Are mangers and TL's required to provide sanitary items, like kleenex and hand sanitizer?

What's bizarre is the lack of manners and just being civil as you hide behind your phone and say outrageous things while drunk!
I was expecting reasonable answers and some did give reasonable, and polite answers but you were way over the top with everything in your original reply. That's bizarre, in my opinion!
But I guess the moderator thinks it's OK for you to say outrageous things.

I suppose people that were raised with little to no manners are on here commenting.
Some of the responses here were rude and unnecessary, I agree. This can be an interesting and informative forum but some people here are really just waiting to jump all over new posters. At least Dysprosed admitted they were drunk because that response made no sense to me, lol.

Your original post was straightforward, nothing wrong with it.
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Snark is going to be a thing, especially in retail where it is often a necessary skill needed for survival.
I'm sorry you felt disrespected but like I said, it's best if you don't take it personally.
Insulting people rarely gets you the information you need.
A self-deprecating response right in the beginning would have brought people to your side and given you solid information.

As someone who is highly allergic to tree nuts, like not breathing, turning blue, hospital, allergic, I do have sympathy for your problem.
If a container of mixed nuts spilled at my station I would have called the ETL (do they still call them that?) got permission to shut down the line and clean that sucker down from top to bottom with Lysol.
Because for me it's the oils from the nuts I'm allergic to.
Then I would go wash up and take a bunch of Benadryl just in case.
But I would have made it clear why I was taking each step to the manager and given a rough estimate of how long it would take.
They don't want to have to call an ambulance for an employee if they don't have to.

There are ways to present your problem and make it clear that it is in their best interest to help.
Making it clear why something is in their best interests will always be too your advantage.
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I was suddenly allergic to something that came through the check lane. It's apparent that you don't know what can happen to someone that is allergic to something. For example, I am extremely allergic to cat saliva and become deathly ill upon accidentally getting cat saliva in my mouth. I was cleaning up food for a cat that had spilled out of the bowl at my friend's home, and must have accidentally touched my mouth. I was extremely ill !
I also am allergic to penicillin and break out in hives all over my body.
Being allergic to something can actually kill you.
Apprantently no one on here caught the word " allergic "
I said I was allergic!
Not all allergies are deadly. Your post didn’t specify it was a deadly emergency. We assumed it wasn’t deadly. If it was a deadly allergy absolutely you should have been given Kleenex. With a deadly allergy I would have gone home. I too am allergic to penicillin I have not had any since I was about 8. Most of us were not trying to be rude with comments, we had no idea it was serious allergies.
Was the alcohol provided to you by a leader? LOL. This is reasonable accommodation that could help with job performance. Just to be clear I’m 100% joking.

I once brought a meeting to a grinding halt when we were supposed to be discussing a training we had from a motivational speaker and I pointed out that the British Navy had ruled the known world for a very long time based on two motivations.
Rum and the lash.
So if we really wanted to be truly the most efficient office ever, we needed to pass out rations of rum every day and if we screwed up there would absolutely be the possibility of getting flogged.
For some reason nobody seemed on board with the idea.
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Well, I googled it and the answer said, yes!
Wanting sanitizer and kleenex is a very reasonable accommodation.

Target doesn't want someone to have snot a running out one's nose ,especially as a cashier.
I'm going to ask HR!
Talk about insulting. Try reading your original reply!
Go buy your own damn Kleenex. Good grief.

You having a runny nose is not an “accommodation” Target is required to pay for supplies to help you with. That is your responsibility.
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I apologize for being rude. While I still don't understand your original post. I didn't mean to come across that way. I'm just going to step away from this thread. I'm sorry.
Go buy your own damn Kleenex. Good grief.

You having a runny nose is not an “accommodation” Target is required to pay for supplies to help you with. That is your responsibility.
Try reading the word allergic.
I can't tell if you are on too many drugs or not enough!
No common sense it appears. It appears you know nothing about being suddenly allergic.
If I got smart with you, how would you know?
Deja poo..the feeling of having heard this crap before !
Two Rules of Target to keep in mind:
1. Target is cheap.
2. If you wonder why Target isn’t giving you something, refer to rule 1.

Allergies suck. They attack at the most in opportune times, and when know you have them it’s a good idea to be prepared for the inevitable by keeping Kleenex or a handkerchief nearby. Using toilet paper for a runny nose is paradise compared to using those brown kraft paper towels that are only marginally softer than sandpaper and with the same lack of absorbency.

Going to HR over this is not a good idea, because it will only make leadership view you as a snitch and a troublemaker, neither of which is good for your job security or job satisfaction.

