Archived Asking to leave early

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SFS/OPU Master
Oct 7, 2015
Last retail job I had (many years ago) when it got slow, managers asked employees to leave. When I got promoted to Lead, I was never asked. I was wondering, since I'll be closing on BF, I hear it'll be slow with the amount of TMs working. I could've sworn I read somewhere you can decline to go home? Especially since you've already allotted that time for work. I'm under 90 days, and I don't want to make any waves.
You can definitely decline to go home, but hat might put your TL/ETL in a bad mood. If asked, I would ask if there's anything where else in the store that you could help out instead.
I've declined to go home plenty of times and my hours have never been cut over it. There is always, always something you can help with. Maybe it depends on your store. Good luck!
I've declined to go home plenty of times and my hours have never been cut over it. There is always, always something you can help with. Maybe it depends on your store. Good luck!

I've had the chance to go home 20+ times and have gone home less than half of them, and my hours have never once been cut. It's definitely a YMMV. The only time I've seen them vindictively chop your hours is when you ask for a day off. You wanted Tuesday off? Congrats! Now you have Monday and Wednesday off as well!
Last retail job I had (many years ago) when it got slow, managers asked employees to leave. When I got promoted to Lead, I was never asked. I was wondering, since I'll be closing on BF, I hear it'll be slow with the amount of TMs working. I could've sworn I read somewhere you can decline to go home? Especially since you've already allotted that time for work. I'm under 90 days, and I don't want to make any waves.
am i reading this incorrectly or did you get promoted to team lead within your first 90 days?
I'll offer to go home early today I think, but typically, no, I never go home early. Today though I think my shift is silly, and I'd rather leave early today and stay later Saturday.
Decline but have something you want to get done, and backroom always has stuff to work on. Audits and what not.
I have been told to leave early but never asked. I usually just the end they are going to get what they want anyways ( hours payroll). If they really want to they can just change your schedule to leave at an earlier time anyways. All they have to do ( or suppose to do) is give you 24 hours notice....and they can change your schedule , cut your hours etc without even asking you. ASANTS- but at my store its better not to argue with I said in the end they find a way to get what they want .
Only time my store'd ever tell me to leave early would be in an incident like today. I was on the overtime report, so they had me cut 10 minutes off the end of my shift.
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