Archived Are there cameras on your Food Ave?

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ASANTS, but only one refill is allowed at my store. It is never enforced.
If a rule is never enforced it might as well not be a rule at all. It's just one more way to "get" someone if they really want to
I had a sign at one store stating one refill per purchased soda. However, it was later deemed not FFF.
Pay for your drinks.

Firstly, don't pay attention to what others do. Secondly, they possibly paid for the drinks.

Example: I buy a pop on my first break. I toss the pop when my break ends as I have no place to store a cup. I then grab a cup on my lunch and last break without paying as I already bought a pop that day. To anyone unaware of my purchase earlier in the day it may appear I am stealing pop without paying. Those people then copy what they think I am doing and get in trouble because unlike them I actually am paying for my drinks.

Buying one cup does not equal infinite refills and cups for life.
The official policy is one free refill during your break period. For example if you bought your cup during your 1st couldn't use the cup during your 30.
Many years ago I once tried to plug a dead wave into an outlet in receiving (the closest outlet I could find after pushing the wave out of the way of the main aisle) only to find the plug wouldn't go in correctly. Turns out there was a camera inside the outlet that I basically destroyed when I inserted the plug. They tried to term me until I brought up the issue up to Integrity that we should have at least a reasonable expectation that when we need to plug something into an outlet, said outlet would be functional. It wasn't like I purposely did anything other than try to plug something in. They agreed it was accidental, no action was taken against me, and that led to us having dedicated charging outlets for powered equipment.
Another team member also had issue with a concealed camera in an outlet when a row of pick labels fell off a PIPO pallet in the air and landed on another outlet mounted to the bulk racking...the stickers covered up the outlet by freak accident. AP tried to term the last team member seen in the footage even though he didn't actually do anything other than pass through, verified by other cameras. That led to us having small dome cameras mounted to bulk racking supports.
That seems pretty fucked up trying to term someone for clearly accidentally covering up covert cameras that they are completely unaware of.
Why would they even need covert cameras with all the surveillance they have.
LOL, been trying to look inconspicuously since I saw this post, and I think that tiny little corner that's broken off one of the ceiling tiles is our covert camera. I get it, I really do, but man.......nothing like some covert cameras to tell you "you're just another commodity" as an employee. :/ Looking on Indeed for another job even harder now. 😉
Why they can't put one near the Icee & soda fountains to catch the moochers & petty thieves is beyond me.
The Lane Cams in my Super allowed me to clearly see the entire dining area, as well as the fountain & freezer cases. There's also a Pan-Tilt-Zoom (Casino Like) Camera nearby, that AP can use if they really want to 😉
When one of our AP left, we heard that he'd installed a couple coverts in our back area.
The most he'd catch is TMs texting/FB updates.

Sounds like there was a internal he was after.
Law states the needs to be one on the registers. Coverts can be installed by choice

There's actually no law requiring Target to do anything. But it does bear repeating. Every single register in every Target store (even the Photo Lab, and Portrait Studio) will have a working camera mounted over it. The Registers are also tied into the AP Computers, allowing them to pull a live shot of your register screen, at any moment.

Stealing Drinks is a bad idea. You might get away with it for a little bit, but it'll put a huge target on your back for Asset Protection.
Not when it is not allowed to be there. In my state that is law. Broken of course when someone decided stealing all the DVDs we had was a good idea. It wasn't. They termed the idiot.

State laws definitely vary 😉 We had a camera dome in our break room.
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