Archived Backstocking case freight

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Technically that assortment label holds all the different DPCIs and quantities so it wouldn’t ruin everything if you threw away the box but I don’t see why you would want to? It would work though the same way flex can pull a single size from a softlines assortment. As long as that assortment isn’t meant for a specific pog like basics that would drop a batch fill you shouldn’t ever have an issue.
What happened to the Backroom should be set like the salesfloor?

So if I have a stack of shirts from XS to XXL on a table on the floor, the backstock of those shirts should be XS to XXL in a Waco in the back.

Now our softlines Backroom is a shit show, but that’s how they say it should be.
We were never told to do that at our store for hardlines merch. Right now we are stressing trying to become "ladderless" which I think is jumping the gun. Softlines is always a mess in the back. It looks great on the salesfloor. Shout to them but they don't give a fuck how their backroom looks and it shows. I do see that when I visit their area in the's set like it's salesfloor which is nice for them but they never fucking pull their own batches so for someone whos not softlines to come over to do THEIR work it's like holy fuck this is not what I should be doing. Also the errors in the backroom for softlines is hilarious. They just come back and get shirts without removing them from the location ALL the time and no one gets on them about it.
Someone who pushes BTS after I leave has no idea how to move the pick label. Every day when I pull autos I'm having to pull casepacks out to scan the barcode because it hasn't been peeled off. Also finding backstock counts to be way off for some items. Can there just be a couple people dedicated to keeping the backroom in order?
My "Someone" moves the pick label swell on cases then monsters it up to 06! !! rather then take a few extra steps down the aisle for a bottom spot. Like composition book casepacks.
Don't backstock assortment cartons. Open it up and push it. If it absolutely can't go out, then backstock the individual DPCIs... below 6'.
Don't backstock assortment cartons. Open it up and push it. If it absolutely can't go out, then backstock the individual DPCIs... below 6'.

True story: Someone at my store opened a BTS Bic assortment. They stocked a few items out of it and then backstocked the rest as the full assortment. Epick sent me to this particular assortment. The item that I needed must have been the thing they actually took out of the assortment because it wasn't in there. This is a major problem with ePick because once you scan the assortment label, which you have to do, it assumes the item needed is in there and you can't do anything else until you scan the item into your cart.

Anyway, I opened every goddamn box in that assortment and just tossed what I didn't need on the floor. It was a very large BTS order I was working on. I did not have time for that shit. I had to reset my cart in order to move on in my batch. ETL-LOG was working a few feet away as I completely trashed the area with pens, pencils and highlighters all over the floor. We locked eyes. I shrugged and said, "That shit's not right and not my problem." She said, "yeah, leave it." And, I went on my way.

Don't know who picked it up. Would have saved everyone a lot of time if the assortment had been dealt with properly in the first place though.
When our softlines back room aisles were reprofiled a while back, the leadership thought it would be best to backstock all sizes of the same item in the same Waco. Men's jeans, kids' shorts, t-shirts, women's underwear, everything. Same Waco, all different sizes. It is a nightmare.

You work in my store don't you. It's a fucking shit show and no one it seems cares. I love that softlines also makes sure to turn the labels and tags backwards so none of them are showing. So you have to sift through the entire Waco and fuck it all up to get a scannable tag.

And I understand seasonaldude and his no fucks given. I can't say I haven't cleared a shelf or found a fuckton of fuck ups and pulled them out and left them. Like the case packs I am constantly finding in waco's. About 3/4's of are not actually in location. They get dumped on the floor and the DBO can figure where he fucked up.
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Uh. I would have at least put the items in a Repack, or back into the original box and then into a repack.


Nah. I'm the OPU person who picks things from the floor and then pulls everything up to the front to maintain the zone when I have time. I don't always have time to deal with problems created by other TMs though. This was one of those instances. It was a 30+ DPCI order. I have an understanding with the ETL-LOG and GMTLs: I'll work through the gigantic OSHA violation that is our backroom and time permitting I'll do everything I can to find items that are unlocated in the backroom. However, I have my metrics to manage and that means sometimes I'm going to have to leave them shit not right when their team has created issues that make my job more difficult. This works for us. My job is to find things. It's not my job to fix problems created by other TMs, although I will when I have time. Since OPU hours are bring diverted to GM, no one at the store has an issue with me doing what I have to do.

