Archived Back to school problems

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Jun 1, 2019
Already having zoning issues with back to school seasonal area at my location. Anyone else having issues? It looks like there aren’t any hours for any associate to zone currently, because I come in every morning and this area looks trashed already. Half of it still has straggling patio and grill stuff mixed in with book bags.
So if you actually are scheduled seasonal for BTS your best bet is to work on the most visually impacting things and if you find something is wrong you attack it like a hornet. Stab it with every solution you have. Ask for help from your boss and see if an area near you or the Stationary/Office TM up front can help. We have one for that at our store at least. You need all the help you can get because in the past it would take a team of 4 or 5 at my store to keep that place clean. It did change this year for the better so it's not so chaotic which I think they planned for. But...I still think if you are having trouble you need to ask for help first and not be ashamed of it. If you are encouraged that you can do it yourself then do it the best you can and do not worry about anyones judgement. You did what was told. Back to school it a brutal time of year and the TM that covers it for us is a 6 year vet. Don't stress if you aren't used to it. Take it in stride and just put what you can into it. Good luck!!
At my store they want us to finish all the push from the truck so zone defenders can zone but there’s no point to zoning back to school and my store looks like a trashy store with remodel everything is every where and back to school is all bins with random crap every where it’s horrific. Let’s not get started about patio can that stuff just discontinue please to get them out. I can’t wait for back to school to end so stationary doesn’t have a crap load of push mixed in too.
At my store flow has wayyyyyyyy overpushed everything.

I have had to zone B (stationary, office, kitchen, small appliances) AND BTS and all of seasonal. I work about 7 hours after my lunch (2-9:45)

Here is my usual process: Push freight and pull/push autos, clear reshop, zone party and try to finish office and small appliances by my lunch at 6. Finish B by 7. I zone pencil cases, more than magic, the other focal, backpacks, lunch boxes, binders, and backstock a ton of shit every damn day. I then work on mini seasonal then work on folders (I spend no more than 2 minutes just pushing them back) and go through clear all reshop out of the yellow bins and zone them up then push out reshop. It is a lot and I struggle to get it done and that is why I focus on a superzone of the pencil cases, more than magic, backpacks, lunch boxes, and binders.

Starting with my shift tomorrow, they are separating B and BTS and it will make things soooooo much easier.
They keep stealing flexies to push BTS at our place and when I went to pick some stuff the other day I realized a bunch of those cardboard bins and been all stocked in the wrong order, the labels didn't even get swapped around and I just wanted to yell.
Yesterday I wasn't anywhere near BTS and I had guests coming up to me playing 40 questions about anything you could think of. My GMTLs only schedule 1 tm over there and the kid can't spend all 8 hours or 7bdays a week locked up in BTS so when hes not there....its madness. I had a guest tell me she looked in 2 places for lined paper and I was like you think that's a major staple and we would have it in stock so if you can't find it....anyone??? Yep that's right we are out. People are completely clueless on what the school supply list asks. "What is 3 pronged folders?" " It says index cards with no lines?" " It says zip lock bags?" All of these things I had to explain. Then why are people doing multiple order pick ups??? There's no promo other then the bounce back coupon. Its unnecessary to have 5 people picking your orders because your lazy AF to come get it.
There's no promo other then the bounce back coupon. Its unnecessary to have 5 people picking your orders because your lazy AF to come get it.

I agree. However, with Target offering and promoting School List Assist, that's what is going to happen.
I have gone to backstocking about 3 full 2 tiers of pencil cases, binders, lunch boxes, etc to about 3 DPCIs yesterday. We are making progress!
We just took off all our prices lmao no zoning needed.
I am having to keep everything in the right place. When our freezers broke the other day, they did a superzone of the notebooks since they were here til 4am. The folders are meh but w/e. I did a superzone of highlighters last night. Now I just need to do pens, pencils, planners, and journals and the whole department will be superzoned and stay that way till tax-free weekend
I wish Target would make bigger containers for like the 24 packs of crayons and colored pensils. We sell a ton of those. Need like barrels to stock them in.
I wish things were just done more efficient when they plan out how there going to set BTS.
I wish Target would make bigger containers for like the 24 packs of crayons and colored pensils. We sell a ton of those. Need like barrels to stock them in.
I wish things were just done more efficient when they plan out how there going to set BTS.
It’s crazy to think that in less than two weeks, most of the BTS stuff will be useless as all schools will be back in session in most places
We don't seem to be carrying any webster dictionaries in my store it an online item only now?
I can’t say how many vehicles of BTS we have in our backroom. Yet our shelves in seasonal and stationary are so empty. Guests complain all day every day.
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