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Fulfillment Expert
Jul 12, 2013
I didn't think it would happen, but Spot managed to suck me back in again... :fool:

I worked there from 2007-2010, starting out as a cashier and eventually becoming a GSA at a C-volume P-Fresh store. After I graduated, my STL was ready to push me into ETL interviews, but I left to start a teaching career. I've since moved and am still teaching full-time, but decided I need something else part-time to help while I pay back a mountain of student loans.

Just got hired back on as a cashier at a Super T (B-volume, I believe?). Looked through some of the forum guides for front end and it seems just like I remember. Any major changes in the last 3 years for front end workcenters? Had orientation yesterday and the only thing new was the "VIBE." I'm hoping it will be just like riding a bike, with the added challenge of memorizing a lot more produce codes!
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Welcome to The Break Room! Red Cards are a huge focus company-wide right now, so get selling!
At my P-Fresh store, we use 8011 for bananas. I think 4225 is avocado. 9681 = green pepper, 9062 = cucumber, 4798 = tomato, 4078 = corn (that's all I can remember at the moment). We have a small cheat sheet at each register with all the codes that we use, though Supers probably have a lot more than P-Fresh stores.

I work at a Super. There are times when people bring up fruits/vegetables that I've never even seen before.
Oh and we have like 5 different tomatoes and 10 different apples.
"Hey Sir are these these tomatoes roma? vine? organic?"

I also forget the codes for bagel and doughnut. 8000, 8888. 8009 it's one of those right?
That didn't take long...

A GSA was terminated about a week after I started at my new store. My GSTLs knew I had been one at my old store and suggested I apply. Found out from my ETL-GE yesterday that I'm back to being a GSA (part-time only).

Here we go again!
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