Beauty and Tech vs Service and Engagement TL

Jun 25, 2018
So we might be having a beauty/tech TL and a SETL position open come the end of this month and I’m on the bench... just wondering what would be the less stress of the two SETL or Beauty/Tech TL I am upfront now just looking for opinions thanks!
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Where do you see yourself going? If you're staying with Target and want to be comfortable, go with Beauty. If you're looking to gather experience that can be useful at other places of business or more experience to move up within Target, SETL would be a better choice. There is much more decision making involved, more vendor and guest interactions, cash office knowledge, understanding fulfillment/drive-up/pick-up, etc. There are more tm's and all of the nuances that go along with managing a team will give you a lot of management experience as opposed to managing 1 or 2 tms. IMO, front end fills a resume.

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