Archived Back to School vs Xmas

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I prefer Christmas... I hate the back to school season! It is so annoying they want price checks on every freekin item in the school area and then Ofcourse you need electronic keys to unlock the calculators in the seasonal area which makes no sense to have the electronics team member walk all the way to seasonal.
Yeah, it looks like that's more of a clickbaity thing that has been around for a couple years, with a couple of changes.
At least it's all on one page (so far...), rather than a bloody slideshow thing with three pages per item.
Our bts/btc (in a super freaky store), is about equivalent
From a signing perspective, both are equally nightmarish. But Christmas does not have dual or triple located items and nothing has to be worked back to the home location after the holiday. Christmas for the win!
Keep in mind, amplified gifting, is a think now. Do you think it will be better this year? 🤣
I definitely prefer Christmas. I will do everything in my power to avoid setting foot in back to school.
Submitted for your consideration. Halloween. I’ll see anything from bts or Christmas and raise you screeching cat moaning ghost cackling crone sound effects. Buckets of fake blood, costumes and accessories and CANDY. Enough to barf an army.
Forget nuclear war just introduce Halloween to any adversary. Here have some glitter skulls with that.
I would do a straight month of black Friday over back to school anyday.. so Christmas is better lol 😵 I will say this year for bts hasnt been as bad as last yr though
People are way worse during back to school (super freaky tier store here) than they are during Christmas. And there’s way less hours to get all the stuff done during BTS that needs to be done if you want it to run even remotely smoothly. At least at Christmas you’re not screeched at for not having some kid’s list available in store.
christmas > BTS

there's more payroll in the whole store. also I really thought Amplified Gifting was a good idea (in theory)
BTS, mainly due to the fact my role as a Electronics tm is usually limited. Besides
the occasional call to seasonal to unlock something or to push calculators

Xmas, is pretty crazy at my store
This year you can leave the locking peg off, only spider wrap.
I have a feeling, that back to school, is just a slight glimpse of how bad Christmas will be this year.

The Threshold (cap for SFS orders). for BTS/BTC this year, is damn near twice as many as Christmas last year (1000, was the highest i can remember, at 4am) . Our highest since BTS/BTC, has been 1800 (at 4am).
Yep for sure back to school season is the worst season no doubt about that! I do not like the back to school and it’s very annoying and horrific when everyone just opens case packs of erasers and pencil sharpeners and back stocks like 50 of them without a box. Audits for them is terriable too in the audit app!
Back to School is way worse than Christmas. All those little items in OPU/SFS orders, all those pens/markers/folders that look practically the same that are scattered all over the store, crap zone in BTS, unlocated overstock all over the backroom, counts off everywhere, and totes full of the stuff you need that you can’t find, and couldn’t get to even if you could. It takes forever to fulfill orders and when you finally find all 19 of the items, the order total adds up to about $6, and of course, if it’s SFS, free shipping. Target paid someone twice that much to pull the order. Same problems for Christmas orders, but at least at Christmas the orders bring in some bucks. Then there’s the crabby parents, obnoxious brats running everywhere and the snowflakes who are furious because we are out of the uniform part that their kid needs at 11pm the night before school starts.
At Christmas at least some people have the spirit of the season, they leave the kids at home some of the time, and I enjoy the Christmas displays and festive spirit of the team. No festive spirit at BTS. And at Christmas the playball fixture is gone for the year, so you don’t have to dodge those all day.🎄😁
As a Market TM, I loathe holiday seasons. The turkey sizes, the ham sizes. People want specific weight, all of the cranberry cans all over the floor, weird ingredients people look for. VS Back to SChool, the only thing parents come to market for are those One Dollar Lunchables. Which we restock every 5 PM when moms are there after work.
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