Well, I googled it and the answer said, yes!
Wanting sanitizer and kleenex is a very reasonable accommodation.
Target doesn't want someone to have snot a running out one's nose ,especially as a cashier.
I'm going to ask HR!
Talk about insulting. Try reading your original reply!
When you see it in bold that is my reply as a moderator.
I am very careful about what I post as a moderator.
That means I am calling you out for something you have said.
In this case calling members of the board creeps because you didn't like their replies.
It is a rule that you broke.
As to reasonable accommodations, I'm not an expert on the subject but I work with people who are and have made PowerPoints and videos on the subject.
I have a thread here on disabilities and accommodations.
Unless you make the request in advance they don't have to hop to for you.
If you have allergies to items you are checking that is a reasonable accommodation but to keep the items at your register.
You are responsible for providing the information they need to know ahead of time.
Then, if you can, keeping the items available, like a reader if you are blind or an EpiPen if you have allergies.
I suspect you are not going to like this response.
My advice is not to take it personally.