Archived Back to School vs Xmas

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Hate Christmas. The lack of humanity mostly. People who are pissed because they can't find a fingerling, pie face or some obscure DVD. The total lack of a work life balance from Nov 1- Jan 10. People who get angry because you don't say "Merry Christmas" (Hey this country is based on freedom of religion) You want to say it fine, just don't demand that I reciprocate.
Back to School is way worse than Christmas. All those little items in OPU/SFS orders, all those pens/markers/folders that look practically the same that are scattered all over the store, crap zone in BTS, unlocated overstock all over the backroom, counts off everywhere, and totes full of the stuff you need that you can’t find, and couldn’t get to even if you could. It takes forever to fulfill orders and when you finally find all 19 of the items, the order total adds up to about $6, and of course, if it’s SFS, free shipping. Target paid someone twice that much to pull the order. Same problems for Christmas orders, but at least at Christmas the orders bring in some bucks. Then there’s the crabby parents, obnoxious brats running everywhere and the snowflakes who are furious because we are out of the uniform part that their kid needs at 11pm the night before school starts.
At Christmas at least some people have the spirit of the season, they leave the kids at home some of the time, and I enjoy the Christmas displays and festive spirit of the team. No festive spirit at BTS. And at Christmas the playball fixture is gone for the year, so you don’t have to dodge those all day.🎄😁
It stuns me that nobody seems to acknowledge the fact that we're losing a lot of money on that School List Assist bullshit.
So it is Monday, and I already have 9 hours of overtime (for the week). 😛
Are you time traveling? Even if you work from Sunday at 00:00:00 to Monday at 23:59:59 you'd still only have 8 possible hours of overtime. Take all the OT you can get before Spot puts the stop to it (though unlikely when given by the STL's blessing).
Are you time traveling? Even if you work from Sunday at 00:00:00 to Monday at 23:59:59 you'd still only have 8 possible hours of overtime. Take all the OT you can get before Spot puts the stop to it (though unlikely when given by the STL's blessing).
Or BEP is in a state that mandates OT pay over 8 hours in a day and has worked 12+ hours each day.
Oh I see. You mean you're showing up on the project OT report for 12 hours? Hopefully your STL doesn't make you cut out at 40!

That's not happening, they are my scheduled shifts, and I'll just tell them no, if they ask if I want that day off. Not much they can do, but fire me, and give me unemployment (for this reason it would be a damn near easy win). That and when I tell my future interviewer, I was fired, for showing up to work, when I was scheduled, could lead into an interesting and productive time sink (for me) in an interview.
That's not happening, they are my scheduled shifts, and I'll just tell them no, if they ask if I want that day off. Not much they can do, but fire me, and give me unemployment (for this reason it would be a damn near easy win). That and when I tell my future interviewer, I was fired, for showing up to work, when I was scheduled, could lead into an interesting and productive time sink (for me) in an interview.
I mean that’s fair. Just tread lightly and take note of what is said. Ultimately the STLs always want that fat bonus check so they’ll coach the crap out of people on OT so they don’t go red.
Xmas anytime. At least with Xmas I can throw payroll at some things I can’t with BTS at my store.
I like the atmosphere of the Xmas season and most guests here in the Bible Belt really appreciate a genuine "Merry Christmas," but that FUCKING LIGHT WALL GOD DAMN. I think I've posted about this at least 250 times by now but I just can't get over how annoying it is to try and fight through a mass of people who are packed asses to elbows into a 5 ft. wide aisle. Because of the crowds, we have to put the pallets/flats that we're pushing from IN FRONT OF THE SAME SHELVES THAT WE'RE TRYING TO PUSH TO rather than lining them up in the main aisle in front of seasonal where it would make the most sense, but can't because the ETL will shriek that they're in the guests' way. With BTS there are pallets/flats in the same place but we have room to move them around as needed because the traffic isn't as heavy and there aren't as many. Try staging additional pallets in the backroom when there's so much holiday shit piled up that it's lifting the roof off like peeling open a can of tuna.

I've been in BTS a lot this year from beginning to end including helping set the POG, and the worst day was what I would describe as "mildly annoying for a few minutes here and there", but Xmas with the light wall mosh pit combined with 420 kilotons of candy and lights is always a shitshow every single year. Bear in mind that with Xmas you're also dealing with knuckle dragging seasonals, but not during BTS.

Hope this helps!
With the new push process there won’t be pallets on the floor anyway. Everything is on uboats and only 1 vehicle per person on the floor. We shrink wrapped our cardboard cages and put them in the steel to never be used again.
I haven't been with target for Xmas but I was exclusively in bts push and it was pretty bad. Never enough time to get all the stuff out, repacks are terrible and they wanted us to check back stock for an item before opening a case pack, which makes sense, but getting my team to actually do that, and having the stls and etls push me to motivate my team by offering them like, a free meal at the cafe, or a shirt for work... was beyond annoying. These people didn't give af. A free Cafe pizza isn't going to motivate them to work with a "sense of urgency". They don't care. They're dipping out at their scheduled time either way.
With the new push process there won’t be pallets on the floor anyway. Everything is on uboats and only 1 vehicle per person on the floor. We shrink wrapped our cardboard cages and put them in the steel to never be used again.

I highly doubt this will pan out in practice. With the amount of Xmas push there is we would literally need 500 uboats to get it out to the floor and pushed before the 22nd century. Also betting heavily that the cages will mysteriously reappear again just based on the sheer amount of cardboard and trash, and it's huge waste of time and payroll to make 10,000 trips back and forth to the baler with a smaller vehicle.

Remains to be seen I guess, but I can already tell that the closer we end up following the New Process™, the bigger of a shitstorm it will be.
Yep so ready for the Halloween season to start sick of back school and I still love the Christmas season anything but back to school lol
A Spirit Halloween store is opening in the vacant Toys R Us location at my shopping center, so hopefully it won’t be too busy lol
For the record.... the Electronics Team does suffer the most from these events. Usually only one person is working that busy area. We get the re-shop during back to school, but have support over x-mas season. My store is the only store in the district that has not had an electronics TM quit in over a year. We do get help for audits in seasonal though. I don't envy that task.
back to school is a nightmare. i work overnight. short staffed, too many call outs....we haven't come clean since Bts started.
At our store it’s working well. Unload at 5:30. The old bowlers now come in at 6:30 and start pushing pulls and uboats. They get the uboats back on the line ASAP so they can fill them up again. Once they get backed up they start using flats. The pushers then backstock their own backstock and zone/audit/push clearance. We are a low volume supert getting 6-7 trucks a week because we have a high volume sfs. 1500-2000 orders a day expecting to build up to 4000.
We got a shit ton of zebras in last week. We now have 90 of them!!
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