We're getting the hours for double coverage picking OPUs, but on days I work the extra hours are given to GM. As a consequence, I'm busy. If I have to leave GM with a little bit of extra work, well they have 8 hours 5 days a week they shouldn't have to deal with it. I have no complaints from leadership or GMTMs about this arrangement.
Nope. Target has 3 different arrangements for OPU at the store level. For some stores it is GM. For others it is guest services. I'm really not sure what the third arrangement is, but I think it's for small format stores. OPU picking hours are allocated by corporate to the appropriate work center depending on where OPU falls under at that store. At my store, that's guest services.

You really should know this as a TL. ASANTS and all.
lol that's completely untrue. whoever told you that is a liar

fulfillment falls under gm with stores modernization. your store is just objectively wrong lmao. why else would fulfillment be listed under GM in the stores modernization guide, the monthly addendums, the weekly update, stores workbench....
Well, why would HRTMs be directed to add extra OPU/DU that were alloted for BTS under service advocates? Because some stores have OPU under S&E.

My store has been back and forth on this. We were part of the modernization pilot. One of the parts that they had us do was to move OPU under guest services. It was not clear to us when modernization was taken out of pilot and fully implemented across all stores where OPU was supposed to be under. For awhile there I was a GMTM transferred every shift to the service desk. Not an ideal arrangement for who I'm supposed to answer to. HR finally got word from corporate: our OPU picking hours fall under the service desk. Full Stop. End of Story. I'm now keyed into the system as a guest advocate.

ASANTS. Corporate has different arrangements for different stores. You should know this.
they literally don't though, lol. your store making shit up doesn't make it a real thing. if CORPORATE wanted the front end picking orders (which is 100% a task, something that the service and engagement team shouldn't be doing?), they'd just drop it into guest advocate payroll without hr having to manually transfer the hours.

but no. they didn't do that, because the service and engagement team isn't responsible for picking orders.

Fulfillment Expert Job Description -


the whole point of stores modernization is that there's ONE way to do stuff. and your store is doing it the wrong way. show me an addendum or stores weekly that EVER says that the front end should be picking orders. you can't because they don't.

Guest Advocate Job Description - can't find where it says guest advocates should be picking orders in here... because it's not a real thing that should be happening.
Nope ASANTS. There are no transferred hours. I was transferred personally as a GMTM to the service desk because that's where the hours were allocated under our pilot. I'm now not transferred because corporate told us that the hours for OPU picking are to stay under the service desk and as a result I was rekeyed into the system as a guest advocate so that my SETLs could get my contact information and coach me if necessary. (The latter has never been necessary thankfully.)

We all know that you don't like the idea of OPU being under the service desk. That's fair. But, it is at some stores and that direction comes from corporate. ASANTS.
Not sure if anyone gave you a 100% answer yet.

If you back stock it via the assortment label it needs to remain in the case. If fill is dropped for any of the items in the assortment, it prompts you to pull the entire case. At which point it would be opened, stocked, and then backstocked.

If you use the assortment label and then toss the box, it will send you to that location looking for the assortment dpci, and generate 1 error for each separate dpci you scan that you broke out, because those dpcis are technically not located there. As you scan them looking for the item, it is adding them in, creating 1 error per dpci. So basically if there are 10 dpcis in the assortment, it will create 10 errors when it sends you to that location.

It WILL tell you to pull the specific item it's looking for, but still generate an error.

Tldr: don't do that.

THIS! I read what the OP was saying and as someone having experience in softlines/A&A/Style backroom - not just backstocking but setting it up - you can NEVER use the assortment label dpci. It may be linked in the zebra to show you each dpci connected but when you backstock it, it will enter the system as an unopened box and create massive errors as it is pulled.

I know it is a pain in the ass to open boxes and backstock each item separately but it is the only correct way to do it. As a side note, transition is supposed to be opened when it comes in and put in the location on the floor that it will be taking over. The only exception is when transition is for an entirely new product that requires its location to be set up. As for the jeans, you already have a denim wall, so the new jeans coming in should be flexed in and clearance removed to a clearance location to make room as needed. Then when the area needs to be reset the person doing the resetting is simply reorganizing. You shouldn't be backstocking all of the new product... just what won't fit on the floor.

