My store was too busy and had way too many cashiers for that to work. We had assignments but they changed frequently.
I would actually love a W formation. It would be so much easier to pull people to a new lane when you go up for back up. Currently cashiers are usually on the back lanes. This forces backup to take people from the last cashier's lane to the next lane further out (easiest method) or they have to get a whole line of people to scoot back so that they can check out the next person in the backed up line...then people have to choose if they stay at the backed up register or just stay in your line now. Stacked lanes confuse people and without a GSTL/GSA speedweaving...things turn into a cluster fast. At least if you're in the W formation, backups can pull people to open lanes much easier. For most backed up stacked lanes in a W formation, the backup cashier could either pull people to the lane ahead of the cashier or to the lane next to the cashier thus avoiding all the scooting back.
Sorry if this post makes absolutely no sense. I'm a little out of it.
That's so many! But do you think it has condensed since you left? We used to have 24 now we have 13 lol.Yeah we had 28 registers (AA+ volume super-target) and we had so many cashiers that it would be impossible for the same cashier to get the same register every time.
I can't believe how anyone can just hop on any register...
I wonder if this is an issue currently at my store....we recently started having a couple of TMs on lanes we rarely used before. When one left for the day, they closed down the lane and wouldn't let someone coming up for backup use it???When I was at Wally we would isolate certain cashiers if there is a track record of overages/shortages on registers they shared previously or if there was an AP situation. We would audit the drawer during their breaks and lunches. If it's all good in a few days they are free to go back into the pool.
There's a super near us that had that many lanes but in all the times I shopped there I never saw more than six open at a time.Yeah we had 28 registers (AA+ volume super-target) and we had so many cashiers that it would be impossible for the same cashier to get the same register every time.
That's so many! But do you think it has condensed since you left? We used to have 24 now we have 13 lol.
Erm....eleven, actually.
Yea over the course of about 2 years.They took away 9 of your lanes?
99.999% sure this is the case. When one left today, I saw them pulling her drawer and "closing" her register. Can't think of any other reason they would be doing that in the middle of the day....I wonder if this is an issue currently at my store....we recently started having a couple of TMs on lanes we rarely used before. When one left for the day, they closed down the lane and wouldn't let someone coming up for backup use it???
Nope, not everyone, just 3 people that I've noticed. The LOD DID use 1 tonight to ring out my dinner because we were swamped & I was using a CC, though....her exact words were "one CC sale won't matter, just don't tell anyone..."It's for ap purposes. Someone is stealing cash out of a drawer so they're keeping everyone to 1 lane to catch him/her.