I hated that, too. Especially with patio furniture and swimming pools. Ugh! Yeah, let me wrestle that back up there...not.
Our backroom was SO bad that if I was on the floor or operator and something needed to be pulled, I'd just go do it. Half the time their walkies were turned down or they would ignore them. It was just easier to go and do it myself. I know it may not be best practice, but better than standing there for ten minutes with the guest, waiting for the backroom to answer.
We did have one LOD who would constantly run into the BR and check on us. It was usually if I picked up a mid or closing shift and had another person back there with me. "Are you guys going to get the pulls done?" "Should I call someone back here to help you?" "Give me updates on the pulls." Really, dude, we've got it. Most of us are seasoned veterans and know when to call for help when we need it. Constantly checking up on us (every half hour) is distracting and annoying. Why don't you make sure the pulls are getting worked?