And keep in mind that hardlines (general merchandise) areas of the store are NOT the same as softlines (A&A/Style). A box of shampoo has the dpci on the label that is actually ON the shampoo.... they're not assortments so they match. SO yes, scanning the pic label and telling the zebra 20 (if its 20) and tossing the box works. This NEVER works in assortment boxes. I would say 99.99% of all boxes for Softlines/A&A/Style ARE assortment boxes. So generally this is NEVER okay.

For those of you complaining about all sizes of a particular product in one waco being terrible, this is how corporate wants it. I believe it's supposed to help A&A TMs purge the backroom faster. If you are low on Vneck red shirts for women and they are spread out in 20 different wacos, it's going to take you time to pull them all. If all those red shirts are in one waco, you can access them faster ... even LOCU-ing the whole box and be done. It makes it easier on the DBO to maintain their area/stock by seeing what they have grouped together. I get that this doesn't help with errors but it does help with filling your holes on the sales floor quickly and ensures that you don't have ALL of a product sitting in the backroom without realizing it due to it being scattered everywhere.
THIS! I read what the OP was saying and as someone having experience in softlines/A&A/Style backroom - not just backstocking but setting it up - you can NEVER use the assortment label dpci. It may be linked in the zebra to show you each dpci connected but when you backstock it, it will enter the system as an unopened box and create massive errors as it is pulled.

I know it is a pain in the ass to open boxes and backstock each item separately but it is the only correct way to do it. As a side note, transition is supposed to be opened when it comes in and put in the location on the floor that it will be taking over. The only exception is when transition is for an entirely new product that requires its location to be set up. As for the jeans, you already have a denim wall, so the new jeans coming in should be flexed in and clearance removed to a clearance location to make room as needed. Then when the area needs to be reset the person doing the resetting is simply reorganizing. You shouldn't be backstocking all of the new product... just what won't fit on the floor.

And keep in mind that hardlines (general merchandise) areas of the store are NOT the same as softlines (A&A/Style). A box of shampoo has the dpci on the label that is actually ON the shampoo.... they're not assortments so they match. SO yes, scanning the pic label and telling the zebra 20 (if its 20) and tossing the box works. This NEVER works in assortment boxes. I would say 99.99% of all boxes for Softlines/A&A/Style ARE assortment boxes. So generally this is NEVER okay.

For those of you complaining about all sizes of a particular product in one waco being terrible, this is how corporate wants it. I believe it's supposed to help A&A TMs purge the backroom faster. If you are low on Vneck red shirts for women and they are spread out in 20 different wacos, it's going to take you time to pull them all. If all those red shirts are in one waco, you can access them faster ... even LOCU-ing the whole box and be done. It makes it easier on the DBO to maintain their area/stock by seeing what they have grouped together. I get that this doesn't help with errors but it does help with filling your holes on the sales floor quickly and ensures that you don't have ALL of a product sitting in the backroom without realizing it due to it being scattered everywhere.
YES YES YES to all of this.

If you are picking and you need a black t shirt in a size large, and there is a waco with ten black t shirts, you scan them until you find the one you need. It might take 10-15 seconds longer than if there was only one black t shirt, but having those t shirts located in different areas is silly. The same items should be located together. I understand that FF has their preferences, but they are not the only people who have to deal with merchandise and the backroom. Imagine wanting to fill your t shirt table and having to scan 20 or 30 different locations to get the shirts you need, when you could be scanning two or three.
All Fullfillment Experts are keyed as Guest Advocates in my store. They also do Guest Services when there are no orders on EPick. Guess it really is an ASANTS situation
YES YES YES to all of this.

If you are picking and you need a black t shirt in a size large, and there is a waco with ten black t shirts, you scan them until you find the one you need. It might take 10-15 seconds longer than if there was only one black t shirt, but having those t shirts located in different areas is silly. The same items should be located together. I understand that FF has their preferences, but they are not the only people who have to deal with merchandise and the backroom. Imagine wanting to fill your t shirt table and having to scan 20 or 30 different locations to get the shirts you need, when you could be scanning two or three.

What is happening is that people scanning in the xs black shirt and ignoring all the other sizes under it in that stack. why you will have a bunch of locations so that they are ALL FUCKING LOCATED.
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