Archived Anyone's store not making payroll?

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How exactly does payroll work? Does each store get a set amount of hours/payroll based on sales of the last month? Or do you have to make sales the current month to get all of the hours? So confused, no one at my store ever explained any of this to me as a tl. Also, where do you view this on workbench?😵
At out store, sales mean nothing. We have been outperforming like crazy, but there hours are going to other stores in district. It's pure insanity. I can't wrap my head around the logic used by higher ups.
At out store, sales mean nothing. We have been outperforming like crazy, but there hours are going to other stores in district. It's pure insanity. I can't wrap my head around the logic used by higher ups.
There IS no "logic used by higher ups." Their type of logic says "if you're able to meet/exceed goals on X number of hours, you obviously have too many hours." They are clueless as to how things really are at the store level. All they look at are pure number$$$.

Perfect example: our pharmacy's script count is up 10%, new guests are up 5% from June-July. We get our August hours? CUT by 10%!!! Why? Well, we managed to INCREASE our scripts and new guests with X number of hours, so we should be able to AT LEAST "maintain" with fewer hours. Of course, if we just "maintain" or (heaven forbid) DROP, we will get them cut even MORE! It's a vicious cycle we can't escape...
At out store, sales mean nothing. We have been outperforming like crazy, but there hours are going to other stores in district. It's pure insanity. I can't wrap my head around the logic used by higher ups.
This could apply to so many situations.
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