No special privileges, but just because you never saw this person do a particular job does not mean that they have never done it. Again, you do not know their personal limitations and it is not your business. Why am I in the "I don't unload the trailer" club? A serious injury on the job prevents me from lifting and pushing above a certain weight. It's nobody's business what my health conditions are except my leaders nor do I judge others who may or may not have other reasons. Nobody is under any obligation to cover your shift. You asked and it was answered. An SETL doesn't have to clean a restroom, but does have to make sure that an appropriately trained person does. The SETL is your boss, like him/her/they or not. It's not like the FOS attendant was told to cover the barista or receiver break or to set rear seasonal or meet with the vendor in market. Restrooms are part of the job! I seriously will never understand the number of people that post that they are offended for being asked or told to do the job that they are hired to do and worry about others who they don't think work as hard as they do.