AP walkies

Sep 30, 2022
Who at your store gets an AP Walkie?
If you get a red walkie it’s not AP. APs go up to 6
At my store it’s
  • All of AP
  • All ETLs
  • SD
  • CTL (as we don’t have an ETL)
Recently we got a new HR ETL transfer and changed the rules (for the better) and got more walkies. Some people who didn’t have AP before now do

  • GSTL
  • VM
  • Maybe all TLs who have a key to open but I’m not sure
I think one to two or three (depending on theft and size) front end people who are NOT AP should have one
Who at your store gets an AP Walkie?
If you get a red walkie it’s not AP. APs go up to 6
At my store it’s
  • All of AP
  • All ETLs
  • SD
  • CTL (as we don’t have an ETL)
Recently we got a new HR ETL transfer and changed the rules (for the better) and got more walkies. Some people who didn’t have AP before now do

  • GSTL
  • VM
  • Maybe all TLs who have a key to open but I’m not sure
I think one to two or three (depending on theft and size) front end people who are NOT AP should have one
Please ask your new hr etl these questions.
Ah yes AP walkies should be given to those who are not part of AP. Do you read what you type?
I have a hunch that you've made this random fact up about TLs having AP walkies. Why you would make up such a fact I do not know but the fact seems farfetched
At my store, the SD has an AP Walkie. HR had an AP walkie at some point, IDK if they still do though. Same with Ulta, due to its high theft. Besides the SD for sure, only AP has AP walkies.
Our leaders have AP walkies. It'd be kind of pointless to only give them to AP when we only have an APTL and sometimes a TSS.
I know this doesn’t belong here but what’s your profile picture of? I’ve seen GMTLs at my store have one but never use it.

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