Archived Availability and call outs

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Probably. Did you talk to your ETL or HR as soon as the schedule came out to tell them you were scheduled outside your availability?

Yup. Spoke to both my ETL and TL multiple times. I still get scheduled against my availability and get told I can’t be taken off the schedule and they tell me to just call out. I just don’t want to be penalized for their mistakes.
Don’t call out it will penalize you regardless your best option get someone to take your shift

Tried that. No one could take it. I think that’s absolutely ridiculous that the blame falls to me for calling out on a day that they never should’ve scheduled me for lol
Tried that. No one could take it. I think that’s absolutely ridiculous that the blame falls to me for calling out on a day that they never should’ve scheduled me for lol
its so dumb when no one can ever cover for you or switch a shift but when they need you to cover their shift you feel obligated.... or just use your sick day or something maybe if you have never called out it would not be a huge deal but no one ever knows what happens because almost every day the policies change or new rules come out!
its so dumb when no one can ever cover for you or switch a shift but when they need you to cover their shift you feel obligated.... or just use your sick day or something maybe if you have never called out it would not be a huge deal but no one ever knows what happens because almost every day the policies change or new rules come out!

Amen! Agree 100%
This has only happened to me once and my ETL-GE said to just give the shift away on the cover board, I'll check today if someone took it.
Same thing happened to me. I told ETL HR (schedule maker). I went above and beyond by posting in swap book AND told all the folks who typically like to pick up one wanted the shift. Someone took it about 4 hrs. before the actual shift. I wasn't even going to call out, not my fault or problem.
Bullshit! It is THEIR mistake. Your only obligation is to tell them immediately and because it is against your availability, you will not be working. If you let this slide, they most likely will keep doing it. Do it nicely and say in the future please ask me and if I can work I will let you know when you ASK.
Go to hr. I'm on flow and she does our schedule. It's assinine to call out for a shift you should never have been scheduled for. I personally wouldn't do it, but our scheduler has more brains than yours, lol, so I'm not scheduled against my availability! Why do we have availability if no one pays attention to it for fucks sake!
That's a bunch of BS, right there.

So let's hypothesize that your avsilability is based on your classes or another job or even when you take your mom to dialysis? Are you telling me that if they schedule you against your approved availability, it's YOUR responsibility to cover it? Fuck that.

You're doing them a favor by even telling them.
This has only happened to me once and my ETL-GE said to just give the shift away on the cover board, I'll check today if someone took it.
Good luck at my store no one pick up shifts unless you track down a personand plus it’s more hours if they pick it it’s stupid to complain for more hours when your basically giving them free hours
I have told them over and over again that I have another job on the 1 day I cannot work. I always let them know immediately when I see I was put on against my availability. They still do it. My ETL will literally say “I don’t know what to tell you, call out I guess.” That’s why i was asking you guys if you think a call our counts against someone. And if I decide not to even call, and they try to coach me or some bullshit, do I have a good enough defense with it being against the availability?
I have told them over and over again that I have another job on the 1 day I cannot work. I always let them know immediately when I see I was put on against my availability. They still do it. My ETL will literally say “I don’t know what to tell you, call out I guess.” That’s why i was asking you guys if you think a call our counts against someone. And if I decide not to even call, and they try to coach me or some bullshit, do I have a good enough defense with it being against the availability?
I would get a printed copy of your availability in the system and make copies of your schedule from when they schedule on that day, just in case they try to write you up or something.
Omg this used to happen to me all the time when I was in school. And I would tell them like “why am I scheduled at 11am when my availability that’s in the computer doesn’t even start until 1pm” and they’d be like “that’s your problem, you need to show up” so like an idiot (I was 17 at the time) I’d literally leave class early because I thought work was more important 🙄 but the fact that they would agree to schedule you during a certain time and then when they knowingly go against it, they tell you it’s your responsibility, fuck that.
I would get a printed copy of your availability in the system and make copies of your schedule from when they schedule on that day, just in case they try to write you up or something.

That’s another thing, on the paper schedule that’s up on the board, it literally says unavailable on that day 🙄
If they do coach you and you went to HR and the STL that's something you can go to the hotline for. It's the managers responsibility to schedule to availability, you can pick up a shift outside of your availability, but then that is on you.
Good luck at my store no one pick up shifts unless you track down a personand plus it’s more hours if they pick it it’s stupid to complain for more hours when your basically giving them free hours
The thing at my store is, since they cut hours like a kindergartner cuts construction paper with the teacher's scissors, they tend to go pretty fast.
For example, I was only scheduled for 10 hours this week. I was dying to find another day.
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