You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
Try reading the word allergic.
I can't tell if you are on too many drugs or not enough!
No common sense it appears. It appears you know nothing about being suddenly allergic.
If I got smart with you, how would you know?
Deja poo..the feeling of having heard this crap before !
I think I was the only one that mentioned a mask an gloves.
Surely for someone who is highly allergic to something would be very careful not to come in contact with such items and a mask and gloves would help with that.
Penicillin, amoxicillin, anything with Lin in it I’m very familiar with ,since my child is allergic to that as well as pig weed, olive trees , dust , strawberries as well as having asthma. But hey my child is just a teenager and manages all his needs without the school system every providing him with the necessities besides academics.

Not everything is the end of the world but you could sure use a bit of adulting instead of entitlement.

And if your requirements it’s a must all you need to do is bring that note to hr and accommodations will be given , might not be the role you were hired for and maybe a role you might not desire but as long as they comply you will either do it or chose not to.
At the end of the day your health comes first.
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At my store there's usually a box of kleenex and a pump dispenser of hand sanitizer by the time clock. That is until the kleenex runs out. Then it's going to be a few days until somebody requisitions another one.

In a case like your's, @skiddybop , I'd have used the restroom paper towels. They can be a little rough, so I dampen a paper towel with water before using it on my face.

I have a few allergies, too. I agree with @allnew2 's suggestion about masking up. If I can't control my runny nose then I put on a mask, if only to soak up the never ending drip from my snot faucet.
Try reading the word allergic.
I can't tell if you are on too many drugs or not enough!
No common sense it appears. It appears you know nothing about being suddenly allergic.
If I got smart with you, how would you know?
Deja poo..the feeling of having heard this crap before !
When you’re suddenly allergic and your nose won’t stop running call your leader. Explain the situation and ask if you can go purchase some Kleenex. They will probably let you go buy some. That’s what I would have done. Not being rude that is seriously what I would have done. It is no different than a female team member suddenly getting a visit from Aunt Flo.
My tenure in the 2000s was children gumming and smearing their boogers on items. And then being around cardboard dust. And then doing carts in the winter and pollen filled summer

I was in constant sinus infections.
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Try reading the word allergic.
I can't tell if you are on too many drugs or not enough!
No common sense it appears. It appears you know nothing about being suddenly allergic.
If I got smart with you, how would you know?
Deja poo..the feeling of having heard this crap before !
I have had allergies my entire life. Shots as a kid. Take an allergy pill still today in my 50s. Anything can set my allergies off. Someone’s perfume, someone’s pet, flowers, you name it. YOU have the allergy so you know you need Kleenex handy.
Try again.
Skiddy, back off with the bullshit. You come on like gangbusters. I can come across as an arrogant old redneck but carrying on as you are with a dopey assed topic is at the saturation point. Buy a box of Kleenex and grow up.
Snark is going to be a thing, especially in retail where it is often a necessary skill needed for survival.
I'm sorry you felt disrespected but like I said, it's best if you don't take it personally.
Insulting people rarely gets you the information you need.
A self-deprecating response right in the beginning would have brought people to your side and given you solid information.

As someone who is highly allergic to tree nuts, like not breathing, turning blue, hospital, allergic, I do have sympathy for your problem.
If a container of mixed nuts spilled at my station I would have called the ETL (do they still call them that?) got permission to shut down the line and clean that sucker down from top to bottom with Lysol.
Because for me it's the oils from the nuts I'm allergic to.
The I would go wash up and take a bunch of Benadryl just in case.
But I would have made it clear why I was taking each step to the manager and given a rough estimate of how long it would take.
They don't want to have to call an ambulance for an employee if they don't have to.

There are ways to present your problem and make it clear that it is in their best interest to help.
Making it clear why something is in their best interests will always be too your advantage.
Well said. I think if the original poster would have made it more clear the severity of the situation we would have had more sympathy. I have minor allergies that cause me to sneeze and my nose to run nothing life threatening, I assumed that was this persons issue.
If I am diabetic and need insulin, I wouldn't expect Target to provide it just because I need it to do my job. Obviously a different situation and you may find stores that do provide tissues/sanitizer as part of their normal process, however I wouldn't depend on my job to provide that. Reasonable accommodations are things like a stool for someone who can't stand, or extra unpaid breaks if someone needs them. If you need tissues because your nose is running for whatever reason, carry them with you. If you need an epi-pen due to allergies, get one and have it available. Technically, allowing you time to go get toilet paper to wipe your nose is giving what is needed. You may not like it, but your employer doesn't have to provide the exact accommodation you want as long as it is effective. TP too rough on your nose? Go spend $3 and get some Kleenex.

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