Archived Backup cashiering

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Aug 27, 2017
I will be starting on the flow team and was wondering how often flow are used as backup cashiers? I work in a lower volume store and flow typically stays until 12:30pm-1pm.
At my store Flow never backs up... most don't even know how to cashier. I think it's better that way so you guys can get stuff stocked and done. There's Softlines/Hardlines/Grocery/Beauty for any back ups needed.
I will be starting on the flow team and was wondering how often flow are used as backup cashiers? I work in a lower volume store and flow typically stays until 12:30pm-1pm.

At a low volume store you are much more likely to backup. Many low volumes don't have a big salesfloor team to backup in the morning so they will have you do it.

I would do it with a good attitude. It's a great way to boost your hours. Our flow team members who can't cashier are typically the first ones sent home.

If a cashier ever calls out they may extend your shift.
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