Are the self-checkouts at your store "ten items or less." now?

Four are at my store and four are not. They’re by different entrances, so grocery entrance is unlimited and other side is express per corporate. We’re also allowed to keep express closed unless backup is needed or peak times.
They are all ten items or less at the store I go to, and they have TMs stationed there to count your items and direct you to a register if you have too many. One of the TMs stuck there used to be really friendly, now they have the demeanor of a prison guard doing a contraband search. Not sure if they are getting stressed out from unhappy guests or management’s expectations, but it’s not a cheerful atmosphere to shop in. Or probably to work in…
At my store we have the sign but are told not to say anything even if a guest comes up with an overflowing cart. We are to leave it to the guest to decide for themself if they want to follow the rule or not.
Most successful businesses don’t enact policies that encourage people to buy less, but this is Target so par for the course I guess.
At my store we have the sign but are told not to say anything even if a guest comes up with an overflowing cart. We are to leave it to the guest to decide for themself if they want to follow the rule or not.
I keep forgetting to ask if the 10 item limit is set in the register ( would need an override ) or is just an honor type system. I am guessing most people think it is set since if you were at a grocery store and went over the limit someone would need to override it. Does some who rings up 12 items turned away at other stores? I do not work up front so do not know the details of the rules.

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