Archived Applying to multiple stores / multiple positions

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Trainer/ clerical / inbound D.C. /
Jul 24, 2016
I’m trying to move from dc to store end of the year or first of next year my question is can I apply for multiple positions at the same time the area I’m looking at has several stores within my acceptable commute time or even apply for multiple positions at the same store ?
yes to both of your questions. make sure to select the job that you'd be most interested in first so it's indicated that it's your first choice
How I got hired. The store I work at called me first. I applied at all three around me at the same time.
I’m looking for tl position possibly etl is their any specific department I should try for or avoid
Everyone has different skills and interests, but I’d avoid like the pit of Hell anything to do with order pick-up, drive-up, or ship-from-store. Leading those areas is nothing but stress and misery to the point of torture, because every process in the store has to be running smoothly for the picking process to be successful, and under Modernization that rarely if ever happens. Poor location accuracy, inaccurate counts, unpushed freight, items not being back stocked in a timely manner, items in the wrong place, items that are flexed that no one knows about, and myriad other problems that are all beyond your control will negatively impact your metrics and you will be held responsible for the failures. And then there’s the lack of fully functional equipment and constant technical issues. Not worth it, in my opinion. Good luck!
Everyone has different skills and interests, but I’d avoid like the pit of Hell anything to do with order pick-up, drive-up, or ship-from-store. Leading those areas is nothing but stress and misery to the point of torture, because every process in the store has to be running smoothly for the picking process to be successful, and under Modernization that rarely if ever happens. Poor location accuracy, inaccurate counts, unpushed freight, items not being back stocked in a timely manner, items in the wrong place, items that are flexed that no one knows about, and myriad other problems that are all beyond your control will negatively impact your metrics and you will be held responsible for the failures. And then there’s the lack of fully functional equipment and constant technical issues. Not worth it, in my opinion. Good luck!

Everyday of work this is the normal for me. My TL has figured out how to avoid being stressed out by SFS/OPU he ignores us.
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