Archived Being denied a 15 minute break?

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This whole 15 minute thing reeks of government or union workers.

I agree. We should get zero breaks and zero lunches. Hey, what's say we just all voluntarily halve our pay. Better yet, work for free. Because that is exactly what you are doing when you work through your breaks. I'm sure the people who come behind us will appreciate the increased workloads we create for them by falsifying how much work can be done because people are skipping breaks.
I was kind of pissed but I wanted to be kept on so I did it. Wasn't able to get off for like an hour. After that I just forgot about my break and went back to carts.
I have never been told that I couldn't take a break. I won't give up my first 15, I seldom take a second 15 simply because usually I am trying to get xyz done before I leave...and there never seems to be enough time to get it all done. I have had a etl ask me something about the backroom while I was on break...if its just one question I will answer. If its more than a simple question, I just say I have x minutes left on my break, I will partner with you when I get back.
I do often opt to skip my breaks when I lack double coverage, but I don't expect others to do the same, and if for some reason I do decide to take my break, it better not be refused.

I also certainly don't coerce cashiers into giving up their breaks no matter how busy the store is.
I don't know if this is a Canadian thing or not but they are super strict with this whole 2-4-6 thing. 15 minutes 2 hours into your shift, 30 minutes 4 hours in, 15 minutes 5 hours in, etc.

That's how we did things in my store... It's recommended that you take them around those times, and in my experience with writing break schedules it's so much easier to hold yourself to a strict standard (the 2-4-6 thing)
I have never been told that I couldn't take a break. I won't give up my first 15, I seldom take a second 15 simply because usually I am trying to get xyz done before I leave...and there never seems to be enough time to get it all done.

Having held many salaried corporate positions, you simply have too many things to get done to take breaks. When you're not punching a clock there is no such thing as working off the clock and thus rarely time for half hour lunches (unless they're working lunches), and if you don't work nights and weekends then urgent emails and tasks just pile up.
Like, I said I will let my second break go without much of a complaint ( its always been my choice to do so) However, I wont give up my first break. The issue is Spot wants to get every little bit of work out of you they can....they don't realize that not every single second of your shift is spent in your own work center. Ie, 4x4s, guest assistance, pushing cafs, breaks and lunches etc.
A couple of days ago I was 5 minutes in to my 15 and got asked to backup cashier. And I did it. I was very annoyed.

When you're on break, turn off your walkie. Target policy is that you can't be disallowed to take the entirety of that break, and if your leaders have any idea what the hell they're doing, they would respect that.
A couple of days ago I was 5 minutes in to my 15 and got asked to backup cashier. And I did it. I was very annoyed.

When you're on break, turn off your walkie. Target policy is that you can't be disallowed to take the entirety of that break, and if your leaders have any idea what the hell they're doing, they would respect that.
I was sitting at the cafe, and there was only 1 cashier and I was asked "are you on your break?" I said yes, and she said if I would mind hopping on. I wanted to be kept so I said sure il hop on
This whole 15 minute thing reeks of government or union workers.

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15s are more of an idea than a concrete thing. I rarely take more than 1 even on shifts that should get 2-3, and usually it is just 5-10 minutes long.

Don't know about culture in all stores, but those who are liked and respected in my store rarely take breaks and always keep them short. Technically you may be entitled to it, but there are times where the "cost" is just too great to inconvenience the rest of the team. Ideally this would never be an issue, but practically it seems to happen pretty often.
No, the are not. Breaks are part of company policy. If you don't take them, shame on you. If you're in a leadership position, shame on you. You should all be put on CA. There are those that absolutely need those breaks (a diabetic, for example) and you setting precedents for it being ok to not take them or not letting people take them or take them in a timely manner is setting up the company for a potential bad situation that they think they have provided for. STOP THIS NOW.
I dont get people who "work through their break." That's essentially lettig Target take advantage of you. There's almost no position at the store at TM or TL level where there would be a circumstance where taking your 15 would cause a meltdown.

I see people come up with all kinds of excuses for skipping their 15

" People would have to wait in line" - So? They do it at Walmart
"My workload needs to get done" - Trust me, if you're able to finish your workload with an extra 15 mins, then maybe you should work a little faster when not on break or stay a little later
"The lanes would fall apart without me" - So? That's Target's problem, not yours

My stores ETL's stressed that you're not to work through your break to "benefit target" because during those 15 mins, you're not being paid to work, you're being paid to rest. Working though your break creates the illusion that you're getting more work than you should and throws the process off when creating the work load.

If every Flow TM (lets say 25 tms) skipped one 15 break, that means they added a total 6 1/2 hours of progress of work which while looking good on paper, means that they would have to spend less time on the floor, which means less hours, and the store would also need to schedule SFTMs to fill that gap for a 6 am team. Your push goals like 1 box a min would most likely go down to 2 boxes a min and other adjustments like that since if gives the illusion that you're working hard than what the ob calls for.

Even if you volunteer skip it, you're letting target walk over you.
I didn't skip my break. I got more sales for spot & so we could get payroll for more cashiers, next time.
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How do you guys feel about breaks on a 3 hour shift?
Most of my CA shifts will be from 7pm-10pm. And I have to throw away garbage get ALL carts take hangers back distribute baskets and take back crc,salvage,toss, etc. and I feel like il bareley have enough time to do it in 3 hours. So I was thinking of maybe just skipping my 15. Or just take one QUICK 5mim smoke break and get back to work.
I almost always leave 10-15 mins after close. It's impossible to leave exactly at 10. At 10 there's still like 20 guests checking out and I have to wait till they're all out so I can get all their carts in. I wasn't able to clock out till exactly 10:30 a few days ago. And after that LOD didn't let me out till like 10:45
Breaks are part of company policy. If you don't take them, shame on you. If you're in a leadership position, shame on you.
Agreed... I am just a TM and am responsible for myself, not a team. A lead not taking breaks would set an expectation.

No one ever tells me I can't take a break, I just prefer to finish what I'm working on before I stop, whether in work or play. If I'm trying to get caught up on reshop, pulls, zone, whatever and find myself 5 hours into a shift, I just start coordinating with others to cover my meal. By the time I'm back, I only have a little time left to finish what I'm working on, so don't want to waste time sitting around.

If I wanted to take a break, I don't think anyone would stop me, but I would really regret it if I left a mess for the next person coming in after me.
We don't give breaks for shifts under 4 hours, but that may vary store to store.

Except for minors and those 3.75 shifts, ET-HR demands we give them breaks.
Breaks are part of company policy. If you don't take them, shame on you. If you're in a leadership position, shame on you.
Agreed... I am just a TM and am responsible for myself, not a team. A lead not taking breaks would set an expectation.

No one ever tells me I can't take a break, I just prefer to finish what I'm working on before I stop, whether in work or play. If I'm trying to get caught up on reshop, pulls, zone, whatever and find myself 5 hours into a shift, I just start coordinating with others to cover my meal. By the time I'm back, I only have a little time left to finish what I'm working on, so don't want to waste time sitting around.

If I wanted to take a break, I don't think anyone would stop me, but I would really regret it if I left a mess for the next person coming in after me.
Breaks are company policy. Plan your work to fit them in - they are part of your work day whether you want to take them or not. If you can't do that, then you need to partner with your team lead to get some training or ideas on how to plan and complete your work in a more efficient way. A lead not taking a break is not setting an expectation, they are breaking policy.
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