Archived backroom bailing out flow team...again

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They should be backstocking the truck. That's how it was at my store. There was always truck backstock waiting for the backroom team after the pulls were done. If there's no truck, there should be backstock from the autofills. My store used to send the backroom TL to collect it if no one from flow team had brought it back to the backroom.
I'll assume this is overnight/early morning backroom being discussed and not dayside backroom, which usually doesn't work with flow team.
Just out of curiosity, how many tms are backroom? In my store there is one there all the time and usually 2 or 3 floaters for heavy times. I don't think I've ever seen them help flow, they are too busy. Once in a blue moon the closer will help with the last pulls if there's nothing to backstock which there usually is. Our backroom and flow teams work their Target tails off everyday and I wouldn't want their job.
It depends on the store size and if your flow process is overnight or early morning. I was at an overnight store and we had about 6 or 7 (including a TL) in the backroom on nights when we took a truck, usually every night except Sunday. There were less on nights without trucks and more on nights when we took two trucks.
Of course, we also had a large flow team, usually about 20 TMs (including a TL) on nights when we took a truck. Some of us would go help backstock after the floor was finished.
The dayside backroom team was much smaller. I think there was usually an opener and a closer with some overlap during the week and maybe one or two additional TMs on the weekends.
I refuse to be drawn into the discussion about how flow team sucks. I will however address the original question. In our store about once a week or sometimes less our backroom will come help push. Usually it is due to needing the floor cleared by 8 or an unusually large truck. They don't come to the floor until after pulls have been brought out, and usually a couple of them are left in the back to work the backstock from the truck. We haven't done it in quite sometime but we do have a few flowteam members that are backroom trained & we help them as needed.
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