 with an occasional 1200 or so truck added in last minute on a Sunday (blek). We have had a policy of push-all on 2000 or less based on our team's size and it seems to work well enough. When we do get truck backstock, it is usually true backstock, but we do get a LOT of backstock from the truck. Including full casepacks.

If we had a larger morning team (which we can have now), we can work through this and should end up being backstocked by noon. Dayside pulls are traditionally pretty light (I had 10-15 batches per hour Monday....), so in our individual case, the new system should work well. We are maintaining our hours though because there is a lot of back work to be done such as Clearance pulls/tags/push, and then hopefully we will be able to start a process of PTM pulls on a regular basis.
We only get 112 hours to cover all mids and closing hours. We have 3 people total and apparently we're not getting out hours cut yet. We get 4 trucks a week in the 2200-2800 range.
The guide is allowing it to be a store discretion on how to actually keep the floor filled. Some may go more "Project Viper" style and put all the hours into the floor and have TMs pull and work batches for their own departments, others may do some hybrid system of all the other processes combined. The secret to being successful with this is going to be taking the path of least resistance. Setup what works for your store and drive sales and fill outs where appropriate. There is no reason to overfill your floor and we want the truck to start doing the work for us as stuff gets unloaded. We want the most amount of freight to trigger as push as possible and the least amount of truck backstock as possible.
This actually makes me feel a lot better about this, knowing that the stores have some discretion. Our STL has a great mind for logistics and I'm confident she'll execute this in a way that works for us.
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