Archived Backroom Teams at other stores

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DMNDZ bruhh

Former Backroom Dayside
Apr 13, 2012
does your guys store put new, fresh hires right into backroom? my store dosent do that what so ever, they grab someome from another team and replace there old spot with a fresh hire... do any of your guys stores do that?

they grabbed me from flow before i was in backroom
We did recently put a new, fresh hire in our BR....He's doing just fine, but still has a long way to go on speed, because he doesn't have a general knowledge of the store. Usually on dayside, our people transfer from other departments, and have a lot of experience in the store, if not in the backroom.
We did recently put a new, fresh hire in our BR....He's doing just fine, but still has a long way to go on speed, because he doesn't have a general knowledge of the store. Usually on dayside, our people transfer from other departments, and have a lot of experience in the store, if not in the backroom.

yea our backroom team members usually came from other departments, mostly from flow, including me, ive never seen one new hire for our backroom team, even for seasonal they will pull people from other departments, again mostly from flow though
yea our backroom team members usually came from other departments, mostly from flow, including me, ive never seen one new hire for our backroom team, even for seasonal they will pull people from other departments, again mostly from flow though

When I first got hired in August 2 years ago for salesfloor they asked if I wanted to do backroom seasonal, so I was fairly new but did salesfloor a few months before backroom. I do pfresh now.
My etl is wanting to add 3
New hires to the backroom for 4th quarter but I hate the idea because Its the busiest time and it's frustrating to have to train them when the workload is doubled.
My etl is wanting to add 3
New hires to the backroom for 4th quarter but I hate the idea because Its the busiest time and it's frustrating to have to train them when the workload is doubled.

If its for closing that isnt too bad. Opening though...maybe a different story haha.
I was hired for the backroom in the beginning of the summer. I've been cross trained in many departments and I'm thankful to not be in the back room anymore. Too much work when you're viewed and treated like a TL when you're not.
When I was hired, I was put directly into the backroom, but I had 4 years prior experience. It literally took 1 day of training and then I had to tell my TL who was training me in that I got it, lol. The only help I had from then on was just random small questions that the backroom team had changed themselves or were more accustomed too. I've been recently trying to get out of the backroom though since I'm not paid enough to do the work that I'm being expected to do when members on our O/N flow team take til 3,4,5 am to complete a ****ty grocery aisle.

Hiring has become some what an issue for O/N at our store ;\ My store is down 11 positions for seasonal O/N...going to be a murderous 4th quarter, sigh.
half of our back room is newly hired. It has been a mixed bag. We had a couple of fresh hires who were excellent by the end of week 1. The transfers always work out though.
Yeah, usually perferred if they know a TM is smart enough to work independently. Hard to tell with a new guy. Unfortunately we're a new store with no transfers for our dayside and only 2 for O/N so our BRLA sucks... ;(
i think it would be sketchy to hire someone and put them directly into the backroom, it seems to complicated for people in other departments (at my store), but for someone to not know ANYTHING about how things work out.. i would say thats taking a big risk. even for me it was hard when i was first trained, and i was already in flow for a year.

at my store literally only like 3 TMs are original but theyve been there for yeaaaars. everyone else is from flow or sales floor, even the people who applied for backroom get sent immediently to flow or hard lines, there is almost literally no exception at my store
i think it would be sketchy to hire someone and put them directly into the backroom, it seems to complicated for people in other departments (at my store), but for someone to not know ANYTHING about how things work out.. i would say thats taking a big risk. even for me it was hard when i was first trained, and i was already in flow for a year.

at my store literally only like 3 TMs are original but theyve been there for yeaaaars. everyone else is from flow or sales floor, even the people who applied for backroom get sent immediently to flow or hard lines, there is almost literally no exception at my store

