Does anyone know of any stores that have a beauty TL? If not who is in charge of the beauty department? At my store a Style TL is in charge of the beauty dept.
Does anyone know of any stores that have a beauty TL? If not who is in charge of the beauty department? At my store a Style TL is in charge of the beauty dept.
No Beauty or Tech TL, but 3 Style TLs, so one of us (me, usually) keeps an eye on those departments when our ETL (the Beauty/Tech TMs report straight to them) isn't in the store.
No Beauty or Tech TL, but 3 Style TLs, so one of us (me, usually) keeps an eye on those departments when our ETL (the Beauty/Tech TMs report straight to them) isn't in the store.
Tech and beauty report directly to our style etl also. There are no tls over either area. If the etl is on vacation we have a style tl that used to be a senior. She will oversee beauty at that point and tech just gets ignored.
we are a 46 mill superT with 3 gm and 2 style tls.
Nope, we're not short a TL. We used to have a TL over Beauty and Tech, but we lost that position and gained a Style TL position (we're a high volume Style store).
most stores don't have a specialty sales (tech + beauty) TL. it's earned with sales. in stores that don't have it, specialty sales consultants report directly to the ETL.
No Beauty or Tech TL, but 3 Style TLs, so one of us (me, usually) keeps an eye on those departments when our ETL (the Beauty/Tech TMs report straight to them) isn't in the store.