Archived Are you working Christmas Eve?

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I work flow and we have a truck on Christmas Eve but we start at 5am so we will be done by 10 or 11am. Closed Christmas but have a truck on the 26th.
I do overnights and we don't have to work Christmas Eve at my store, however we do have to go in Christmas night at 10pm.
6pm and after will be a dramatic drop off in sales as many people will be going to services and home.
7:15-3 cashiering. Kill me now. Best news though, off day after Christmas (I work SD on the weekends). HALLELUYER!
I'm scheduled Christmas Eve 7-11:30 PM. I'm off the day after.

I'm seasonal and really want to quit, and feel like my 20-25 hours could be easily absorbed within the existing team, but I hate to do it before Christmas. Do you think it would be a big deal to lose a TM at Christmas?
i don't know what stores you guys work at but i've closed the last 4 christmas eve's as GSTL (my choice, don't have kids or family around here) and it is ALWAYS a fucking insane madhouse until we lock the doors.
This year I work 6am-2pm because a GSA asked to close.
Good luck... We will miss you!
I'm a newbie too. Thanksgiving week was my first full week after training. I mean I know my stuff, I feel like I've been around longer, but I'm not sure if I should be scared or not. We are a pretty small store, but we've been completely swamped lately, particularly in toys and electronics, which is basically where I live.
What's important is that we all love doing it!
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