I've been complaining to my TL and ETLs to replace me in the backroom forever, they seem to follow the same logic.
Which to me, just doesn't make much sense. Working in the backroom doesn't seem all too difficult to be completely honest. You scan an item, you scan a bay, you enter the quantity, and then you put that item in that bay. SO HARD /gasp Obviously there are the extra-little things you need to know and do that you wouldn't on flow, but the job isn't by any means demanding of intelligence. Of course I say that now and instantly think of some of the people I work with that I'd probably just end up facepalming at, watching them try and do the backroom. It's a fairly simple process though.
My store hires very few for the backroom. They prefer to have seasoned TMs back there for dayside, but we just don't have enough for overnight.
does your guys store put new, fresh hires right into backroom? my store dosent do that what so ever, they grab someome from another team and replace there old spot with a fresh hire... do any of your guys stores do that?

they grabbed me from flow before i was in backroom

At my old store, it was a mixed bag. Sometimes they would grab people from the floor or instocks, other times it was new hires. Some new hires and others crashed and burned...then quit.

It did drive me crazy after getting trained and certified that I wasn't getting shifts back there, even though I covered like crazy and got pulled from other work centers to help pull. Then they hired a bunch of new people to work back there again and people's really not hard to answer calls on the walkie, is it?!
At my old store, it was a mixed bag. Sometimes they would grab people from the floor or instocks, other times it was new hires. Some new hires and others crashed and burned...then quit.

It did drive me crazy after getting trained and certified that I wasn't getting shifts back there, even though I covered like crazy and got pulled from other work centers to help pull. Then they hired a bunch of new people to work back there again and people's really not hard to answer calls on the walkie, is it?!

this is probably why my store dosent have new hires in the backroom, because the new ones will most likely crash and burn. i can relate to you, after i was trained and cert i wasnt getting hours either, i was just a back up, which was pritty annoying.

i dont mind at all about walkie calls, i just hate it is when i stop doing a crazy task, i pull it, and the guest dosent want it anymore
this is probably why my store dosent have new hires in the backroom, because the new ones will most likely crash and burn. i can relate to you, after i was trained and cert i wasnt getting hours either, i was just a back up, which was pritty annoying.

i dont mind at all about walkie calls, i just hate it is when i stop doing a crazy task, i pull it, and the guest dosent want it anymore

I hated that, too. Especially with patio furniture and swimming pools. Ugh! Yeah, let me wrestle that back up there...not.

Our backroom was SO bad that if I was on the floor or operator and something needed to be pulled, I'd just go do it. Half the time their walkies were turned down or they would ignore them. It was just easier to go and do it myself. I know it may not be best practice, but better than standing there for ten minutes with the guest, waiting for the backroom to answer.

We did have one LOD who would constantly run into the BR and check on us. It was usually if I picked up a mid or closing shift and had another person back there with me. "Are you guys going to get the pulls done?" "Should I call someone back here to help you?" "Give me updates on the pulls." Really, dude, we've got it. Most of us are seasoned veterans and know when to call for help when we need it. Constantly checking up on us (every half hour) is distracting and annoying. Why don't you make sure the pulls are getting worked?
I was hired for the backroom in the beginning of the summer. I've been cross trained in many departments and I'm thankful to not be in the back room anymore. Too much work when you're viewed and treated like a TL when you're not.

O-O huh....I work pfresh and working backroom is an awesome break from that. Just not having to zone is ...AMAZING!!!!
I hated that, too. Especially with patio furniture and swimming pools. Ugh! Yeah, let me wrestle that back up there...not.

Our backroom was SO bad that if I was on the floor or operator and something needed to be pulled, I'd just go do it. Half the time their walkies were turned down or they would ignore them. It was just easier to go and do it myself. I know it may not be best practice, but better than standing there for ten minutes with the guest, waiting for the backroom to answer.

We did have one LOD who would constantly run into the BR and check on us. It was usually if I picked up a mid or closing shift and had another person back there with me. "Are you guys going to get the pulls done?" "Should I call someone back here to help you?" "Give me updates on the pulls." Really, dude, we've got it. Most of us are seasoned veterans and know when to call for help when we need it. Constantly checking up on us (every half hour) is distracting and annoying. Why don't you make sure the pulls are getting worked?

yea i hate being babysitted on, luckily at my store, were not checked up on, since they know our backroom team will get everything done (usually the dayside people)
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