Archived Anyone familiar with write up policy?

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I know it can not be held up in a court of law. But if they were talking about work at work and that's what the write up actually said AND it actually did technically happen from what it sounds like. Then I just need a better explanation. Maybe I missed something. How hard is it to just not talk about work to another coworker who is off the clock? If you were off work and went to work and your TL wanted to show you a new process or how to use this new cool device even if he was off work- it would be considered working off the clock for both of you. Which is against company policy technically and against the law. It should have happened on the clock. NO one cares what anyone does outside of those four walls but this happened at work.... so if they wanted to get rid of OP prime reason.
Unless they changed the guidelines, working off the clock for a first offense isn't a final. HOWEVER, if you've had other counselings in the past, considering on how they've been filed, this could count a final. So if all your past offenses are filed categorically as UNACCEPTABLE CONDUCT this could be considered a final.

Yes, they can write you up for giving directions to other TMs. However that's very strict policing and usually just means they're looking to get rid of you. Your only chance to get rid of it is to complain to the hotline/HRBP. If they're going to be that strict with you, then they have to be that strict with everyone. Make a complaint from that angle, even better if you have evidence.
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I was trying to decide if I should delete the thread or lock it but I was thinking about it being a teachable moment as well.

This is part of why we try to encourage people to be anonymous around here.
There are all kinds of reasons why you can get in trouble for posting here.

People often scoff and laugh when it is brought up that Spot monitors this place
But shitty things have happened.
Spot has shut us down more than once.

I don't know why this person chose to bail but I'm not going to judge them for it.
It sounds like their situation was was pretty tenuous at best.
Having been performanced out myself I can't blame them for being cautious.
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